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Availability And Use Of Instructional Material In Teaching Of Basic Science In Secondary School

Availability And Use Of Instructional Material In Teaching Of Basic Science In Secondary School

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Availability And Use Of Instructional Material In Teaching Of Basic Science In Secondary School


This study examined the availability and usage of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of basic science in secondary schools in the Igbo Etiti local government region. The study’s population totalled 12,254. The researcher created a questionnaire for secondary students in Igbo Etiti in order to conduct her investigation.

The results of the research demonstrate that there is a substantial association between the availability and use of instructional material. Based on these findings, recommendations were made. Keywords include the availability and usage of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of basic science in secondary schools in Enugu’s Igbo Etiti local government region.

Chapter one


Background of the study

According to Aguokogbuo (2000), educational experiences in which the student actively participates in real instances are more memorable than abstract experiences.

Many authors have written about the use of instructional materials in fundamental science and other related subjects to enhance teaching for targeted social and behavioural change.

These authors, including Greenwood (2001), Nwanna Nzewunwa (2003), and Adekeye (2008), emphasised that the use of instructional materials is a sine qua non in influencing the behaviour of learners in all fields, particularly basic science.

Some of the writers also demonstrated that these materials are key catalysts for social re-engineering and transformation; according to the researcher, basic scientific teaching and learning cannot be achieved effectively without the usage of instructional materials.

Advanced technology has brought instructional resources, particularly projected and electronic materials, to the forefront as the most radical tools of globalisation and social development, with a favourable impact on classroom teaching-learning situations.

The availability of instructional materials in teaching and learning for students has made both teaching and learning more enjoyable for basic science teachers. Owolabi (2004) found that Nigerian pupils performed poorly in ordinary level fundamental science.

The author attributed this to a variety of factors, including instructional technique, which was deemed an essential element. Jegede et al. (1992) identified characteristics that influence pupils’ academic achievement when learning basic science.

Poor laboratory facilities, the inability of basic science teachers to adequately communicate ideas to students, and an insufficient quantity of learning facilities in schools in Enugu state’s Igbo Etiti local government area are some of the issues.

Basic science cannot be fully taught without the availability of instructional material; teaching basic science without learning materials will almost surely result in low achievement in the course.

Statement of Problems

The importance of education in every society cannot be overstated. It is recognised as the single most powerful force contributing to the improvement of both the individual and society. The necessity for fundamental formal educational instructional material in the teaching of basic science in secondary schools in Enugu’s Igbo Etiti LGA.

The lack of availability and credibility of instructional material in basic scientific teaching, in terms of effectiveness and appropriateness, has remained a key challenge and source of interest in the Igbo Etiti local government region.

The purpose of the study

The goal of this study was to determine the availability and reliability of instructional materials used in teaching basic science in secondary schools in Enugu state’s Igbo Etiti local government area.

1. Evaluate the instructional technology tools available to secondary school teachers in the Igbo Etiti local government area of Enugu State.

2. Determine the educational materials used by teachers.

3. Determine the instructional materials used by the learner while learning.

4. Describe how teachers used technological materials to teach fundamental science in secondary schools in Igbo Etiti L.G.A.
Significance of the Study

The study will be relevant to the entire secondary school in Igbo Etiti L.G.A. of Enugu, particularly to students in their field of study.
It will assist educators in offering, utilising, and improving the usage of instructional materials in student teaching in schools. On the other hand, it would direct and encourage secondary schools to use instructional materials in the teaching and learning of fundamental sciences.

The importance of effectively using instructional material as a tool for teaching and learning cannot be overstated; low academic success of the student will be reduced.

The findings would also aid future academics who are interested in conducting additional research in the same area.
Finally, this study has served as a source of inspiration for the researcher, who found it highly beneficial to her academic growth because it introduced her to so many new experiences.

Scope of the Study

The study is limited to five secondary schools in the Igbo Etiti local government area of Enugu state. Specifically created for high school pupils interested in basic science. This indicates that the research findings are applicable to secondary schools in the Igbo Etiti local government region.

Research Question

To attain the stated aims, the following research questions were proposed to lead the investigation.

1. What level of instructional technology tools are available to secondary school teachers in the Igbo Etiti local government area?
2. To what extent do teachers employ instructional materials?

3. To what extent does the learner use instructional materials to learn.

4. How do teachers use technology materials to teach fundamental science in secondary schools in Igbo Etiti L.G.A.

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