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Assessment of challenges of compliance to traffic law enforcement in Ondo State: a case study of Akure metropolis

Assessment of challenges of compliance to traffic law enforcement in Ondo State: a case study of Akure metropolis




Road Traffic Law Enforcement in Nigeria was designed to combat the growing number of road crashes and fatalities, as well as to compel road users to comply with traffic laws and regulations, all of which remain a major problem in Nigeria. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) played a significant role in the debate over the enforcement of road traffic rules within the scope of this study. Data collection served as the methodology for this specific piece of writing. According to the study results, the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) lacks functioning equipment, which affects its efficiency. In addition, it was determined that road traffic laws are comprehensive and adequate, but ineffective enforcement is the primary reason of noncompliance. According to the study results, the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) has performed very well, especially in terms of teaching motorists via a range of public awareness campaigns. Poorly maintained roads, with narrow lanes and potholes, lead to traffic congestion and accidents, according to the conclusions of the study. After identifying these obstacles, the study made a number of recommendations, including providing adequate funding for the corps, ensuring that all relevant law enforcement agencies enforce existing road traffic laws effectively, providing training for law enforcement personnel, and constructing roads that are suitable for the purpose.



Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

The whole process of persuading road users to respect traffic rules and regulations via the prospect of detection and subsequent imposition of a penalty is referred to as “traffic law enforcement” and is contained under the umbrella phrase “traffic law enforcement.” The objective of enforcing traffic laws is to influence the conduct of road users so as to reduce their risk of being involved in a traffic collision. Traffic law enforcement is the real work of monitoring violations of traffic laws, apprehending offenders, and obtaining evidence necessary for punishment. In turn, these activities of law enforcement may be seen as an important part of the broader concept known as “traffic management.” [Bibliography required] This concept of traffic management comprises not just operations immediately associated with enforcement, but also activities of a more general character associated with traffic observation. Registration, the issue of licenses, administration, counseling, information, and education are examples of these activities. It is hardly surprising that these two concepts are tightly connected. Both the enforcement of traffic regulations and the overall management of traffic depend greatly on the involvement of law enforcement, notably the police. As a result, the effectiveness of a system for enforcing traffic laws cannot be evaluated in isolation from developments within the police force or the manner in which the police collaborate with other parties in the chain of organizations responsible for traffic management and enforcing traffic laws. The only way for enforcement to be effective is if it occurs within an atmosphere that is favorable to its success, including laws, regulations, a sensitive criminal system, and cooperative bodies.

In emerging countries, traffic-related injuries have become a significant hazard to public health as well as social and economic stability. Despite the fact that transportation has offered man more freedom and mobility, his increasing reliance on vehicle mobility has afforded him and the activities he participates in a great degree of convenience. The road is the most hazardous mode of transportation, and the most distressing aspect of utilizing it is the greater likelihood of getting involved in a traffic collision. Due to this, the problem of road traffic accidents has become the leading cause of death on a worldwide scale, making it an issue of global concern. In poor nations, where the proportion of motor vehicles to the population is often much lower than in industrialized ones, the number of fatalities attributable to automobile accidents is typically higher. It has been shown, for instance, that accidents in developing nations cost around one percent of their yearly gross national product, so using scarce financial resources that these governments cannot afford to lose (Akpoghomeh, 1998).

Road traffic accidents account for a disproportionately high number of deaths and fatalities in Nigeria, ranking the country among the highest in the world and placing it in second place after deaths caused by starvation and gastroenteritis, according to Adebisi (1988), as cited in Balogun (2000). (2006). According to the judgments of a number of experts, the following kinds of circumstances are among the most frequent causes of vehicular accidents: According to Oyeyemi (2003:4), about 80% of all recorded occurrences of road traffic accidents in the country are caused by human error. This includes participating in unsafe overtaking tactics at curves and hilltops, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, violating the speed limit, and using a mobile phone while driving. Oyeyemi continues by stating that this is a situation in which drivers carry people and property in autos with technical defects while disregarding safety. These autos are not roadworthy because they do not meet the minimum safety standards. Occasionally, poor weather conditions, such as haze, mist, harmattan, and even heavy rain, may limit visibility, hence increasing the risk of accidents.

