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A college timetable is a temporal arrangement of classes and classrooms that satisfies all of the provided requirements. Time-tabling has long been considered an NP-hard problem.

This study offers a real-time timetabling technique that can efficiently handle both strong and weak constraints. It is employed in an automated timetabling system for scheduling examination invigilators.

The world’s approach to problem solving is rapidly evolving on a daily basis. This has resulted in a number of technologies targeted at achieving the most productivity in the shortest amount of time in the academic field.

Computers were invented as a result of technological breakthroughs, and they are currently used to solve problems in a variety of organisations, schools, the corporate sector, and the government.

Prior to the introduction of computers and other technological advancement tools, most jobs were either done manually or mechanically, resulting in the waste of valuable time, resources, and efforts. Some tasks were performed repeatedly using the same procedures, resulting in a slow pace and delay in completing the job on time.

Even though most administrative college tasks are computerised, lecture-timetable scheduling is still done manually due to inherent difficulties. Manually scheduling lectures requires a significant amount of time and work.

The lecture-timetable scheduling problem is a constraint satisfaction problem in which we must find a solution that meets the given set of constraints.

The college lecture-timetabling challenge requires us to identify time slots and classrooms that meet the limits imposed on available courses, teachers, classrooms, and so on.

As a result, the variables to be instantiated are the time slots and classrooms for the given courses. Because timetabling is a combinatorial optimisation problem in the NP-hard class, the calculation time grows exponentially as the number of variables increases.

In recent decades, a variety of approaches have been taken to the problem of creating timetables for colleges and schools. Timetabling problems can be solved using methods derived from operations research, such as graph colouring and mathematical programming, local search, such as tabu search and simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, or backtracking-based constraint satisfaction manipulation.

The use of computer systems has contributed to a tremendous increase in production and management in everyday life business and commercial services.

Even in our various private works, the manual method of generating invigilators’ timetables cannot be compared to the use of computerised approaches, as all manual processes are inefficient.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

It is commonly established that all automated operations are preceded by manual operations, but in reverse, all automated operations outperform manual operations in every way, including efficiency and accuracy.

The decision to design an examination invigilator timetable generating and scheduling system for the Institute of Basic and Applied Sciences (IBAS) was made prior to personal observation of the problems and difficulties faced in scheduling invigilator duties during the examination period.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

The goal of this project is to computerise the current way of producing invigilators’ timetables by reducing time waste, inaccuracy, and energy consumption in arranging lecturers to invigilate students in various examination halls. The project’s aims are as follows:

To create a computerised way of producing invigilators’ timetables that will overcome all of the prior weaknesses inherent in the manual system, and if properly monitored and followed, will result in improved performance.

To make the processing as fast and accurate as feasible during the timetable development.

To provide a computerised system for managing the actions involved in creating the timetable to oversee students during their school exams.

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