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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

According to Hans Klein (2005), political involvement refers to a citizen’s right to affect public affairs. In keeping with this idea, political involvement can be defined as activities made by citizens of a country to influence or support government and politics.

It stems from the freedom to speak out, assemble, and associate; the ability to participate in the administration of public affairs; and the opportunity to register as a candidate, campaign, be elected, and occupy office at all levels of government.

In Nigeria, women play a minor part in politics. Few women are found in political leadership positions, despite the fact that the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Chapter 4 sections 30 and 40 guaranteed rights to all citizens of Nigeria- both male and female- rights that are basic and fundamental to all without discrimination between the sexes. Onabajo, O. (2000).

Women have actively participated in political struggles since the nineteenth century. Women such as Amina of Zaria, Madam Tinubu of Lagos, Olufunmilayo Ransom Kuti of Abeokuta, Margaret Ekpo, and Hajjia Gabon Swabia, among many others, have campaigned to ensure that Nigerian women have a prominent position in Nigerian history Luka (2011).

In the realm of politics, these women, among others, made significant contributions to women’s mobilisation and sensitisation in order to ensure active participation in politics.

According to former Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) chairman Professor Attahiru M. Jega, ‘Women should not be reduced to merely voting and supporting male candidates gain political offices’. This was the rationale behind the publication of the INEC Gender Policy, which institutionalised the following:

1. Ensure that INEC’s policies, programs, processes, and operations are gender responsive.

2. Promoting gender equity and balance within political parties, particularly in the selection of candidates in accordance with their statutes;

3. Increasing budgetary supply and mobilising partners to effectively provide money for gender sensitive activities within their purview and

4. Promoting an enabling legal environment for gender equality and closing inequalities in political representation in elective positions at all levels.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Women are under-represented in politics, and this is no secret. In keeping with Luka’s (2011) argument that “Politics is too serious a business to be left solely in the hands of men,” the continued low political engagement of women in Nigeria is a big problem.

In 2011, just 20 of Nigeria’s 109 senate seats were occupied by women, and in the House of Representatives, only 24 of 362 members were occupied by women. In addition to the foregoing, Nigeria has no female governors and no female president or vice president, owing to vacancies in 36 states.

Women have held high political positions of leadership in countries such as the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Brazil, Liberia, and Germany, among others, but the converse is true in Nigeria.

Women are also encouraged to lead rather than follow because they have equal rights under Nigeria’s 1999 constitution. The mass media, particularly radio, plays an essential role in mobilising women for political engagement because this is one of the media’s primary functions.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this investigation is therefore stated as follows:

1. Explain the role of broadcast media in mobilising women for political participation.

2. Encourage gender equality and balance within political parties.

3. To understand how societal culture and norms influence women’s participation in politics in Nigeria.

4. To investigate the role of media in mobilising women for political participation.

5.Identify some of the challenges that women face when participating in politics.

1.4 Research Questions.

In this study, an adequate attempt will be made to address the following questions.

1. What role does the broadcast media play in mobilising women for political participation?

2. What are women’s perspectives on these political programs?

3. How do society culture and norms influence women’s participation in politics in Nigeria?

4. How has media influenced women’s political participation?

5. What are the challenges women face when participating in politics?


The study will primarily focus on the assessment of broadcast media’s role in mobilising women for political participation.

1.6 Significance of the Study

It is intended that by the completion of this study, information within the study’s framework will have been updated. It will particularly help people’s perceptions of the effectiveness of broadcast media in mobilising women to participate in decision-making.

This study will focus the attention of the government on empowering women to engage in politics through the use of radio, television, films, and motion pictures in the packaging of news reports and events, as well as academics on journalist methods and training.

The government should encourage the well-being of women in general. Also, the federal government should promote the full utilisation of women in human resource development

As well as their acceptance as full participants in every phase of national development with equal rights and corresponding obligations, with at least 30% elective positions reserved for women.

Another crucial aspect of this is that elections be handled in accordance with the regulations, in which all qualified citizens, including women, are able to vote or be voted for without fear of manipulation. Williams (2008).

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