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1.1 Background Of The Study

Nigeria has progressed as a developing country from stage to stage since the period of Colonialism. It would be critical to be familiar with the country’s history and development of adult education.

Adult education dates back to the fourteenth (14) century, when itinerant Islamic scholars and traders in the Muslim north of the country taught Arabic literacy through the study of the Koran.

Christian missionaries later introduced Western education to parts of southern and central Nigeria. This education, on the other hand, was fundamentally selective, with the express objective of becoming literate in order to read the scriptures. The British Colonial Government made concerted efforts in the twentieth century to provide some adult education in Nigeria.

The British Colonial Office proposed the implementation of an adult education programme in African countries in its 1925 memorandum on Education policy in British Tropical Africa.

Adult education in Nigeria began in 1944 (Omelewa 1981), and by 1941, a national literacy programme was well underway, albeit with little success due to inadequate implementation.

Aderinaye noted on page 7 of his book Literacy Education in Nigeria that Holy Trinity Anglican School began evening classes in Kano in 1940. Continuing, he informed us that experiments in community development and literacy began in Udi in 1942, with Chadwick E. R. as the organiser.

He also noted that an association known as Adult education Student Association was created in 1958, before to our independence in 1960. The Association formed what was known as an inner committee.

The committee was responsible with preparing for the launch of a national body and a constitution to be considered at their conference at the University of Nigeria Nsuka.

Nigeria gained independence in 1960, and literacy efforts in Nigeria were boosted in 1965 when Unesco financed the development of an Adult Literacy Institute in Ibadan. The Nigerian National Council for Adult Education (UNCAE) was established in 1971 to serve as a “Voice” for adult education practice in Nigeria.

It achieved remarkable things in a short period of time, becoming a force to be reckoned with in terms of adult and non-formal education programme planning, implementation, and evaluation.

In particular, the UNCAE played a leading role in driving aggressive campaigns and advocacy at the government and university levels to ensure that Adult Education programmes were included at all levels of the education system. Since its foundation, the UNCAE has collaborated with government and non-governmental organisations in Nigeria to:

Establish Adult and Non-formal Education Agencies in all Federation States beginning in 1950.

Establish Adult and Non-formal Education Agencies in all Federation States beginning in 1950.

In 1974, the Federal Ministry of Education established the Adult and Non-formal Education unit.

In 1990, the National Mass Education Commission (NME) was established.

Establish Adult Education departments in federal universities.

Create a human resource pool of adult and non-formal education professionals.

In 1990, the Federal Military Government formed the National Commission for Mass Education (NMEC), which was in charge of organising, monitoring, and assessing adult literacy practices in the country. The commission’s functions are decentralised, having offices in each of the country’s six geopolitical zones.

The 36 states, as well as all 774 municipal governments. Literacy classes are coordinated and supervised only by local adult education officers, supervisors, and literacy instructors.

A minimum of ten literacy sessions are expected in the local government, with extra programmes managed and supported by non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

Basic competencies, such as reading, writing, and numeracy, are tested. Life skills, which are at the heart of all literacy programmes, are also assessed.

After laying the groundwork, this research would seek to determine the government’s involvement in the development of adult education in Edo State, using Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Areas as a case study,

and would attempt to evaluate the government’s involvement and developmental assistance to the organisation in accordance with the National Commission for Mass Education (NMEC).


Following the preceding context, there is widespread worry about the global illiteracy rate, despite the fact that third-world countries have seen a rise in literacy rates over the last few decades.

Illiteracy is a significant impediment to national growth. It is not only an impediment to the country’s socioeconomic and political reform, but its abolition will also hasten progress.

Adult Education has been proven over time to be a major tool for eradicating illiteracy and its negative consequences, which may have led to its consideration by the National Policy on Education, but aside from this consideration, its major flaw has been the nonchalant attitude shown to its government.

It is therefore critical to address the potential ramifications if the administration continues to pay little attention to adult literacy programmes in the state. For starters, one of its significant consequences, which would later give birth to others, is the problem of illiteracy.

According to (Osunde and Omoruyi, 1977), “illiteracy is undeniably a threat to humanity’s progress and well-being.”The rise in illiteracy in society will surely result in poverty, disease, backwardness, economic insecurity, corruption, and other vices, among other things. Thus, it has been scientifically demonstrated that literacy can boost people’s engagement in government,

development-oriented activities, and develops a stronger desire for rapid national and local development, as well as improve people’s health and nutrition.

As a result, Adult Education is seen as a means of adjusting to changing circumstances and facing the problems of the day, ensuring that society survives and thrives. Because of this understanding, the government should strengthen its involvement in Adult Literacy programmes in the Ikpoba-Okha local government region.


The primary goal of this research is to examine government funding in adult literacy programmes. However, in order to complete the study successfully, the researcher intends to meet the following sub-objectives:

1. Determine the government’s investment in adult literacy programmes.

2. Determine the population’s response rate to an adult literacy programme.

3. Determine the impact of adult literacy education on Ikpob-Okha local government area indigenes.

4. Determine the association between adult literacy education and IKpob-Okha local government area indigenes.

5. To learn about the tactics and innovations implemented by the government since the commencement of the adult literacy programme in Edo State.


The researcher developed the following research hypotheses in order to successfully complete the study:

H0: Adult literacy education has little effect on the indigenes of the Ikpob-Okha local government region.

H1: Adult literacy education has an impact on the indigenes of the Ikpob-Okha local government region.

H02: There is no statistically significant link between adult literacy education and IKpob-Okha local government area indigenes.

H2: There is a substantial association between adult literacy education and IKpob-Okha local government area indigenes.


Edward Hutchinson defined adult education as “an organised provision to enable men and women to enlarge and interpret their own living experience.” Furthermore, according to the research, the concept of adult literacy as a fundamental component of adult education encompasses all educational activities carried out by adults going about their daily lives.

This branch of education thus comes directly from the people, and it enables its recipients to successfully deal with life’s problems and contribute meaningfully to communal improvement.

In light of the foregoing, the researcher believes that the study’s findings will assist in enlightening the government on the need for adult literacy in the Ikpoba-Okha local government area, and that if improved efforts are made, it will greatly contribute to the State’s social, economic, and political advancement.


The study’s scope includes an assessment of government investment in adult literacy programmes. The researcher comes upon a constraint that limits the scope of the investigation;

a) RESEARCH MATERIAL AVAILABILITY: The researcher’s research material is insufficient, restricting the scope of the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

c) Organisational privacy: Limited access to the selected auditing firm makes obtaining all necessary and required information about the operations challenging.


Adult: a mature person who has reached complete adulthood and development.

An illiterate is a person who is uneducated and unable to read or write.

Literate: An educated individual who is capable of reading and writing.

Adult education: This refers to a general enlightenment programme designed to improve adults or mature citizens of society.

Assessment: to enquire into, judge, or act on the amount, value, quality, or importance of a thing or placed on a thing.

Government: A defined constitutional body that rules with authority and manages a state’s policy, acts, and affairs.

Effort: A significant amount of physical or mental exertion is required to accomplish something.


This research paper is divided into five chapters for easy comprehension.

The first chapter is concerned with the introduction, which includes the (overview of the study), historical background, problem statement, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms, and historical background of the study.

The second chapter emphasises the theoretical framework on which the study is based, as well as a survey of related literature. The third chapter discusses the study’s research strategy and methodology.

The fourth chapter focuses on data gathering, analysis, and presenting of findings. The study’s summary, conclusion, and suggestions are presented in Chapter 5.

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