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Causes And Effects Of Marital Problems

Causes And Effects Of Marital Problems

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Causes And Effects Of Marital Problems

Chapter One: Introduction 1.0

Marriage in Islam is a contract between two parties, hence it will only last as long as the parties follow the contract’s terms and conditions. However, if any or both of them fail to carry out the term or satisfy their obligations to each other, the contract may be terminated. This is what we called divorce or Talaq.

Talaq is an Arabic word that literally signifies dissolution of marriage. Although Islam has granted both men and women the right to divorce, it has been mandated that this right be exercised only in rare instances where no other option exists and all ways of resolving disputes between husband and wife have failed.

The history of marriage and divorce in ancient nations has revealed that the causes of divorce have been unpredictable. Marriage divorce is not a major issue under Jewish law.

If the husband discovers any uncleanliness in his wife, he should write her a bill of divorcement, hand it to her, and send her out of the house. When she leaves him, she may marry another man.

In Christianity, however, a phrase ascribed to Jesus has been reported: “What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder; whosoever shall put away his wife and marry, commits adultery against her.”

According to the church, “when the sacrament of matrimony has been received by a man and ratified by their cohabitation as husband and wife, their union cannot be dissolved except by death.”

Islam has taken a moderate ground, avoiding the extremes of making divorce too rigorous or prohibiting it entirely, or making it too lax and frivolous.

Divorce is authorised in Islam, however specific criteria and limitations apply to the husband’s power to divorce the married bond, preventing the husband from acting in haste or rage. There are two types of divorce in Islam.

Talaq Rajai: A divorce that allows the husband to resume conjugal ties. This is a revocable divorce, pronounced twice. If the relationship improves during the probationary term (Iddah), the divorce is reversible.

Talaq Ba’in is an irrevocable divorce that permanently separates a couple. The reversible divorce becomes absolute or irrevocable if the probation time expires without the huband rescinding it, either by words or actions.

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