Today’s changing world, values and standards of human were changed with urbanization. In this innovation people was differentiated existing uses and produced new areas. These changes vary from country to country to the point of economic, cultural and geographical reasons. Also, these locations were determined to same principles basis for human uses.
Life style was changed with urbanization. In this process rural areas were changed to urban areas. These areas are dominated by mass of concrete. In these areas there are small green areas at a minute level. In the process of rapid urbanization was created an unnatural environment. In the developed countries, open space locations were effected physical and mental development of residents. This effect was adversely.
With this innovation in urban areas, people entered into a craving for natural areas. At initial, green areas have been created to resolve natural longing of people. Open spaces location has become the indispensable elements of ecological, aesthetic and recreational value.
Establish of open space systems has become a necessity in today. Open spaces is said to be all open spaces of public value, including not just Land but also Islands, bodies of Water such as Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and reservoirs which offer important opportunity for Sports and outdoor recreation and can also act as a visual amenity, David (2011).
An open space location focuses on officially designated existing or planned public open spaces that are available to the public at no cost or through a nominal fee, Travlou (2007). The term “Open space location can be described as many types of open areas”.
As the counterpart of development, Marilyn (2011) described urban open spaces as natural and cultural resource, synonymous” with neither “unused Land” nor park or recreational areas; or Land or water area with its surface open to the sky, consciously acquired or publicly regulated to serve conservation and urban shaping function as well as provide recreational opportunities.
As noted by many authors such as Marilyn (2011), the Landscapes of urban open spaces can range from playing field to highly maintained environment to relatively natural landscapes. They are commonly open to public access. The authors also observed that urban open spaces may be privately owned. These include areas outside of city boundaries such as state and national parks as well as open spaces in the Countryside.
However, Kayden (2011) shows that Public open space is defined as public or privately owned land that is publicly accessible and has been designated for leisure, play or sports or a portion of land set aside for the protection and/or enhancement of the natural environment.
It is well established that the utilization of public open spaces have long been regarded as an important part of residential development in land use planning.
This is not far from the prescriptions in the Akure Master Plan which is unfortunately not being properly managed, implemented and maintained Falade (2011) in his article on public acquisition of land for landscaping and open space management shows that since the mid- 1950s there has been a growing interest in recreation, conservation of public open spaces, pollution abatement and myriad of other ways to improve the quality of the environment.
He further showed that there has been an increasing demand for recreational public open spaces for leisure and its related activities. The importance of open spaces to our environment and quality of life is increasingly recognized (De Groot, 2011; Naveh, 2010; Ward Thompson, 2013; Chiesura, 2012). In many countries, open spaces are today regarded an integral part of land use planning decisions.
However, approaches to open space planning vary, and there is no general agreement on the desirable planning criteria as to how much open space is needed, where open spaces should be located or how they should be used. Various methods and concepts of open space planning that emerged over the years are described in literature. Yet, those have never been compared on a systematic basis. The purpose of the present study is to review and analyze open space location and its functionality to planning in Akure.
The utilization of public open spaces in Akure is a major problem which can be shown in different ways from observation of some public open spaces in Akure. As Oruwari (2011) and Abdulkarim (2010) observed some of the public open spaces are being given out for residential development and other land uses far from open space concern, those not given out are neglected and turned to dump sites. However, in the present day land-use system in Nigeria especially in Akure, Public open spaces though available are hardly accessed and utilized in the area. Abdulkarim (2010) and Oruwari (2011) showing that some of the public open spaces available have either being reallocated to nonpublic open spaces uses nor managed or neglected and have become homes for the mentally disturbed, and hoodlums. The importance of public open spaces cannot be over emphasized. Akure has a range of public open spaces which ought to be maintained to enhance utilization and improve the quality of life of the people. Public open space should be planned in conjunction with other land-uses for multiple objectives. Hence the study seems to examine the assessment of open space location and its functionality to planning in Akure.
The major aim of the study is to examine assessment of open space location and its functionality to planning in Akure. Other specific objectives of the study include;
- To examine the problems of managing open space location in Akure
- To examine the importance of open spaces location in the built environment.
- To examine the impact of open space location and its functionality on planning in Akure.
- To examine the functionality of open space location to planning in Akure.
- To examine the relationship between open space location, its functionality and planning in Akure.
- To suggest ways in making open spaces an integral part of a sustainable environment.
- What are the problems of managing open space location in Akure?
- What is the importance of open spaces location in the built environment?
- What is the impact of open space location and its functionality on planning in Akure?
- What is the functionality of open space location to planning in Akure?
- What is the relationship between open space location, its functionality and planning in Akure?
- What are ways in making open spaces an integral part of a sustainable environment?
Hypothesis 1
- : There are is no significant impact of open space location and its functionality on planning in Akure.
- : There is a significant impact of open space location and its functionality on planning in Akure.
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no significant relationship between open space location, its functionality and planning in Akure.
H1: There is a significant relationship between open space location, its functionality and planning in Akure.
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The study will be of profound benefits to enlighten the people on the body system needs which is not be overworked and constantly under stress. And also, that there is usually a time for one to get off the usual routine daily activities that are geared towards the pursuit of wealth. The importance of recreation to the individual well-being cannot be over emphasized. Open space are intended to provide a means of escape from the cramped, confined and controlling circumstances of the streets of the town, in order words, a sense of enlarged freedom, Alexander (2011). A well planned public open space has the propensity to attract and/or induce people to utilize it. The abandonment or neglect of public parks denies the people the opportunity to recreate. This study would also be of immense benefit to students and scholars who are interested in developing further studies on the subject matter.
The study is restricted to assessment of open space location and its functionality to planning in Akure.
Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview)
Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
Open Space land: Land generally is seen as a „space-room‟ and surface within which all life engagements take place. Land does not only include the surface of the earth but also the cubic space. Land embraces lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and troposphere (lower stratum of atmosphere). Therefore, „Open space‟ is used in this study to describe a non-built environment or out door space that provides green relief to its users. Such spaces are absolutely accessible and not under any roof cover as found in indoor spaces. As a relevant concept in the urban area, it means areas not permitted for erection of any form of structures commonly found in residential or commercial uses. It is a place marked out for relaxation purpose by either urban planners or by city developers in any urban area. Two types are recognized, that is, Private Open Space (this is, an underdeveloped portion of a plot kept open for outdoor use) and Public Open Space – an open space owned, leased to or put in trust of the community and used by the public for outdoor activities.

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