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This study was a comparative comparison of the Daily Sun and Guardian newspapers’ coverage of Nigerian youth emigration. Three objectives were suggested, including: examining and comparing the emphasis and tone used by the Daily Sun and The Guardian in their coverage of Nigerian youth migration.

To determine how well the newspapers depict the issues that Nigerian youth encounter when migrating, as well as how the Daily Sun and The Guardian present government actions and policies regarding youth migration.

A total of 77 replies were received and authenticated from recruited participants, with all respondents taken from the Sun and Guardian newspapers in Ibadan. The hypothesis was investigated using the Chi-Square statistical programme (SPSS).


Chapter one


Background of the study.

Nigeria’s youth migration is an important socioeconomic issue, attracting attention from a variety of industries. Media coverage has a significant impact on public perceptions and policy discussions.

Migration is the movement of people from their current place of residence or homeland to another location, primarily due to economic downturn, a lack of employment and educational opportunities, natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, the loss of a family member(s), insufficient access to protection and support services, and a lack of support in general.

It is a phenomenon that occurs in both industrialised and underdeveloped countries. Migration encompasses both foreign and internal movements. Internal mobility refers to the movement of people from one location to another (rural or urban) within a national border.

External migration is the movement of people from one country to another. Internal migration in Nigeria includes movement from rural to urban, rural to urban, urban to rural, and urban to rural areas (Oyeniyi, 2013).

Migration can be voluntary, with the individual’s or his or her family’s consent, or involuntary, where the individual is compelled to move against his or her wishes. Migration-related issues such as child labour, child trafficking, prostitution, baby factories, and others are prevalent in Nigeria (IOM, 2009).

Young people flee and/or migrate to other parts of the country due to poverty, instability, violence, inequality, and economic opportunity. “Youth migration in Nigeria is a major socioeconomic issue, and the media has a significant impact on public perception.

Nigeria’s demographic environment is distinguished by a major trend in youth movement, driven by causes such as economic possibilities, political instability, and social dynamics (DeFleur, 2010).,

Different newspapers may have differing editorial opinions and prejudices. Some media outlets may emphasise on the problems and hardships that migrating youth encounter, while others may highlight success stories or migrants’ economic achievements.

Newspapers with a regional or local concentration may address migration concerns differently. For example, newspapers in locations with high emigration rates may provide more in-depth coverage and personal tales about young migration.

Chilluwa (2012) The political context can influence how newspapers report on migration. Government policy, international ties, and political leaders’ attitudes towards migration concerns may all have an impact on coverage. Newspapers may approach youth migration differently depending on economic concerns.

For example, during economic downturns, migration may receive increased attention due to restricted prospects at home. During moments of economic boom, media may highlight the benefits of migration.

Some media may focus on the humanitarian and social elements of youth migration, covering the hurdles that migrants encounter, such as human trafficking, exploitation, and difficulties integrating into destination nations.

(Lewis, 2013.) Nigeria’s international ties may have an impact on coverage. Newspapers may highlight bilateral agreements, challenges in the diaspora, or global efforts to address migration-related issues.

Statement of the Problem

In today’s Nigeria, youth migration has emerged as a crucial and complicated issue with far-reaching social, economic, and political ramifications. As the youth population seeks better prospects and encounters domestic issues, media coverage has a significant impact on public perception and policy discourse.

This study intends to conduct a comparative analysis of the Daily Sun and The Guardian newspapers’ coverage of Nigerian youth migration, taking into account the potential differences in views, emphases, and storylines given by these two renowned media outlets.

The issue at hand is the need to comprehend how different newspapers, each with their own editorial perspective, frame and portray the concerns surrounding youth migration.

The Daily Sun, famed for its tabloid-style reporting, may offer a different perspective than The Guardian, which emphasises in-depth analysis and investigative journalism. Exploring the differences in their coverage might reveal biases, preconceptions, and nuanced insights that can sway public opinion and governmental decisions.

The study’s objectives

The study’s aims are:

To investigate and contrast the emphasis and tone of the Daily Sun and The Guardian’s coverage of Nigerian youth migration.

To determine the extent to which media accurately portray the problems that Nigerian youth experience when moving.

To investigate how the Daily Sun and The Guardian convey government responses and policy regarding youth migration.

Research Hypotheses

H1: There is no comparison between the focus and tone used by the Daily Sun and The Guardian in their coverage of Nigerian youth migration.

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