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This study sought to identify the elements that contribute to student tardiness in our primary school system. Four schools in the Ovia South West Local Government Area were chosen to participate in the study. Ozolua model primary school, Iguobazuwa, Ezoti primary school, Udo, Okpon primary school, Obaretin, Okomu primary school, Okomu are among the schools where students are frequently late for class.




Lateness to school by secondary school pupils has become a recurring issue throughout the years. This is perhaps why Chujor (2014) emphasised that school administrators, teachers, parents, and others have expressed genuine worry about it.

Chujor stated that many efforts have been implemented to reduce the recurrence, such as whipping or sanctioning. In short, kids’ frequent tardiness to school may be one of the causes of Nigeria’s declining educational levels. If lateness to school is permitted to persist, it may have a negative impact on the achievement of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) objectives.

The Federal Government of Nigeria insisted that the UBE programme was designed to achieve the following goals: 1) Creating among the general public a strong awareness of the importance of education and a strong commitment to its robust promotion. 2) The provision of free universal basic education to all Nigerian school-age children. 3) Significantly lowering the rate of dropout from the formal school system through better relevance, quality, and efficiency.

Without a question, for any school to succeed in fulfilling its fundamental role of educating children, some form of discipline is required. According to Salifu and Agbenyega (2012), this is vital because it creates a conducive environment for teaching and learning.

Students’ punctuality and regularity in school are examples of discipline. Only when students are present in school and at the appropriate time can they fully benefit from the academic programme. According to Jumare, Maina, and Ankoma-Sey (2015), when kids arrive on time for school, they are able to participate in all school programmes and activities, as well as benefit fully from morning hour classes such as English Language and Mathematics.

The writers also stated that latecomers are flogged and subjected to additional punishments (such as toilet cleaning, sweeping, and weeding) that cause them agony and prevent them from participating in morning classes. Van-Breda (2006) emphasised that chronic tardiness to school may not only impact students’ academic performance, but it may also cause major problems for such persons later in life if not addressed.

Chujor (2014), on the other hand, claimed that tardiness to school can be pardoned in some situations where the reasons are compelling and beyond the student’s control. Manguvo, Whitney, and Chareka (2011) discovered a high incidence of indiscipline among learners at all levels of the Nigerian educational system, with theft, not doing homework, and tardiness being the most prevalent student behaviour problems.

Lateness to school began a long time ago and has spread throughout the country in an uncontrollable manner in recent years. Lateness has become ingrained in Nigerian youngsters, and the issue of students arriving late for school has now become a national one. Arriving late simply means arriving later than intended.

Children frequently miss school or arrive late due to their usual habits, such as waking up late due to laziness: rushing of undone assignments, unprepared bath, breakfast or meals, clothes, their pack lunch, etc. and waiting for companions or friends coming to school the bus is late; and sometimes due to some problems in their parent that affects them and interest in coming to school seeing their with misunderstandings.

Another option is financial assistance. Children enjoy having a variety of enjoyable goods. They would be embarrassed to come to school if they saw their classmates with something they did not have.

Lateness is described by the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary as coming after the scheduled or typical time. It is after the proper, set, normal, or expected time; thus, lateness is the inverse of earlyness. The question now is, what are the causes of students’ tardiness to school?

Authorities have questioned why students arrive late to school. However, they have not been able to conduct in-depth research into this problem in order to provide remedies and recommendations that would aid in the cure.

This research will concentrate on the elements that contribute to the student’s tardiness and will seek to solve the problem.


School students’ tardiness is increasing and expanding. In modern cultures, there is a way that cannot be controlled everywhere. The study’s goal is to take a thorough look at the elements that are causing it.

The importance of this cannot be overstated in the learning process. Experience has proven that children who are habitually late arrivers seldom do well in their academics; this is true because they are very likely to miss some steps in the teaching/learning process prior to their arrival. This will have a negative impact on their learning.

Despite the efforts of teachers and school administrators to resolve this issue. In an attempt to determine the circumstances responsible for the children’s tardiness, the teachers blamed the parents, while the parents held the teacher hostage. Others blame the children themselves, as well as peer group influence.

since a result of this study, it is expected that remedies to this problem will be presented, since the variables causing the lateness will be identified and recommendations will be made. As good children are acknowledged, the children will be better guided and given solutions to overcome their problems and live up to expectations.

Furthermore, this study will benefit the nation because the youngsters will now develop a sense of punctuality at school and become excellent citizens in their future lives.


The goal of this study is to investigate the variables that contribute to students’ tardiness to school and to re-address the issue by presenting possible suggestions, recommendations, and solutions related to students’ tardiness to school.


1. Does the distance between the students’ homes and the school contribute to tardiness?

2. Does being late getting out of bed in the morning result in being late to school?

3. Does lateness to school result from parents’ failure to prepare food on time?

4. Does the high demand for school supplies in the morning cause students to arrive late?

5. Does teachers’ tardiness to school influence students’ tardiness to school?

6. Does insufficient punishment for tardiness contribute to tardiness to school?

7. Does waiting for friends to get ready cause tardiness to school?

8. Does hawking in the morning before getting ready for school cause tardiness?

9. Does playing on the way to school cause students to be late?

10. Does being late to school result from poor academic performance?


After successfully completing this research, students and parents will be exposed to the numerous variables that are responsible for students’ tardiness to school, as well as the appropriate measures required to eliminate this bad habit.

This study will serve to urge parents to have their children arrive at school on time, which will boost the individual’s academic achievement.

It will also teach students to be disciplined in school and in life.


This study is being conducted at four (4) selected primary schools in Edo state’s Ovia South West local government area. The schools chosen are: Ozolua model primary school in Iguobazuwa, Ezoti primary school in Udo, Okpon primary school in Obareti, and Okomu primary school in Okomu. Okomu


FACTORS: These are the physical conditions that present in the pupils’ learning environment that influence their conduct and development.

LATENESS: This refers to students arriving to class after the typical time schedule for the class.

PEER INFLUENCE: This refers to the negative company of children with whom a youngster associates, which influences how the child behaves and thinks.

PARENTAL IGNORANCE: This refers to the negative attitude of some parents who support the knowledge and necessity of giving their children with education. This is due to their ignorance of the rapidly changing world of science and technology in which they live.

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