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Comparative Study Of Student Performance In Waec Biology Chemistry And English

Comparative Study Of Student Performance In Waec Biology Chemistry And English

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Comparative Study Of Student Performance In Waec Biology Chemistry And English


A comparison of student performance in WAEC biology, chemistry, and English from 2004 to 2008 in Enugu North Local Government Area.

The researchers’ goal in this study is to determine how much student performance in English differs from student performance in biology and chemistry. This inspired the researcher to review all relevant literature on the student’s performance in WAEC.

The study’s population consists of all candidates who took chemistry, biology, and English in WAEC from 2004 to 2008 in Enugu North Local Government Area in Enugu State. Four (4) schools were chosen for this study, which are:

1. City Girls’ Secondary School.

2. Urban Girls Secondary School

3. Queen’s Secondary School

4. Metropolitan Girls’ Secondary School

The study used self-reported inventories from the vice principals of sampled schools to collect data on the total scores of students who took chemistry, biology, and English language from 2004 to 2008. The data was analysed using the person correlation coefficient (N∑XY – ∑X∑Y) [N∑Y2 – (∑Y)2].

And the data analysed and provided demonstrates that there is a considerable disparity between the student performance in WAEC English and biology, as well as the student performance in WAEC English and chemistry.

The conclusion is that the student’s performance in science differs from the student’s performance in English. Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were made: hire a qualified science teacher (e), provide good equipment for science practicals, and train science teachers well.

Chapter one


Background to the Study

It is difficult to define academic success in science because it is influenced by socioeconomic, psychological, and environmental factors. Education should be growing as a profitable sector, with the primary goal of maximising profit by providing high-quality education that produces well-educated, skilled, and manned students in response to the needs and requirements of a rapidly expanding market.

As a general rule, students are divided into two groups. That includes both individuals who improve and those who do not improve. This student performance can be affected by different factors such as learning abilities because the new paradigm of learning assumes that all students can and should learn at higher levels, but it should not be considered as constraints because there are other factors like race, gender, and sex that can affect students’ performances. (Hansen 2000).

Meshiachoudis (2001) explained how age, qualification, and distance from the learning site affect student performance. Qualification, according to his explanation, refers to a student’s readiness to participate in a specific discipline at school. For example, a student who is not capable of doing science in secondary school may join science since his or her peers are doing it.

According to Kirby (2002), student impatience has an impact on their academic achievement. Yronne (1998) went on to say that student academic achievement is heavily influenced by SEB (socioeconomic background); according to his remark, secondary school student performance differs significantly.

Alexander (2001) noted that several of the practices used by secondary school administration can have an impact on students’ academic performance, such as clubs, media, and culture clubs.

Meanwhile, given that the primary goal of this writing is to compare how students do in biology, chemistry, and English in Enugu North Local Government Area from 2004 to 2008.

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