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Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
An online assessment system for staff recruitment is an application that connects the organisation with the applicants. The organisation enters answers to the questions displayed on the exam. These questions are displayed as a test for qualifying pupils.

The responses provided by the applicants are then assessed, and their score is calculated and kept. This score can subsequently be used to determine the students’ passing grades or to evaluate their performance.

Online Exams System provides the platform but is not directly involved in any tests. The site does not submit questions; instead, users do.

According to Yu, Hsiao, and Cho (2014), online exams are convenient and quick. The three major uses of online examination are:
To allow test takers in different locations to take the test at the same time using the online examination platform.

Enable testing, grading, and result checking on the website using careful preparation and correct coding.

To integrate the database with the programme, teachers can easily add questions and create assessments.

The wording of exam questions is frequently met with scepticism and scepticism. In a normal online test system, the questions are stringent and carefully chosen.

Although the exam questions are in multiple choice format (objectives), they are selected at random. All students have the identical questions, but the order of the questions varies.

Because the order of the questions varies on each computer, students’ motivation to cheat is diminished. Cheating on exams is not accepted.

It is widely assumed that people are more inclined to cheat in a network environment, yet this is incorrect because cheating during exams is forbidden because it undermines the fairness of the exam.

This condition means that overcoming the proclivity to cheat is the primary problem with online exams.

Every organisation is made up of people, and before they are hired, information about them is acquired, processed, and analysed when they apply to establish their eligibility for employment in a specific role.

Each role requires specific abilities and requirements. Employee performance is determined by their skill, motivation, and opportunity (Boxall & Purcell, 2003).

Employee shortlisting, also known as recruitment and selection, is a key component of the central activities that underpin human resource management: worker acquisition, development, and reward.

It is an essential component of the work of human resource managers – or specialised professionals within work organisations. It plays a crucial role in ensuring employee performance and favourable organisational outcomes.

It is frequently argued that worker selection occurs not only to replace departing employees or to add to a workforce, but also to position individuals who can perform well and display dedication.

Recruitment is critical for organisations because it brings a vital resource, human capital, into the organisation (Boxall & Purcell, 2003; Parry & Tyson, 2008).

It has a strategic goal in that it emphasises the necessity to attract high-quality employees in order to obtain a competitive edge (Parry & Tyson, 2008; Malinowski et al, 2005). Recruiting people with the necessary skills reinforces organisational goals (Boxall & Purcell, 2003).

Conducting exams before hiring staff is critical since their success in the exams reflects their degree of competence or aptitude. Online assessment broadens the opportunity for organisations to reach out to more applicants and select the finest.

This research study is based on this premise and will investigate the design and implementation of an online assessment system for staff recruitment.

1.1 Statement of Problem

Many organisations lack competitive individuals, which has a negative impact on productivity and the organization’s reputation. Furthermore, there is no effective framework in place to attract employees who are capable of carrying out their responsibilities.

Many organisations continue to use the manual recruiting method, with applications confined to those in their immediate environment. Organisations are unable to reach out to a diverse range of applicants in order to hire the best personnel.

Cheating is common in traditional recruitment exams, undermining the credibility of newly hired personnel. There is a need for a more effective system that can reach out to a broader range of employees, promoting the recruitment of highly qualified personnel.

1.2 Aim of the Study

The study’s goal is to create a computer-based test application for personnel recruiting for Prudential Global Service Limited.


The aims of the study are as follows:

To create and execute an online assessment system for the recruitment of staff at Prudential Global Service Limited.

To determine the form and characteristics of an online assessment system for personnel recruitment at Prudential Global Service Limited.

Determine the advantages of using an online assessment system for staff recruiting.

To identify the obstacles and cons of using an online assessment system for staff recruitment.

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