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Causes And Impact Of Broken Homes On Secondary School Academic Achievement Among Secondary Schools

Causes And Impact Of Broken Homes On Secondary School Academic Achievement Among Secondary Schools

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Causes And Impact Of Broken Homes On Secondary School Academic Achievement Among Secondary Schools

Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

Broken home refers to the division or separation of parents who have been together and have unexpectedly divorced, dissolved their relationship, or tied the once agreed-upon marriage knot after exchanging material vows and living together.

Marriage is an institution that plays a vital role in the upbringing and development of humans. Marriage is the union of two adult individuals who agree to spend their lives together. As a result, they share shared care or responsibility for their children, the union’s offspring.

Marriage facilitates the fulfilment of many basic individual needs, including the demand for status. Companionship, procreation, and the desire to achieve sexual closeness and satisfaction.

In truth, the institution is increasingly losing its normal worth, since statistics reveal that it is rapidly reducing as many homes are destroyed. Single parenthood is a major issue in our society, and some of the reasons for failed marriages include cheerlessness, parental involvement, religious disagreements, poverty, and a lack of mutual understanding.

This paper examines the developing tendency of this pheromone from its basic background.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The constant incidence of broken homes in our society has become highly worrying, particularly in terms of secondary school academic accomplishment, and this calls for immediate attention from our parents and the government to rehabilitate the collapsed areas in most homes. This could have long-term consequences for our children in every aspect of their life.

However, the government, culture, conventions, and values of our society have established and defined methods for ensuring that our homes are not broken.

However, appropriate research and development had assisted us in understanding that most houses have disembarked on the given guideline or routine, allowing for frequent broken home syndrome. Furthermore, this study tries to answer the specific topic of the influence of a broken home on student academic performance and achievement.

It has been determined that, despite the government’s significant annual financial investment in the educational system. Students’ achievement in various courses of study has not been very spectacular in both internal and external examinations. Most students perform below expectations.

The condition does not allow for greater social and moral attitudes among students, resulting in cases of poor performance in the educational system. Many students blame their professors. Teachers, for their part, assign blame to students, parents, and even the government.

To that end, the impact of broken households affects not just the victims (students), but society as a whole. If everyone encourages marriage stability, we can build a better society than the one we have now.

1.3 Aim of the Study

The specific goal of this study is to look at the effect or influence of a broken home on student academic achievement in order to determine the elements that contribute to broken homes.

Its impact or effect on student academic progress at school, as well as potential solutions. The study looks at the considerable differences in performance between children from stable families and those from broken homes.

The study also intends to provide a precise analysis of why only broken houses have become the norm in our society, as well as the causes and consequences for secondary school academic accomplishment, utilising Sagamu Remo Divisional High School as a case study. The research aims to provide recommendations to support marriage as an institution.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study of the causes and effects of broken homes, as well as the impact of broken homes in our society, is an issue that should be given adequate attention in order to enable parents, society, and the government to see the areas of problems, allowing stakeholders to make critical suggestions and recommendations.

It is significant because it will guide the classroom instructor and parents on how to best care for and raise their children. The case study is especially significant since it attempted to shed light on the key component that makes achieving academic goals difficult.

As a result, it may act as a wake-up call for researchers and parents, as well as society or the government. This study will assist educators understand how broken homes have a significant impact on children’s discipline.

Above all, this scientific analysis or research will allow all students in both private and public schools to fully concentrate on their studies while also assisting their families to live in peace and delight.

1.5 Research Questions.

The study’s research aims to determine the influence of broken households on student academic progress at Remo Divisional High School in Sagamu, Local Government Area. The research aims to address the following question:

1. Is there an abundance of broken homes in Nigerian society?

2. What is the main cause behind these?

3. What are the causes of a broken home?

4. How do they affect our children?

5. Does a parent’s separation or divorce affect their children?

1.6 Scope and limitations of the study

The study focusses on the Sagamu Local Government Area in Ogun State. Some secondary schools pick students, and married men and women’s opinions are also gathered.

Because the scope is limited to the local government region, absolute generalisation may be impossible. Data collecting on this research effort is a significant constraint of the study.

For example, among the women interviewed, 42% refused to give proper attention due to their religion, 30% reacted appropriately, and the remaining 18% gave fraudulent statements.

Despite these limitations, the program makes some progress in investigating the causes and consequences of broken homes and their impact on children’s educational development.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Subsequent chapters will employ terminology such as academic broken home, children divorce, economic, family, home, effect, marriage, performance, accomplishment, poverty, student, and victims.

i. Academic: This might be characterised as the ability to learn from a book or to study effectively and achieve good grades in school. It is also associated with education, particularly studying, which requires a great deal of reading and studying.

ii. Broken Home: In the conventional sense, a broken home is a scenario in which a wife and her husband have separated, which is essentially a divorce. On the other hand, a broken household is a family situation in which the parents are separated from one another.

Broken house: According to the current English definition, a broken home is one in which the parents have separated or divorced, leaving the children without enough care, security, and so on.

iii. Children: This can simply be defined as a young human being who is not yet an adult; it could be a son or daughter.

iv. Divorce: Divorce can be described as a “savage emotional journey” in which a person ricochets between the failure of the past and the uncertainty of the future, because there is more at stake than just the legal aspects of a marriage.

v. Economy: This refers to trade, industry, and the production of riches. It is the relationship between the output trade and the availability of money in a specific country or region. It is also the efficient utilisation of available time and money.

vi. Family: Families are the foundation of society. This is a necessary component for a country’s government to function effectively. If citizens are properly orientated with good values and virtues, which are frequently taught by their families. The people are related to one another.

vii. Home: A home is where a family resides. It is sometimes used interchangeably with the word “house,” although “house” refers to the physical structure, whereas “home” refers to the ethereal substance that binds family members together. The mother and father are held together by their unwavering love and care for their children.

viii. Impacts: Are the significant effects that something has on someone or something. It refers to having an effect on anything, as well as the act of one object colliding with another and the force that results.

ix. Marriage: This is defined as the joining of a man and a woman in preparation of carrying out the marital obligation.

x. Performance: This can be defined as the act of performing a task or responsibility. It is an act that requires a significant amount of effort or bother at times when it is unnecessary.

xi. Poverty: It is the state of being poor; it is a lack of something nice and valuable.

xii. Student: A person who is enrolled in a school, particularly a secondary or primary school. It is also a person who is extremely interested in a specific topic.

xiii. Victims: This refers to someone who has been attacked, hurt, or killed as a result of a crime.

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