In actuality, nobody is shocked by stories of deaths caused by autos on Nigerian roads. On the other hand, the number of deaths could surprise some individuals. Every day, newspapers in Nigeria report on road traffic events that are judged noteworthy based only on their severity. At times, newspapers will create a tally of the overall number of lives lost as if they were providing a cost breakdown. As an example, “almost a hundred lives were lost due to fatal incidents in the Nyanya area during the previous year.” According to these studies, accidents occur frequently in our culture. In light of the aforementioned, the researcher seeks to investigate the challenges connected with maintaining traffic law enforcement compliance in Ondo State: a case study of the Akure metropolitan region.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The objective of traffic enforcement is to enhance public safety by preventing infractions, reducing crashes, and making driving more pleasurable for the general public. While doing so, it deters other cars from committing a violation and, historically, has been demonstrated to influence the conduct of both the driver who was fined and onlookers. In the course of carrying out these tasks, a variety of issues arise, including corrupt practices, poor roads, poor vehicle condition, and neglect, among others. This study aims to examine the obstacles that impede individuals in the state of Ondo from cooperating with traffic law enforcement. Using Akura metropolis

1.3 Objective of the study

Several of the study’s objectives are as follows:

This study’s objective is to assess the challenges of sustaining compliance with traffic law enforcement in the Akure metropolitan region of Ondo state.
In order to establish the effect of tougher enforcement of traffic regulations in the Akure metropolitan region of Ondo state, this study was conducted.
In order to evaluate whether or not the enforcement of traffic regulations has the ability to promote compliance and, as a consequence, contribute to the safety of the Akure metropolitan region, Ondo state, this study aims to examine whether or not this is the case.

1.4 Research question

Does the enforcement of traffic regulations in the metropolitan region of Akure, which is situated in the state of Ondo, encounter any difficulties?
Does the enforcement of traffic regulations in the Ondo state city of Akure have any effect?
Is there a chance that greater enforcement of traffic regulations might increase compliance rates, therefore making the metropolitan region of Akure in Ondo state safer?

1.5 Significance of the study

The importance of this initiative cannot be emphasized, as it will provide light on the challenges encountered by those tasked with enforcing traffic laws on the roadway. The results of the research will throw light on the barriers encountered by individuals entrusted with enforcing traffic regulations, providing recommendations to those responsible for determining how the conditions of service may be improved to enable service members to do their tasks more efficiently. It will also guide policymakers in the formulation of policies to fight the plague of road traffic crashes and the distribution of funds to the commission for the effective enforcement of road traffic regulations on the highway. This report will facilitate the accomplishment of both of these objectives. The study will also act as a wake-up call for other researchers and encourage more investigation into the challenges involved with the organization, behavior, and manner of enforcing highway traffic regulations.

1.6 Scope of the study

The scope of this study involves an examination of the challenges involved with adhering to the enforcement of traffic rules in the state of Ondo, with a particular emphasis on the city of Akure. Only the metropolitan region of Akure in the state of Ondo will be examined.

1.7 Limitation of the study

Financial constraints – When there are insufficient finances, it may be difficult for researchers to properly obtain the essential materials, literature, or information, and it can slow down the data collection process (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraints will require the researcher to conduct this investigation alongside other academic obligations. As a direct result, this will cut the amount of time spent doing research.

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL This substantially limits the scope of the investigation.
Following is a definition of the terms:

Adherence to a rule, such as a law, policy, standard, or specification, is an illustration of what “compliance” means. Regulatory compliance is the characterization of the goals that organizations want to achieve to ensure that they grasp the relevant policies, rules, and regulations and take the necessary steps to comply with them.

The objective of traffic law enforcement is to increase public safety by preventing violations, reducing the number of accidents, and enhancing public enjoyment. Simultaneously, it deters other motorists from committing an infraction and has a historical propensity to impact the behaviour of both the driver who was fined and onlookers.


Assessment of challenges of compliance to traffic law enforcement in Ondo State: a case study of Akure metropolis



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