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Benefit And Constraints Of Adult Education Programmes In Prison

Benefit And Constraints Of Adult Education Programmes In Prison

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Benefit And Constraints Of Adult Education Programmes In Prison


The primary goal of this research was to determine the benefits and drawbacks of Adult Education Programs in Prison: A case study of Oko Prison, Benin City. Some assumptions and issue statements were created, and a sample of ninety-four (94) respondents, including eighteen teachers and seventy-six convicts, was employed.

Questionnaires were utilised as the study instrument, and data was analysed using statistical computations such as frequencies and percentages. According to the results, some advantages of adult education in prison include:

Providing inmates with opportunity to develop skills and attitudes that will enable them to benefit themselves and society.

It allows offenders to become self-employed after learning in jail.

Prison education also helps long-term offenders cope with their sentences.

Some of the limits include:

Lack of political will, financial backing, and appropriate manpower.

Based on the findings, the researcher makes several recommendations, including the provision of enough funding, staff, and facilities to ensure the successful operation of the Adult Education Programme in prison.


Chapter One: Introduction


It takes little or no effort to persuade Nigerians that prisons in the country are overcrowded. It may be difficult to persuade most Nigerians that jail periods serve any positive function, such as punishment and reformation, and that prisons may be responsible for the discussion at the world level.

The basic goal of a penitentiary establishment is to create a secure humane environment in captivity. According to Rusk (1998), education is a process in which the aspects of skills, knowledge, and acquisition are rightfully added to the notion to give it a clearer meaning. When viewed as a process, education often involves the interaction of an educator and the learner.

The education and criminal justice program was born in 2002 at the Paris conference of the International Council for Adult Education (IVAE) as a means of increasing adult education in prisons.

Several efforts were taken in response to the interest displayed in Paris from 2002 to 2005. At the 2005 World Assembly, a statement of objectives and suggested courses of action were developed. These were later approved by the ICAE programming advisory committee. The program’s aims are as follows, with four goals:

Introduce, develop, and achieve acceptability as an educational technique for crime prevention.

To convince national education authorities to fulfil their inherent role in these areas:

To encourage the national government to implement criminal policies such as the following:

Every person, regardless of condition, is entitled to intrinsic dignity and self-esteem.

Penal institutions must have as one of their primary goals at least equivalent to the development of individual human prisoners.

To convince the national government to petition the United Nations to adopt an ICAE draft resolution.

To alter the poor minimum rules for the care of prisoners (IBE 2006).

Prisons cannot fund educational programs themselves. As a result, the previous civilian government of Kano State, Late Alhaji Barku Zuwo, established this in prison in 1986 while serving a seven-year prison sentence.

This study project has decided to discuss in Oko prison in Benin City. Furthermore, I explain the merits and drawbacks of the adult education program obtained in Oko Prison, Benin City, and provide some examples of convicts who have profited from these numerous adult education programmes.

Statement of Problems

jail education initiatives at Oko Prison in Benin City are unquestionably good, however when looking at the numerous adult education programmes in the jail, the key concern is how successful these adult education programmes are given the financial limits. The following questions are posed.

Are these programmes well-funded? This is in terms of who pays for the programme, whether it is the government or the convicts themselves, and whether the funding is sufficient to conduct the programme.

Are the organisations behind these programs effective?

The goal of this research is to determine whether educational opportunities exist in Oko Prison in Benin City, as well as the numerous adult educational programs available there.

It is also intended to determine whether these programmes have had an impact on the moral lives of offenders. It is believed that this study will help to inspire inmates to participate in prison education in general.


Does the substantial interaction between the numerous adult education programmes at Oko-Prison have an impact on the available manpower?

Is there a substantial relationship between the functioning of the various adult education initiatives in Oko Prison and the sufficient provision of books?

Significance of the Study

This study will aid all convicts with their educational pursuits and various adult education programs. Finally, the research will be useful to exonerees and other researchers looking to improve on the same topic or as a foundation for comparable researchers and studies.

Limitations of the Study

The researcher was unable to cover a broader scope in this investigation due to a variety of constraints. The limits were primarily a lack of friends, restricted funds, and the risk of travelling to acquire facts for the study.


This is a case study of Oko Prison in Benin City, hence the scope of the study will be limited to Oko Prison.

Basic Assumption

The investigation was based on the assumptions of the following study.

That there is an educational programs in Oko Prison, Benin City.
There are several adult education programs available in Oko Prison.
Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined based on their use in this study.

Prison is an institution that houses persons who have committed one or more crimes and serves as a reformation facility for the criminals.

Prisoner inmates are those who live in a prison setting.

Crime: An offence that has severe legal penalties.

Education is the act of developing a person academically, ethically, and physically. The word education has multiple meanings, including learning, training, and raising up. It is a desirable shift in human behaviour (Babs Fafunwa, 1989).

Adult education is a type of education that focusses on the learning of skills and attitudes that will assist men in their personal development.

Prison education refers to the cultivation of knowledge by inmates in order to improve their overall well-being as prisoners.

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