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1.1 Background of the Study

Man is naturally social and gregarious, and he cannot exist alone. To maintain peace and harmony in society, man must devise behaviour and laws that control the behaviour of its members. When people respect these norms of conduct and laws, they ensure the safety of their lives and property.

In general, tracking is the observation of people or objects in motion and providing a timely ordered series of respective location data to a model, which can then be used to portray the motion on a display.

The traditional and age-old system of intelligence and criminal record management has failed to meet the demands of the current crime situation. Manual methods do not give precise, dependable, and comprehensive data around the clock, nor do they aid in trend forecasting and decision making. It also leads to poorer production and inefficient use of workers.

The solution to this ever-increasing problem is the efficient use of information technology. The Crime Tracking Information System employs computer-generated records as an interface to integrate and access enormous volumes of location-based data.

The crime monitoring system enables police officers to effectively plan for emergency response, identify mitigation priorities, assess historical incidents, and predict future events. A crime tracking system can help identify prospective suspects, increasing investigators’ suspect base when no leads are available.

The capacity to swiftly access and process information while showing it in a geographical and visual style enables agencies to allocate resources more efficiently and effectively.

Law enforcement relies heavily on location information to decide the appropriate reaction to crimes, incidents, suspects, and victims. Crime monitoring software facilitates the coordination of massive amounts of location-based data from many sources.

It allows the user to layer data and focus on the information that is most important to the specific issue or purpose.

It is utilised globally by police agencies of all sizes to provide solutions for crime analysis, criminal tracking, traffic safety, community policing, Intranet/Internet mapping, and a variety of other functions.

A crime monitoring system assists authorities in identifying probable crime sites by assessing complicated, seemingly unrelated variables and displays them all in one interface.

It also assists them in mapping inmate demographics, fixtures, and equipment to ensure inmate safety by segregating gang members, identifying high-risk or potentially violent convicts, and detecting hazardous places in a given region.

It minimises the likelihood of internal conflict by improving command and control. Traditionally, these activities have relied on paper and pen. Police officers can now generate crime reports that are directly relevant to the current scenario.

Police departments collect huge volumes of data from a variety of sources, including calls for assistance, arrests, first-information reports, and daily reports. The same data is a valuable decision-making tool for investigators, supervisors, and administrators.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The Nigerian Police, which is presented as a case study, already have a criminal tracking system in place, but it is not automated. Criminal records are documented using paper and a pen. The keeping of these criminal records isn’t particularly noteworthy.

Case files are thrown in heaps, while others are stored on shelves. The state’s mouldy conditions might lead sensitive documents to get dusty and damaged by rats due to inadequate storage.

In this situation, it becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible, to track down known criminals, access a suspect’s past criminal history, and ascertain the status of some closed cases.

1.3 Purpose of the Project

The project aims to computerise the Nigerian Police’s existing Criminal Tracking System. Specifically, the initiative will achieve the following:

1) Create and implement a central database system that will act as a statewide repository of criminal data. The smaller database system at the sub-police station will be linked to the central database, allowing access to criminal data on cases not handled by the local station.

This database system will be updated by local police stations throughout the state, as well as police headquarters. (functioning as a criminal data collection centre)

2) The central database system will be housed on a server at the police headquarters and will be linked to both the local police station and the Central Criminal Registry via a client-server connection between station and Criminal Justice, which renders Criminal Justice.

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