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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction.

1.1 Background of the Study

A century and a half ago, communication between countries required actual presence. A reporter once had to rush back to the newsroom following an interview in order to beat the competition for print. With the introduction of the digital age, the journalist’s function evolved.

The introduction of information communication technology, such as the internet, has made it feasible to learn about events without physically being present. The internet allows journalists to report news from all across the world.

Throughout history, technological and communication advancements have been inextricably linked, and the most recent technological innovations, such as the internet, have resulted in the growth of communication science to new heights.

The method of human communication has developed over time, with numerous groundbreaking technologies and discoveries heralding revolutionary changes.

The invention of pictographs, or the first written communication in the ancient world, resulted in written communication. These writings were on stone and remained immobile.

The creation of paper, papyrus, and wax, culminating in the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, enabled the transfer of texts from one location to another, allowing for language homogeneity across large distances. Lawal, A.T.(2005).

The most recent revolution is the widespread use of electronic technology such as electronic waves and signals to communicate, manifested in the electronic creation and transfer of documents across the World Wide Web (www.wikipediacom).

Social media, a kind of electronic communication, has become the most popular on the internet. They refer to social networking websites designed expressly to enable people share their opinions and stay in touch with friends, family, and well-wishers.

Fake profiles appeared, and members began to leave. Some of the people went to MySpace, which began in 1999 but gained popularity in 2003.Its roots are a little muddy because it received financial and logistical support from another company called e-Universe, and the majority of the early users were e-Universe employees,

but Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe are credited with much of the site’s innovations and success, which grew to 115 million users worldwide. Members share profiles, images, blogs, videos, and other content that piques their interest,

as well as TV shows that air on MySpace. In 2005, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (parent of Fox Broadcasting) acquired MySpace for $580 million.

Similarly, Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging site that allows users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters called “tweets”. Olayinka, S.O. (2014)

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Social media has undoubtedly altered the way journalists work, how stories are generated, and shared. Social media or online journalism puts significantly more power in the hands of individuals,

allowing readers to question the conventional function of information distribution. Traditional media has been compelled to adapt new media due to its broader reach and accessibility.

To that purpose, the study compares social media and radio stations in terms of news information appraisal, employing Twitter and Splash F.M Ibadan.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The study’s aims were as follows:

To discover whether University of Ibadan students prefer Twitter over Splash FM.

To investigate factors that determine students’ choice for Twitter versus Splash FM and why.

To identify some of the issues with social networking sites as sources of information, particularly Twitter.

Research Questions

To what extent do University of Ibadan students favour Twitter over Splash FM?

What factors influence students’ Twitter preferences, and if so, why?

What are the issues with social networking sites as a source of information?

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study has been limited to include just University of Ibadan students. Before designing and implementing the research instrument (questionnaire), demographic parameters such as academic levels, age, course of study, gender, marital status, and others will be investigated. With the goal of determining the level of communication effectiveness owing to technological change.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will be extremely valuable to journalists, media organisations, news agencies, editors, professors, and students in the fields of journalism and mass communication, as well as other academics who may want to conduct similar studies in the future.

The study will assist journalists in gathering important material by utilising social media networking tools, as well as providing them with a tutorial on how to produce online articles.

It will also assist journalists in communicating with their audiences and identifying their information demands. The study will also assist journalists who have previously avoided social media in order to boost their productivity.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The duration of the research work is rather short.

Stress from other academic tasks is also a constraint.

Because the effort is still in its early stages, there are few materials available.

1.8 Definition of Terms.

Information technology is the use of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data. It also includes other information distribution technologies like television and telephones, computer hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, the internet, telecom equipment, e-commerce, and computer services.

Social networking is a collection of internet-based apps that build on the ideological and technological foundations of web 2.0 and enable the creation and exchange of user-generated content. (Kaplan, Haenlein, 2010)

Blogs: A blog (a contraction of the term “web log”) is a form of website that is often managed by an individual and contains regular postings of commentary, event descriptions, or other content such as images or video. Entries are often shown in reverse chronological order.

Information refers to an idea, feeling, or expression packed in a specific manner.

The Internet is a global computer network that provides a variety of information and communication services. It is made up of interconnected networks that use standard communication protocols.

Citizen Journalism is the practice of individuals inside a given society, community, state, or nation obtaining, processing, and publishing news materials.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Wikipedia, YouTube, and other social media networking tools are examples of social media.

Journalism is the practice of writing, editing, and sharing information with the public via radio, television, newspapers, and magazines.

Modern journalism refers to the modern era of journalism in which the internet and computers are used in nearly all journalistic activities.

Related: social media in news, radio stations, news information, Facebook, new media, Twitter and Splash FM, online news, streaming, webcasting, podcasting, news on social media

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