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Chapter one


Background for the Study

Mass communication offers numerous chances for anyone seeking a dynamic and meaningful career path. According to Moschis and Churchill (2018), this sector encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including journalism, public relations, advertising, broadcasting, and digital media.

These fields jointly help to shape public opinion, disseminate knowledge, and influence societal trends. Such roles are critical components of contemporary society, reflecting the changing environment of communication and media.

Understanding the awareness of mass media vocations among Lagos State senior secondary students is critical. Locksley (2019) emphasises the need of integrating educational programmes with the industry’s shifting demands in order to prepare students for future employment options.

Without proper information and exposure to various job pathways, students may miss out on potential career paths that match their interests and skills.

Mass communication occupations include not only a varied range of employment tasks, but also chances for personal and professional development. Lemeshow, Lwanga, Hosmer, and Klar (2020) emphasise the need of suitable sample sizes in health studies, highlighting the necessity for thorough understanding and investigation in the field of mass communication. Exploring these career alternatives allows students to find opportunities for creativity, innovation, and societal influence.

Exploring the level of knowledge of public communication vocations among senior secondary students in Lagos State might provide educational institutions with significant insights. Nawaz (2021) analyses the function of mass media in development contexts, emphasising the importance of tailoring educational programmes to meet the individual requirements and objectives of students interested in mass communication jobs.

This information can inform curriculum development, career counselling, and extracurricular activities designed to increase interest and awareness.

Furthermore, policymakers have a significant impact on creating the educational landscape to match the needs of the mass communication business.

Prot et al. (2021) address the role of media as agents of socialisation, emphasising how media messages can impact people’s attitudes and professional goals. Policymakers can foster students’ knowledge and interest in jobs in mass communication by working with educational stakeholders and industry professionals to establish supportive settings.

Career counsellors also play an important role in advising students towards appropriate career pathways. Okafor and Malizu (2023) emphasise the role of mass media in children socialisation, demonstrating how early exposure and guidance can alter people’s future paths.

Career counsellors can give students with essential information, tools, and mentorship as they explore, understand, and pursue mass communication occupations that match their abilities and interests.

In essence, the discipline of mass communication provides numerous and impactful professional prospects for individuals from a variety of backgrounds.

Understanding and raising awareness of these job alternatives among senior secondary students in Lagos State is critical for their long-term success and addressing the demands of the changing communication landscape.

Collaboration among educational institutions, policymakers, and career counsellors is critical for providing students with the resources, assistance, and opportunities they need to succeed in mass communication careers and contribute meaningfully to society.

Statement of the Problem

Several critical gaps in the awareness of public media vocations among senior secondary students in Lagos State must be addressed and resolved.

For starters, senior secondary students are generally unaware of the various employment prospects accessible in the field of mass communication.

Despite the emphasis that Locksley (2019) and Nawaz (2021) place on integrating educational programmes with industry demands, students frequently lack the requisite exposure and awareness of these prospects.

This lack of awareness might result in a limited investigation of various professional routes, leading to erroneous decisions about future employment options.

Second, there is a deficit in understanding the complex aspects that influence students’ awareness and interest in mass media careers. While studies such as Lemeshow et al. (2020) emphasise the importance of sample size in research, there is still a dearth of specialised study concentrating on the socioeconomic, cultural, and educational aspects that influence students’ opinions of professions in mass communication.

Without a detailed grasp of these impacts, educational institutions and policymakers may struggle to develop successful methods to raise student awareness and interest.

Furthermore, the current structure for career advising and counselling does not effectively address the unique requirements and subtleties of mass media careers.

Okafor and Malizu (2023) discuss the impact of mass media on childhood socialisation, pointing to the potential importance of early exposure and advice in influencing career choices.

However, existing counselling systems frequently lack personalised techniques that provide students with the resources, guidance, and information they need to effectively pursue a career in mass communication.

To close these gaps, a comprehensive approach is required, which includes the creation of strong career awareness programmes, targeted research to better understand influencing factors, and increased collaboration among educational institutions, legislators, and industry professionals.

By bridging these crucial gaps, we can equip senior secondary students in Lagos State to make educated career options, benefiting both the mass communication business and society as a whole.

Objectives of the Study

The study’s particular aims include:

Investigated senior secondary pupils’ awareness of mass communication vocations in Lagos State.

Identified the factors that influence students’ awareness of mass communication vocations.

Recommendations for raising awareness and interest in public communication occupations among senior secondary students.

Research Questions

The following research questions were addressed:

What is the level of awareness about mass communication vocations among senior secondary students in Lagos State?

What variables influence students’ perceptions of mass communication careers?

How can senior secondary students become more aware of and interested in mass media careers?

Research Hypotheses

Null Hypothesis (H0):

The level of awareness of mass communication occupations does not differ much depending on students’ exposure to media and information sources.

Students’ awareness and interest in public communication occupations are unaffected by their socioeconomic background.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1):

The amount of awareness of mass communication occupations varies significantly depending on students’ exposure to media and information sources.

Students’ awareness of and interest in public communication careers is influenced by their socioeconomic background.

Significance of the Study

The importance of pursuing mass communication vocations among senior secondary students in Lagos State is multifaceted, spanning educational, societal, and individual elements.

This study is extremely important educationally. It sheds light on how effective existing career advising programmes are in introducing students to the wide range of opportunities available in the field of mass communication.

Understanding senior secondary students’ awareness levels allows educational institutions to modify their curriculum and counselling services to better meet industry demands and student objectives.

This can lead to more informed career decisions, higher enrollment in relevant courses, and better preparation for students’ future professions in mass communication.

From a societal standpoint, this research helps to shape the future workforce in the mass communication business. Mass communication has a significant impact on public opinion, information dissemination, and societal trends.

As a result, having a knowledgeable and varied staff in this profession is critical to preserving a healthy and democratic society. By raising awareness and interest among senior secondary students, this study can help to build a trained and socially responsible generation of media workers who can benefit society.

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