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Associating Animation with Concrete Models in Reducing Vulnerability of Early Childhood Pupils to Environmental Hazards in Agege Lagos State

Associating Animation with Concrete Models in Reducing Vulnerability of Early Childhood Pupils to Environmental Hazards in Agege Lagos State

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Associating Animation with Concrete Models in Reducing Vulnerability of Early Childhood Pupils to Environmental Hazards in Agege Lagos State

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study.

The environment in which we live is fraught with danger and risk for both children and adults. Adults have a stronger immune system and a higher intellectual capacity, making them less exposed to these threats than youngsters. Children, on the other hand, are more vulnerable to environmental risks than adults because of their size, physiology, and temperament.

A hazard is a situation that provides a risk to life, health, property, or the environment. The term “environmental hazard” refers to a series of occurrences that have the potential to endanger the natural environment and harm people’s health. Hazards are classified into five types: chemical, physical, biological, psychological, and radiation (MacCollum 2006).

Children live in three different types of environments: physical, biological, and social. Each of these factors has an impact on their overall health. The physical environment refers to anything that comes into contact with the body. Air, for example, comes in continual touch with our lungs and skin and constitutes a significant portion of our physical environment.

To more precisely identify the physical environment, a big environment may need to be divided into smaller pieces known as microenvironments. For example, in a radon-contaminated room, the radon will not be equally distributed; air near the floor contains a higher radon concentration.

As a result, a preschooler playing on the floor would experience a very different world than an adult standing in the room. In many cases, the microenvironments of adults and preschoolers (children) differ dramatically.

The biological environment comprises of the body’s own physiological workings as it processes and reacts with the substances it comes into touch with.

The body uses specialised chemical pathways to digest, process, and eliminate chemicals found in air, food, and water. The various processes required for a hazardous hazard to have poor health effects demonstrate the biological environment’s complexity.

The social environment, which encompasses the day-to-day circumstances of living in a family or other settings, as well as the laws and their continuing growth, and their many physical and biological contexts

is a distinct group of individuals in connection to hazardous dangers. If laws, rules, policies, and conduct do not reflect this truth, children may be unintentionally exposed to environmental risks.

Children are more susceptible to environmental hazards than adults due to their size, physiology, and temperament. Children are more heavily exposed to toxins in proportion to their body weight, and they have more years of life to suffer long-term consequences from mere exposure.

Children (preschoolers) under the age of five breathe more air, drink more water, and eat more food per unit of body weight than adults, which means they may be more exposed to infections and contaminants.

Children of all ages, including the very young, are at a higher risk than adults. Common childhood actions, such as crawling and putting objects in one’s mouth, can significantly increase hazards.

Many preschoolers and lower primary school students attend school without sanitation facilities, increasing their risk of contracting numerous infections and decreasing their likelihood of attending preschool.

The method in which students are educated can lessen their susceptibility to environmental risks. Animation, in conjunction with tangible models led by a constructivist technique, is viewed as one of the ways for early childhood students to learn about the environment, hence reducing sensitivity to environmental risks.

This is because it allows students to be taught in a fun way, and animation is one of the most effective ways to do it. When paired with concrete models to describe the environment, it could significantly reduce their susceptibility to environmental risks. Animation offers a more positive view of learning than static images.

Hegarty (2005) describes the advantages of animations over static images. Animations, as opposed to static images and text, can more plainly provide procedural information (e.g., biochemical reaction steps, physiological systems) since they illustrate the steps in order. Hegarty (2005) stated that animation is used to directly describe mechanical motions, whereas static graphics can only display motions indirectly using arrows and phase diagrams.

Hegarty (2005: 451) argued that animations provide more accurate depictions of reality. Furthermore, we believe that animations allow for the portrayal of objects that are too small (e.g., viruses, nuclei) or even invisible to the naked eye (e.g., electricity current, magnetic force). Details can be examined from perspectives not possible in real life.

Several empirical research have shown that animations have positive effects on learning. Trevisan, Oki, and Senger (2009) compared two groups of students who used a video of a traditional lecture and an animation as learning materials. The learning topic was follicular dynamics, which is a physiology concept.

The individuals chosen for the study were from undergraduate reproductive physiology courses at six universities in the United States. The evaluation instrument was a one-time, instant test. Overall, individuals who employed animation as a learning medium received much higher marks.

Animations, as opposed to static images and text, can more plainly provide procedural information (e.g., biochemical reaction steps, physiological systems) since they illustrate the steps in order.

Hegarty (2005) stated that animation is used to directly describe mechanical motions, whereas static graphics can only display motions indirectly using arrows and phase diagrams.

Hegarty (2005: 451) argued that animations provide more accurate depictions of reality. Furthermore, we believe that animations allow for the portrayal of objects that are too small (e.g., viruses, nuclei) or even invisible to the naked eye (e.g., electricity current, magnetic force). Details can be examined from perspectives not possible in real life.

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