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Causes And Consequences Of Divorce On Newly Married Couples

Causes And Consequences Of Divorce On Newly Married Couples

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Causes And Consequences Of Divorce On Newly Married Couples


Marriage is a social and legal institution in which men and women enter into a unique relationship in order to start and nurture a family. Marriage is universally defined as the legal relationship between a husband and wife. It is a union between a man and a woman, or so we thought until recently (Wikipedia 2009).

Many marriages fall like a wall shortly after they are arranged, owing to the fact that the majority of newly married couples appear dissatisfied with marriages that last less than five years. They break up because they don’t seem to be as satisfied as they were when they were married.

The early years of marriage are essential for couples since they can be tumultuous and lead to the breakdown of some relationships, as well as setting the groundwork for future unhappiness or healthy functioning. Marriages do not always last, leading to divorces.

“Divorce” is merely the formal dissolution of a marriage. Divorce is the final end of a marriage, which cancels the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolves the matrimonial bonds between two people.

A marriage must have been legally established before a divorce and subsequent complications can emerge. It is one of the most important societal issues facing the modern society. It has recently gained popularity and affects people at all levels of society.

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