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Causes Of Drug Abuse And Effects Among Secondary School Students

Causes Of Drug Abuse And Effects Among Secondary School Students

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Causes Of Drug Abuse And Effects Among Secondary School Students


This study examines the reasons of drug misuse among secondary school students in Oredo Local Government Area, Benin City, using a case study approach. To conduct this research, reality questionnaires were used to obtain information from various sources.

The motivation for conducting study on the causes of drug abuse among secondary school students stems from the notion that kids are using drugs more frequently than ever before. This study also seeks to identify the elements that contribute to school-based drug misuse.

The data received through questionnaires was analysed and calculated in percentages. The following were identified as key reasons of drug misuse in schools: a lack of parental care, a failure of the educational system, social disorganisation among parents, unlicensed drug businesses, and peer group influence.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Drug misuse, like other social problems, is a major worry in our society. Sociologists, political scientists, psychologists, philosophers, criminologists, and social workers have all focused on it.

Social workers, in particular, have worked tirelessly to find answers to the difficulties caused by drug misuse. To this purpose, numerous causal explanations, causes, and effects have been proposed, as well as recommendations for how drug abuse should be eliminated in society.

However, because the goal has not been entirely achieved, the need for additional research on the issues becomes increasingly urgent, especially given the fact that the problem has a significant impact on the social, economic, political, and academic lives of drug users in both rural and urban areas.

Drug misuse has far-reaching consequences for the progress and aspirations of kids from all backgrounds. It influences how far kids may profit from the possibilities supplied by their families, the government, and the community.

According to various definitions and explanations, pupils’ ages typically range from 15 to 18 years old.

Drug abuse, often known as substance abuse, is the repetitive and excessive use of chemical substances to attain specific results. These chemicals may be outlawed because of their potential for addiction and abuse. They can also be prescribed drugs that are used for pleasure rather than medical purposes.

The most unfortunate victims of these drugs are students (youths), whose conduct or activities are never consistent with the generally accepted ways of behaviour in society.

Drug misuse can result in rape, armed robbery, cultism, murder, theft, fighting, and other antisocial behaviours, as previously stated. It begins during the adolescent era when the child feels it’s exciting to get involved in drugs and can develop into a chronic addict and cause untimely death.

Drug: is an unlawful substance that some people consume, smoke, inject, and so on for the physical and mental affects it produces.
Abuse refers to taking or using something in an inappropriate or destructive manner.

Drug abuse is defined as the use of a drug that is not pharmacologically or physically essential. It can also refer to a situation in which the user exceeds the recommended dosage of a certain medicine.

An addict is someone who cannot quit consuming dangerous drugs.

Psychiatrist: a doctor who researches and treats mental illnesses.

Cannabis is a narcotic produced from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant that is smoked or eaten to give the user a feeling of relaxation.

Alcohol is a drink that can cause people to get intoxicated and misbehave.

Illegal: something that is prohibited by the law.

Psycho: a mentally sick individual who exhibits unusually violent behaviour.

A student is someone who studies at school.

Social control agencies are the means by which a society assures conformity to its current norms and values.

Death if appropriate corrective measures are not performed. It had a negative impact on many people’s lives and posed a threat to every area of human life.

The study will focus on the causes and consequences of drug addiction among students.

The first chapter introduces the project work. It provides readers with basic facts or understanding on drug usage. The second chapter will examine several explanations for drug misuse, with a focus on the causes and consequences of drug usage among secondary school pupils. It will also examine the literature of various scholars on the subject.

The third chapter will go into the research technique, starting with a description of the population, then moving on to the sample and sampling method, research instruments, data collection procedures, and lastly data analysis methods.

The fourth chapter will focus on data presentation and analysis, hypothesis testing, and discussion of results. The final chapter (chapter five) will include a summary, conclusion, and suggestions.


The issue of student drug misuse has sparked remarks, debates, and discussions among the general public, the media, and other elite.

Drug usage has been an issue in the Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria, and the number of students appearing before school and community disciplinary committees, as well as mental facilities, is increasing.

The condition causes tremendous concern among some parents, teachers, and others who are unable to successfully handle their addicted children or wards.

The primary goal of the study is to identify the causes and consequences of drug misuse in my community, Oredo Local Government Area in Edo State.


This research will focus on secondary school pupils in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area.


This study attempts to investigate drug abuse among students in selected secondary schools in the Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. I was inspired by the prevalence of drug usage among youngsters and its effects.

The research findings could apply to other locations of Nigeria. The goal of this study is to:

Discover why students overuse drugs.
Find out which substance is most commonly abused in the area.
To remedy the issue by offering appropriate ideas for preventing or controlling drug misuse.
The purpose of this study is to look into how drug addiction affects student academic performance.


This type of research could aid in uncovering and reducing the reasons of drug addiction in Oredo, as well as in developing preventive strategies to address the community’s and other areas’ rising drug abuse rates.


The study’s aims are as follows:

To identify and discuss the causes of drug misuse within the Oredo local government area.
To investigate the consequences of this substance misuse on secondary school pupils in my Local Government Area.
To critically evaluate various sociological ideas that explain drug misuse.
To propose a solution to these antisocial tendencies among pupils.
Limitations of the study

Because the research must be completed concurrently with my work, time constraints inevitably limit the amount of data acquired.

Another issue encountered is financing, namely transportation to target locations, distribution and printing of questionnaires, and data collection from multiple schools.

Obtaining respondents’ involvement was difficult because most of them were unable to freely express themselves due to exposure.

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