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Class Size and Resources on Students Academic Achievement and Attitude in Computer Studies of Senior Secondary School in Alimosho LGA

Class Size and Resources on Students Academic Achievement and Attitude in Computer Studies of Senior Secondary School in Alimosho LGA

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Class Size and Resources on Students Academic Achievement and Attitude in Computer Studies of Senior Secondary School in Alimosho LGA



The overarching purpose of this study was to look into the impact of class size and resources on students’ academic progress and attitudes towards computer studies at Alimosho LGA senior secondary school. The study’s research design was survey-based. The study’s target group included students from selected secondary schools in Alimosho LGA, Lagos state.

The population for the study was drawn at random from five (5) secondary schools. The questionnaire served as the research technique in this study. The Pearson Correlation and T-test Statistical Tool (SPSS.v23) was used to examine study hypotheses.

The study’s findings reveal that classroom size influences teacher-student contact, the amount of time teachers spend managing the class, instructional quality, and students’ learning outcomes, all of which have an impact on their academic accomplishment. As a result, the study suggests that there is a relationship between class size and academic performance.

The study thus recommends that educational stakeholders, government officials, and school owners, who are familiar with the components of the learning environment, ensure that the school environment includes a well-equipped library, spacious classrooms, and a natural setting

while teachers should improve their classroom management skills and maintain positive student-teacher relationships, which will improve students’ academic performance in computer studies and other subjects.


Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

According to Adeyemi & Adu (2010), education is often regarded as one of the most significant instruments for promoting economic development since it incorporates some of the processes that people go through in order to grow and realise their full potential. Furthermore, Okeke (2007) noted that education equips people with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for a prosperous existence.

Many elements have been identified as being responsible for the declining standard of education, which is being viewed and established in an effort to achieve sound education worldwide.

One of these causes is “class size” concerns. Adeyemi (2008) defined class size as the average number of students per class in a school, as well as the number of students per instructor in that class.

According to Kedney (1989), it is a tool for assessing educational system performance. There has been substantial discussion over the impact of class size on performance, with some citing overcrowding as the primary cause of declining educational standards in Nigeria, particularly at the elementary and secondary levels. Others, however, see this as a mere coincidence, blaming it on other factors.

Several countries throughout the world have had extensive discussions about the educational repercussions of class size disparities. Academics and officials argue that reducing class size is not cost-effective, while others feel it should be a primary component of educational reform. Policy in various countries has evolved in favour of small classes.

Over 30 states in the United States have passed legislation to establish class size reduction (CSR) initiatives. For pupils aged 4 to 7, the current Government policy in England and Wales is a maximum class size of 30, with further reductions planned in Scotland.

Many countries and cities in East Asia have introduced “small class teaching” programs, including Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan (Blatchford, Bassett, & Brown, 2011).

The majority of the attention has been on whether or not smaller classrooms lead to improved academic performance for pupils. The extent of these effects is often contested (Blatchford, Russell, and Brown, 2009; Hattie, 2005, and Wilson, 2006).

According to experimental and naturalistic research, smaller classrooms boost children’s academic achievement (Finn and Achilles, 1999; Blatchford, Bassett, Goldstein, and Martin, 2003).

Certain Nigerian state governments took steps to address the issue of an overburdened class. To facilitate this reformation, the number of students per class was reduced, especially at the Junior Secondary School level, and new classrooms were built.

This provided considerable comfort to teachers and school administrators, and there was strong expectation that this reformation would result in improved teacher production, which would then increase students’ academic achievement (Tobih, Akintaro, and Osunlana, 2013).

1.2 Statement of Problem

The paucity of education funding in most third-world countries inhibits school systems from having manageable class sizes, adequate classroom space, and appropriate class utilisation rates.

Because these variables have the potential to influence teacher productivity and student academic performance, this study sought to determine the extent to which class factors such as class size, large or small class size, student-classroom space, and classroom utilisation rate influenced secondary school students’ academic performance in Alimosho LGA, Lagos state.

Many causes have been identified as being responsible for the declining quality of education in areas where it is recognised and established in an effort to deliver sound education to the ground globally. One of these factors is the issue of classroom size.

According to Fabunmi et al. (2007), classroom congestion and low utilisation rates are common features in Nigerian secondary schools. They have a negative impact on secondary school teacher productivity, student learning, and, ultimately, secondary school student academic success.

Following the pattern of the country’s educational system, particularly in Lagos State, population growth without a proportionate increase in school facilities has produced a significant difficulty that jeopardises the essence of learning.

This situation became so extreme that over 100 students were jammed into a classroom with inadequate infrastructure; as a result, several students received their lessons while standing.

One may wonder how children might learn best in such a setting, as well as the impact of such an environment on students’ academic progress.

Overcrowding in classrooms has been cited as one of the key causes of Nigeria’s declining educational standards, particularly at the elementary and secondary level. There has been discussion about the relative effects of class size on students’ academic achievement. Eke (1991) discovered that class size had no impact on student achievement.

Keil and Partell (2009), on the other hand, discovered that increasing class size had a negative impact on student achievement, lowering it at a decreasing rate. The empirical topic of whether class size has a negative or positive impact on students’ academic performance remains unanswered.

In light of this environment, the purpose of this study is to give a critical assessment of the relationship between class size and students’ academic achievement, with a focus on specific secondary schools in Alimosho LGA, Lagos State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study 

The overall goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between class size, resources, and student academic achievement. Other specific objectives include:

To determine whether there is a substantial association between class size and student academic achievement.

To assess the impact of large class sizes on male students’ academic progress.

To determine whether small class sizes have an effect on female students’ academic performance.

1.4 Research Questions.

The study was guided by the following research questions:

Is there a link between class size and students’ academic success in Computer Studies?

What is the difference in mean male student scores between large and small classes?

What is the difference in mean female student scores between large and small classes?

1.5 Research Hypotheses.

The study investigated the following hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance:

Ho1: There is no substantial correlation between class size and students’ academic achievement in computer studies.

Ho2: There is no significant variation in male students’ mean scores across large and small courses.

Ho3: There is no significant difference in female students’ mean scores among large and small courses.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study would be of great interest to the general public, but especially to school owners and administrators who need to ensure that their school has adequate amenities such as a spacious environment, classrooms, and libraries to increase academic achievement.

Furthermore, this study serves as a good reference for other researchers to consider how the school learning environment influences secondary school students’ academic achievement.

This work would also add to the body of information and serve as a springboard for other researchers looking for better ways to address the problem of learning environment and students’ academic performance in secondary schools.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of class size and resources on the academic performance of secondary school pupils in computer studies, utilising Alimosho LGA in Lagos state as a case study.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Challenges faced during the study included, but were not limited to, the following. They are

Financial constraints: Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing important resources, literature, or information, as well as in the process of data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraint: Another constraint is the need to cope with this research while also doing other academic work, making it impossible to conduct this study in a larger, more representative skill.

1.8 Definition of Terms.

Class Size: The number of students a teacher encounters during a given period of instruction.

The word “learning environment” refers to an educational approach, cultural context, or physical setting where teaching and learning take place.

Academic success is the extent to which a student has met their short or long-term educational objectives.

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