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The goal of this study was to assess social media as a vehicle for effective advertising. The study will specifically examine if clients are aware of the transformational use of social media advertising.

The study also looks into whether social media advertising is expected to provide a dependable and cost-effective method of reaching out to stakeholders, as well as long-term business-customer interactions.

Consider whether the new breakthroughs of Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web provide a chance for consumers and advertisers to interact constructively and meaningfully to their mutual benefit. Finally, describe how social media advertising may impact a prospective consumer on a similar product.

The survey descriptive research design was used in this study. The poll had a total of 141 valid responses. According to the replies obtained and examined, student-customers understood the revolutionary applicability of social media advertising.

Furthermore, social media advertising is designed to provide a stable and cost-effective means of communicating with stakeholders and developing long-term business-customer relationships.

Finally, the new breakthroughs of Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web enable consumers and advertisers to communicate constructively and meaningfully for mutual benefit.

report also recommends that advertisers accept consumers’ opinions and aspirations because it will have a significant impact and benefit on their product, particularly as social media advances and changes brand communication. Producers should also consider the type of brand influencers they use to promote their products.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, social media is an essential component of one’s life. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkIn have a growing user base. It is estimated that almost 500 million people utilise social media (Ostrow, 2010). The growing number of social media users has sparked interest among marketers.

Marketers recognise the value of social media marketing in their marketing communication strategy. Furthermore, social media enables businesses to interact with their clients.

These meetings help marketers identify client needs and build an insight of their market. Key commercial components of social media allow users to evaluate things, offer recommendations to contacts or acquaintances, and broadcast any transactions conducted through social media.

Social media may influence purchase behaviour in any service or product. Quality, brand, advertising, and pricing all influence buyer decisions. The interaction of social media and consumer decision-making shows that social media has an impact on consumer advertising attitudes, brand attitudes, and purchasing intentions. It will not always influence customer decisions, but it may play a mediating role (Taining, 2012).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Marketers all over the world are increasingly concerned with how to utilise social media advertising to increase brand awareness, image, and equity (Alhaddad, 2015) in ways that take into account audience preferences and maximise value for their brands and businesses.

Over the last few decades, social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook have altered how people interact with one another.The human side of online interactions reveals people’s participation in social activities and the formation of distinct groups based on their preferences, hobbies, and educational levels, as opposed to advertisers’ assumptions about consumer profiles.

Students from one institution, for example, may be related because they attend the same school, whereas people who meet online may share common interests. As a result, advertisers try to tailor ads to people who are interested in their products.

The demanding and shifting nature of audience brand choices has resulted in significant shifts in consumer decision-making and buying behaviours. Brand material can no longer be pushed down the throats of unwilling customers.

Consumer-generated media, such as social media platforms, is actively initiated, created, used, and circulated by customers to educate one another about products, companies, services, personalities, and concerns (Blackshaw & Nazzaro, 2006).

However, given the rapidly changing audience choices shown by a consumer survey, current technologies such as social media should be leveraged to match market products with consumer brand preferences such as those of students. Brand preferences appear to be becoming more complex (Schultz, Don, & Martin, 2011b).

Customers are overloaded with information, therefore marketers can get through their filters by recognising or making extremely penetrating claims about their services or items (Silverman, 2001:95).

Marketers used social media advertising to gain insight into their clients’ brand preferences. However, little is known about how social media advertising influences brand selections, particularly among higher education students (Jiang, Ni, and Srinivasan, 2014). The problem thus lies in the product’s target audience’s preferences.

On the one hand, marketers all over the world are increasingly concerned with using social media advertising to increase brand awareness, brand image, and brand equity (Alhaddad, 2015) in ways that capture customer preferences and maximise value for their brands and businesses.

Audiences, on the other hand, have utilised social media’s interactive capabilities to become more demanding of marketers and service providers, to highly personalise their preferences, and to caution and educate one another on products.

As a result, audiences are utilising social media platforms to complement their information search, aid in decision-making, and promote rational purchase transactions in ways that may leverage their purchasing power. As a result, the study titled “An Assessment of Social Media as a Vehicle for Effective Advertising” was required.

1.3 Object of the Study

The basic purpose of this investigation is as follows.

To investigate whether customers have awareness on the transformative usage of social media advertising.

To investigate if social media advertising is envisaged to provide trustworthy and cost-effective methods of reaching out to stakeholders, long-term business-customer relationships

To determine whether the new advancements of Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web allow consumers and advertisers to interact constructively and meaningfully for the benefit of both.

To suggest how social media advertising can influence a prospective customer on a similar product.


The following questions were designed for this investigation.

Do student-customers have understanding about the transformative application of social media advertising?

Is social media advertising intended to give trustworthy and cost-effective methods of reaching out to stakeholders, as well as long-term business-customer relationships?

Does the new technology of Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web allow consumers and advertising to interact?

Is there any way social media advertising can influence a prospective consumer on a similar product?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The relevance of this study cannot be understated because:

This study will analyse social media advertising and its influence on audience preferences for similar products.

The conclusions of this research will surely provide much-needed knowledge to government organisations, brand influencers, and academia.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study will look at social media as a vehicle for effective advertising. It will also look into whether customers are aware of the transformative use of social media advertising,

and whether social media advertising is designed to give dependable and cost-effective methods of reaching out to stakeholders, resulting in long-term business-customer relationships. Hence, will be narrowed down to university students who consume Bigi beverages.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

This study was hampered by the following factors:

similarly like any other research, ranging from the absence of necessary accurate materials on the issue under study, inability to collect data

The researcher experienced financial constraints in obtaining essential resources, as well as printing and collating questionnaires.

Time factor: Another restraint is needing to bounce between writing the research and engaging in other academic activity, which makes it unsettling for the researcher.

1.8 Definition of Terms

The phrase “social media” refers to websites and programmes that emphasise on communication, community-based input, engagement, content sharing, and collaboration.

Advertising is the activity or profession of creating advertisements for commercial products or services.

A product is a manufactured or refined commodity or substance intended for sale.

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