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The study looked into the causes and effects of malnutrition in children in Ovia North East Local Government Area, with mothers and health workers as the population targets. The respondents were selected using a sampling procedure. The questionnaire methodology was utilised. Questions like this:

1. Is there knowledge or awareness of adequate nutritional practices among mothers?

2. Is the absence of nutrition education accountable for inadequate feeding?

3. Does starvation cause malnutrition?

An investigation indicated that malnutrition exists among youngsters in the Ovia North East Local Government Area, and it is caused by ignorance. In conclusion, recommendations were given based on the findings. Malnutrition is rooted in ignorance and poverty.

Poverty alleviation is something the government should be more interested in. Finally, there is little question that these projects will help raise mother’s awareness about the causes and consequences of malnutrition in Ovia North East Local Government, Edo State.
Chapter One: Introduction


Malnutrition is a concept that is unique to underdeveloped and developing countries.

Malnutrition has been described in several ways; for example, Marian Hill (1989) defines malnutrition as the lack of certain important food items in one’s diet.

According to Billies Nurses Dictionary (18th edition), malnutrition is a condition in which nourishment is inadequate in quantity.

Malnutrition is the condition that arises when a person’s body does not receive adequate nutrients. The condition could be caused by an unbalanced diet, digestive issues, absorption issues, or another medical condition.

Malnutrition is a broad term for a medical condition caused by an improper or insufficient diet. It most commonly refers to undernutrition caused by insufficient consumption or excessive nutrient loss, but it can also refer to overnutrition caused by overeating or excessive intake of specific nutrients.

Malnutrition occurs when an individual fails to ingest the appropriate number or quality of nutrients included in a healthy diet for an extended length of time.

Malnutrition occurs when people consume insufficient amounts of food. A condition characterised by a lack or excess of any of the necessary food groups, such as carbs, fat, protein, and so on. A bodily system need the six food classes in the proper proportions to produce growth, good health, and energy, as well as to regulate and avoid disease.

The absence of this will have a negative impact on the individual. Extended periods of malnutrition can lead to famine, sickness, and infection. According to Jean Ziegler (2007), malnutrition can be caused by a variety of factors. For starters, insufficient agricultural yield may make sufficient and proper food unavailable.

Malnutrition occurs when the body does not receive adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to maintain healthy tissues and organ function. Malnutrition may be moderate enough to produce no symptoms. However, in certain circumstances, the harm may be irreversible, even if the individual lives.

Malnutrition remains a major issue around the world, particularly among youngsters who are unable to support themselves. Poverty, natural calamities, political issues, and war all contribute to outbreaks of malnutrition and hunger.

This is not limited to underdeveloped countries; symptoms vary according to the individual malnutrition-related condition. However, some general symptoms include weariness, disorientation, weight loss, and a weakened immune system.

Malnourished people typically do not consume enough calories or eat a diet deficient in proteins, vitamins, and trace minerals. Medical disorders caused by malnutrition are generally referred to as deficiency diseases, such as kwashiokor, marasmus, and anaemia.

According to Nkeiruka Nwabah (2001), malnutrition is defined as a state of decreased functional capacity or insufficient structural integrity or development caused by a mismatch between the supply of vital nutrients to body tissues and the specific biological demand for them. The causes of malnutrition are as diverse as its clinical and subclinical forms.

Primary malnutrition is the result of insufficient intake of key nutrients due to a lack of food caused by crop failure, war or poverty, economic depression, and a variety of other reasons, many of which are related to the external environment.

Another element of malnutrition is the problem of “over nutrition” and excess food intake, which affects a huge part of the population and has resulted in obesity as well as other diseases connected with civilisation.


In recognition of the fact that malnutrition has been a concern among children in our culture, contributing to the high rate of stunted growth, which prevents children from growing correctly. The difficulties facing malnutrition or the causes of malnutrition are:

Loss of appetite: This occurs when a child refuses to eat, either because the infant is sick or the child dislikes that particular meal.
Poverty is one of the reasons of malnutrition in today’s culture;

it occurs when there is insufficient money to buy the necessary meals. According to Michael Wines, 10% of all low-income households do not always have enough nutritious food to consume; protein-energy malnutrition affects 50% of surgery patients and 48% of all other hospital patients.

Malnutrition can result from a lack of a single nutrient, or it might be caused by a person not eating enough.

Insufficient food supply: This occurs when people do not receive enough food, or when enough food is not supplied into the country.

Food taboos: These are foods that are forbidden by people for various reasons. For example, religious or cultural beliefs have no scientific basis and have been passed down from generation to generation. These prevent the individual from consuming a balanced diet.


The goal of this research is to investigate the causes and consequences of malnutrition in children. The work aims to cope with the following objectives.

To understand the causes and effects of malnutrition.

To understand malnutrition

To understand the difficulties associated with malnutrition and their prevention.

To educate individuals about the implications of starvation.


Based on this study, the following research questions are developed for testing:

Is there awareness of adequate nutritional practices among mothers?

Do the child’s nutritional practices depend on his or her economical status?

Is poor feeding due to a lack of nutrition education?

Is starving the cause of malnutrition?

Are moms aware of the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for nutritional diseases?


There is no substantial association between awareness and nutritional behaviours of moms.

There is a strong link between socioeconomic status and nutritional practices for children.

There is a considerable link between nutrition education and inadequate feeding.

There is an important link between famine and malnutrition.

There is no substantial link between a mother’s understanding of the causes and symptoms of nutritional disorders.

Significance of the Study

This research teaches children and parents about malnutrition and its symptoms, as well as how to prevent it and care for individuals who are malnourished.

This study will assist parents/guardians understand the benefits of a healthy nutritional diet as well as the dangers of neglecting it.

This research will also help us understand the origins and problems of malnutrition in our society, as well as how to address them.


This study is strictly limited to youngsters from Edo State’s Ovia North East Local Government Area.


It would be useful at this point to clarify the meanings of several of the terms employed in this study.

Strange, unusual, and unique to a single person, location, or object.

Absorption is defined as taking in, combining into itself or oneself, or occupying the attention or interest.

Pathological: The study of disease.

Calorie: Unit of heat; unit of the energy generating value of food.

Typically: has the distinguishing characteristics of a specific sort of person or item

Extreme: Very great or intense, at the end (s), outermost, going to considerable extent in acts or viewpoints, extreme degree or act or condition.

Sufficient: When something is enough.

Term: A fixed or limited period of time, such as weeks, during which a law court or institution holds sessions.

Malnutrition: Malnutrition, malnourished, unwell people suffering from deficiencies.

Inadequate: Not adequate, not adequately

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