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Attitude Of Men Towards Family Planning And Implication For Their Involvement

Attitude Of Men Towards Family Planning And Implication For Their Involvement

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Attitude Of Men Towards Family Planning And Implication For Their Involvement

Chapter one

Background of the study The problem of family planning has gained global attention due to its importance in population growth and development decisions. Uncontrolled birth is a key contributor to global population growth, especially in Nigeria. According to statistics, the world’s population was around one billion in 1859, two billion in 1930, and four billion in 1976.

Today, it is more than six billion, with Nigeria having a population of over 162 million, making it the largest country in Africa and the seventh on the world map (United States Census Bureau, 2010). Life is a beautiful gift that every individual longs for, and in order to accept it, we must preserve our health.

There have been numerous difficulties identified as a result of improper family planning methods. Some of these issues include overpopulation, illicit abortion, child dumping, increased child morbidity and death, and rising material morbidity and mortality rates.

Overpopulation, as a result of poor family planning, has caused significant harm to individuals, families, society, and the nation as a whole. Maternal and child mortality have been found to occur due to poor family planning practice, according to the statement of the WHO (World Health Organisation) and United Nation Education

Scientific Children’s Organisation (UNESCO) in 1991) that over three million children and two hundred thousand women die each year, and also women’s health and action research (2004) had shown rates of child and maternal mortality and morbidity in the world due to poor alt On June 28, 2012, Nigeria’s President, His Excellency Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, was cited in the Vanguard newspaper as saying, “Nigeria families should have only the children they can afford.”

To guarantee that this directive was fulfilled, a new planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN) was established. He stated that it may be time for birth control legislation. Family planning, which was previously a very delicate subject in Africa, is now widely regarded as a crucial component of socioeconomic development.

It is now recognised as a crucial health strategy that benefits the health of parents, children, and the entire country. Because of the significant impact overpopulation has on socioeconomic status, education, and health in general, a thorough understanding of this phenomenon and the major factors governing it is required;

thus, the importance of adopting family as a means of reducing the escalating birthrate cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, this principle is rarely frequently emphasised, particularly in rural communities where large families are valued and children are viewed as a blessing from God.

They felt that the more children a man had, the more hands were available for work, particularly on the land. It is also considered that children provide women dignity and security in their old age.

In the Oghara-efe Community in Delta State, it was discovered that husbands frequently make sexual demands with little or no regard for material health or the survival of their children.

They increase their wife’s prospective mortality risk by either not enabling her to obtain family planning guidance or refusing to seek it as a collection responsibility.

This current mentality in the Oghara-efe community, as well as the socioeconomic, educational, and health consequences for the locals, highlight the importance of doing this study.

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