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Assessment Of The Contribution Of Adult Reduction Programme Towards Education For Self-Actualization

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Adult Reduction Programme Towards Education For Self-Actualization

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Assessment Of The Contribution Of Adult Reduction Programme Towards Education For Self-Actualization


Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

Adult education refers to the education provided to an adult, whether male or female. Many people associate education with what happens in a school classroom, a series of lessons on specific “subjects” followed by examinations and culminating in a “qualified” or ticket to determine the type and level of job; from this perspective, anyone who has never attended school is uneducated and ignorant.

Such a viewpoint was typical of the colonial period, when foreign rulers were eager to encourage people to absorb a specific type of information adequate to make them great clerks or store keepers, rather than going beyond that knowledge to independent thinking and questioning.

Some learning is informal, meaning it occurs unintentionally and informally as a result of market shopping, a radio commercial, or the front page of the newspaper. When learning is intentionally supported, it becomes an integral element of the educational process. If education is lifelong, then it can be pursued at any age.

Though it is acknowledged that some types of learning, particularly talents, are dependent on youth, official attainment of adulthood is sometimes celebrated by specific ceremonies and rituals ranging from traditional initiation to a twenty-first birthday celebration.

These characteristics include physiological maturity, the ability to marry and have children, the ability to earn a living and contribute to society through the work of the hand or brain, and the recognised right to perform whatever civil duties the political system allows (such as paying taxes and voting).

An adult is expected to accept full responsibility for his actions, any debt he incurs, and any agreement. A simple practical definition of an adult, as used in corporate or implied contexts, is a man or woman who has reached complete physical development and chooses to participate as a responsible homemaker, worker, and member of society.

Adult education can also be defined as any education provided to an adult person, male or female. It promotes the development of information and skills by adults and includes literacy training, which enables adults to learn how to read and write.

It encompasses all education provided to adults in traditional society. Adult education encompasses studying in the home, traditional or secret organisations, and age-grade meetings.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The research activity aims to find out the contribution of the adult education program towards education for self-actualization. In the egor local government area.

Adult education is a planned system for adult learners because the official school system is unable to meet their needs owing to their age and the time constraints of the lectures.

Adult education organisers should have broad goals and objectives for their programs that align with federal government education policy.


After stating the contribution of adult education to self-actualization in a certain local government region, it is necessary to describe the objectives and hence the purpose of this study.

To investigate the impact of adult education on self-actualization.

To find out if adults can get a white collar job after school.

To determine whether adult learners may develop their home morals towards knowledge acquisition during their course of study.

To ensure adults with the necessary knowledge, wisdom, and skills for society (1.4 research questions).

The following research questions were developed for this study:

What is the importance of adult education?

What factors lead to adult education?

What is the rate of illiteracy in egor local government area?

How can adult education benefit both men and women? Is there a link between adult education and reducing illiteracy?

What role does society play in developing adult education programs? Is there a permanent illiteracy rate among men and women in the local government area?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This is a curriculum created for people who were unable to obtain education at the appropriate time. The adult learner must acquire these skills during this period of study.

The adult learner is free to study any subject in which he believes he would be intelligent; this is his area of specialisation; he must be an expert in his field and create an enthusiasm for teaching his students.

Adult learners must be competent teaching planners, identifying their target objectives and sketching out the necessary evaluation strategies to meet the desired goal of education.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study is centred on the contribution of adult education to self-actualization. It is done to understand the importance of adult education for self-actualization, social economics, and political development in the future. It also highlights some of the benefits and drawbacks of becoming a professional adult educator. The research would be conducted with the help of students, parents, teachers, and principals from a few selected centres in the area.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Long-life education refers to the concept of education as a continuous process that occurs throughout an individual’s life, from birth to death.

Illiteracy refers to a person who has received no formal education. He is generally a peasant farmer, who is conservative and faithful to the ancient customs and ways of life in the village.

Adult: An adult is a person who has attained the requisite age of 19 years and is capable of assuming responsibility for his actions.

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