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Breast Feeding Promotion In Primary Health Center

Breast Feeding Promotion In Primary Health Center

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Breast Feeding Promotion In Primary Health Center

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

Breast feeding promotion has a substantial impact on the health of nursing mothers and infants. Breastfeeding has numerous benefits for nursing mothers and their children, including a lower risk of ovarian and breast cancer, a lower risk of postpartum depression, and a potential contribution to weight loss (return to pre-pregnancy weight).

The family can save up to $1500 on formula throughout the infant’s first year of life (Haroon et al., 2013). The reduced incidence of illness in the first year also results in significant economic savings for the family.

According to (Eidelman & Schanler, 2012; USDHHS-3, 2011), the expected cost savings in the United States for 90% of families exclusively breastfeeding for six months is $13 billion in health care costs.

Common barriers for mothers to initiate or continue breastfeeding include a lack of experience or understanding, a lack of support, including from family and employers, insufficient troubleshooting assistance, a lack of up-to-date information from health care providers, and hospital practices that do not promote breastfeeding (Brown, Raynor, & Lee, 2011; USDHHS-1).

According to Taveras et al. (2003), provider assistance has been found to boost breastfeeding initiation and continuation rates.

Primary care providers can improve breastfeeding rates by implementing several interventions, including the following: time-specific education guidelines; presenting breastfeeding as the rule or norm, not the exception in infant feeding;

maintaining up-to-date education and skills related to breastfeeding promotion; providing resources to support breastfeeding mothers; and creating follow-up protocols for the clinic to support women to start and continue breastfeeding.

Haroon, Das, Salam, Imdad, and Bhutta (2013) conducted a systematic review of the literature and discovered that breastfeeding promotion interventions not only raised rates of exclusive breastfeeding, but also decreased rates of non-breastfeeding. This study aims to investigate breast feeding promotion utilising the primary health centre as a case study.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

The increased risk of malnutrition among young children prompted the study on breast feeding promotion in primary health centres.

Many mothers do not commence breastfeeding, while others struggle to breastfeed entirely for the first six months of the infant’s life or to breastfeed partially for 12 months or more.

Mothers and infants who do not breastfeed for a variety of reasons miss out on long-term health and economic benefits. Healthy People 2020 aims for 81.9% of mothers to start breastfeeding, 60.6% to be breastfeeding in some capacity at six months (25.5% exclusively), and 34.1% to be breastfeeding at one year.

Current standards call for exclusive nursing until six months, followed by sustained breastfeeding until 12 months. According to current breastfeeding prevalence data in the United States (US), only 74% of women commence nursing, 43.5% are still breastfeeding after six months (only 14.1% exclusively), and 22.7% are breastfeeding at one year (USDHHS-1, 2011).

Breastfeeding must be prioritised to improve the health of our communities and nation, and practitioners must be educated and confident in discussing breastfeeding with their patients.

The majority of the literature is on breast feeding, but no research has been conducted on breast feeding promotion in Nigerian health centres.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of the research is to investigate breast feeding promotion in primary health care settings. Other specific goals of study include:

1. To assess the influence of breast feeding promotion on the knowledge attitude of nursing mothers towards breast feeding.

2. To investigate the role of breastfeeding promotion on the well-being of children.

3. To look into the elements that influence the promotion of breastfeeding in primary health centres.

4. To investigate the interaction between media and primary health centres in the promotion of breast feeding in Nigeria.

5. To provide solutions to the aforementioned difficulties.


The study developed research questions to determine the study’s above-stated aims. The research questions for the study are given below:

1. What effect does breastfeeding promotion have on nursing mothers’ knowledge and attitudes about breastfeeding?

2. What role does breastfeeding promotion have in children’s well-being?

3. What variables influence the promotion of breastfeeding in primary health centres?

4. What is the role of the media and primary health care centres in promoting breastfeeding in Nigeria?

1.5 Statement of Research Hypothesis

H0: There is no major interaction between the media and primary health centres in promoting breast feeding in Nigeria.

H1: Media and primary health centres have a major interaction in promoting breast feeding in Nigeria.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study on promotion of breast feeding in primary health centres will be of immense benefit to the ministry of health education, the primary health centres in Nigeria, the Nigerian societies, the nursing mothers, and other researchers who wishes to carry out similar research on the above topic as the study will teach nursing mothers the benefit of breast feeding;

the study will also trigger the campaign for the promotion of breast feeding by the federal government of Nigeria. Finally, the project will educate the primary health centre on the various ways for promoting breastfeeding.


The study on promotion of breast feeding is limited to the primary health centres in Nigeria; the study will address the benefit of breast feeding, promotion of breast feeding by the federal government of Nigeria, and the various tactics on breast feeding promotion.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this investigation while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the time spent on research work.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Enlighten: To give (someone) additional information and comprehension of a subject or situation.

BREAST FEEDING: is the typical method of supplying newborn infants with the nutrients they require for healthy growth and development through breast milk.

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