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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Communication is the method by which information is shared between individuals. It is a mechanism for communicating information, ideas, messages, and emotions. Between two or more people using previously agreed-upon language, code, or symbols (Asemah 2011).

Communication has several forms, including intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, mass communication, and indigenous (traditional media).

All of these were various modes of communication via which information is transmitted; we engage, associate, relate, and share ideas, thoughts, opinions, standards, and values with one another.

Communication is recognised as the lifeblood of human existence, swiftly increasing unity and contributing to the growth of our society as a whole. This is why it must involve two people.

The indigenous African communication system has encouraged peaceful coexistence, understanding, and self-awareness among people living in rural regions, not just in Nigeria but throughout Africa.

This communication system includes the fundamental aspects that help define the communication process in rural settings. Messages are sent and received simultaneously in mass communication media.

To achieve its purposes, this traditional type of communication must be effective in passing information between the sender and recipient at the same level.

Marshal McLuhan once observed that “the medium is the message” This means that the message we send must transit via a medium before it can be received by the receiver; there is no communication unless a message is carried across.

Several communication scholars have identified mass media as important tools for successful public health campaigns in a rural area because it is effective to “create and deliver appropriate messages, and also help in tailoring this message towards the health status of the people” (Creating effective health messages).

Health communication is described as the study and application of communication strategies to inform, influence, and motivate individuals, institutions, and communities to make informed decisions that promote health and quality of life (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2005).

Given the broad spectrum of health communication, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers understand its importance to public health.

According to Asemah (2012), mass media campaigns are frequently employed to expose huge segments of the population to messages via normal usage of existing media such as television, radio, and newspapers.

Sharma (n.d.) claims that the media’s demand for information has increased dramatically in recent years. People are interested in learning about what is going on around them, particularly about their health.

However, health communicators and practitioners must understand how successful the mass media is in developing public health messages and interventions. (Dooley, Jones, and Desmarais 2009), Communication is the exchange of ideas, and each civilization has its own communication channels to reach its citizens.

Every culture and community should not be overlooked; so, studying Olamaboro local government to understand how their indigenous communication media might benefit both health and general development will become critical.

In order for communication to be vibrant and effective, individuals must be involved in both the spread of the message and its reception.

Communication serves a range of purposes in our life, depending on our everyday activities; communication allows us to gain understanding and insight. It helps us to understand both ourselves and others simultaneously.

Create an understanding of oneself and others. This is because getting to know another person allows you to learn about yourself and how others affect you.

Communication also aids in the development of meaningful relationships between individuals in rural areas; this amount of communication influences one’s relationship with others. Just as humans require water, food, and shelter, we must also communicate and become aware of the challenges that surround us.

One method for achieving this is to use indigenous communication media in conjunction with modern mainstream media.

However, it has been identified that the desires for information about people and events, the satisfaction of news hunger stimulated by war or rumour of war, the necessity to spread information about the political and health condition of the people

as well as decisions on the threats to the security of life in rural areas, the need to stimulate and strengthen the sense of identification with the values and objectives of the society, creating awareness by the aut

Reviving our culture is vital because it will benefit the general national development of our mass media as conduits of communication. Communication is the interchange of ideas, and each civilization has its own communication media for reaching its citizens.

The study of indigenous communication is currently required due to the necessity to lessen the overconcentration of media in the country’s urban areas while neglecting rural areas.

It becomes so imperative to note that every societal growth, survival, and continuity depends on, among other things, a system of effective communication system through which people could exchange ideas and feelings; an economic system, the production of goods and services;

a health system to counteract diseases and ensure human reproduction; a social political system to maintain, control, and order; and a defence system to protect their territories against external aggression.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

When used properly, mass media for health communication has the potential to support or modify the health of people, communities, and populations in both urban and rural contexts. These mediated messages are more likely to be effective at increasing health knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, practice, and policy.

The significance of employing mass media for health communication is to improve rural-based media communication and development.

As a result, it is critical at this point to assess the effectiveness of indigenous communication media in disseminating information to rural residents about what has occurred in the community and health-related issues.

This is especially important given the growing need to use mass media as a strategy to mobilise individuals and communities to accept and use indigenous communication systems

to improve effective health care systems, and to disseminate information in order to change their attitudes, beliefs, and values about media use. The challenge is to determine how successful mass media in Olamaboro is.


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this research was to identify the role played by existing mass media of communication in Olamaboro local government, as well as the effectiveness of mass media of communication in delivering health message in Olamaboro local government.

To identify the problems that mass media faces while delivering health communication in remote locations.
To assess the relationship between mass media communication and health communication in the Olamaboro local government.

1.4 Research Questions.

The following questions have been developed to guide this research.

What are the functions and present modes of communication in the Olamaboro local government?

What is the effectiveness of mass media in the Olamaboro municipal government?

What are the challenges that mass media face in effectively communicating health information in rural areas?

What is the relationship between mass media communication and health communication in the Olamaboro local government?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will make a significant contribution to the growth of mass media communication in the Olamaboro local government. It will also include information on how rural residents can use indigenous and modern mass media to spread health-related information throughout the community.

This study will inspire the general population to study mass media communication, and it will eventually serve as a guide for others who wish to know and grasp how mass media communication is employed in rural health improvement campaigns.

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