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Characteristics Of Sandwich Students: Implications For Academic Performance And Counselling

Characteristics Of Sandwich Students: Implications For Academic Performance And Counselling

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Characteristics Of Sandwich Students: Implications For Academic Performance And Counselling


The study sought to investigate the impact of employment on academic achievement among Sandwich students at the University of Lagos. Some relevant literature reviews were conducted under key subheadings. The descriptive research survey was used in this study to analyse the opinions of the selected respondents via a questionnaire and sampling technique.

This survey used 200 (two hundred) respondents to represent the entire population. In this study, four (four) null hypotheses were developed and tested using the independent t-test statistical instrument with a significance threshold of 0.05. The data analysis yielded the following results:

Hypothesis one demonstrated that employment has a significant effect on sandwich students’ academic achievement. Hypothesis two discovered that there is a considerable disparity in academic performance between students in sandwich programmes and those in full-time programmes.

Finally, hypothesis three demonstrated that there is a considerable gender gap in academic achievement among students who work. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that sandwich students make suitable arrangements for their professional and academic careers.

This is because they would be doing themselves a disservice if they focused solely on their work while neglecting their academics. In light of this, sandwich students should avoid work activities that may cause them to lose focus on their academic endeavours.

The school leadership and decision-makers in the school should look into the Sandwich programme and ensure that the program is designed in such a way that it is not difficult for the students, especially students who mix work with studying at the University of Lagos.

Chapter one


Individual employment refers to having a job or other gainful occupation. Total employment measures how successfully a country’s economy gives opportunities to everybody who are willing and able to work.

Workers are deemed employed in a statistical sense if they have full or part-time paid jobs or are self-employed, even if they are not working at the moment due to illness, strike, or vacation (Darby 2003).

The growing and expanding fiscal responsibilities of governments at the federal and state levels have had an impact on their ability to constantly hire adequately trained teachers to satisfy the growing student enrolment in Nigerian secondary schools.

As a result, the use of Sandwich Programmes and part-time programmes at Nigerian tertiary institutions remains a reliable source of improving serving teachers’ professional and academic quality

as well as increasing the number of teachers in Nigerian secondary schools quantitatively and qualitatively in terms of standards (Mezieobi, 2006).

According to Mkpa (1997), the purpose of Sandwich and Part-time teacher education is to provide opportunities for the intellectual development and competence of teachers in their professional assignments

as well as interested persons in teacher education, who would be unable to participate in regular school-based programmes due to job protection and the maintenance of their families’ socioeconomic responsibilities as adults.

Interestingly, the much-touted distance education programme, launched by the Obasanjo regime in 2000, is ideal for improving access to education, but it is hampered by a lack of feasible communication gadgets and adequately packaged programmes, an epileptic power supply

a lack of trained manpower in distance or sandwich learning, and effective machinery to monitor its implementation. Sandwich and part-time teacher-education programmes are intended to enable broad access to human resource development in teacher education (Dashen, 2002).

According to Anozie (2005), the sandwich programme is an educational program developed for instructors who are unable to attend full-time study in a regular school setting. The sandwich programme is organised by the Faculty of Education at the University of Lagos and any other tertiary institution in Nigeria.

The University of Lagos organises the Sandwich programme for instructors during long-term breaks or vacations in schools. It usually occurs between August and October each year. The programme includes a wide range of courses from the Faculty of Education’s several departments.

The overwhelming reaction of prospective students to part-time study and sandwich programmes during this era of economic downturn cannot be overstated.

This is because many people are willing to go to school full-time and do nothing but read, but due to the current socioeconomic conditions in our society, many students conclude that they must work for a regular salary before beginning any study program.

As a result, it is usual these days to see candidates racing into sandwich programs that are completely seasonal, leaving the rest of the year free to pursue productive employment.

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