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1.0 Introduction

In 1990, Nigeria had three essentially separate education systems. The indigenous system, Quranic schools, and traditional European-style educational institutions.

In the rural areas where the majority lived, children learned farming and other work skills, as well as adult duties, through community participation; this process was ten times supplemented by age-based schools in which mature men taught groups of young boys about community responsibilities.

until the 1970s, education professionals were wondering how the system could be integrated into the more formal instruction of children, but the topic remained unanswered until 1990.

Western-style education arrived in Nigeria with the missionaries in the mid-nineteenth century. Although Methodists founded the first mission school in 1843, it was the Anglican Church missionary society that pushed forward in the early 1850s to establish a network of missions and schools.

Following fast in the late 1850s by the Roman Catholics in 1887, an education department was established in what is now Southern Nigeria, which began creating curricula and administering funding to mission groups.

In 1914, the North and South were united into one colony. The South had 59 government primary schools and 91 mission primary schools. The missions ran all eleven secondary institutions, except for King’s College in Lagos.

The educational system placed a major emphasis on exams. In 1916, Fredrick Lugard, the Unified Colony’s first governor, established a school inspectorate.

Discipline, building, and the adequacy of teaching staff were all to be evaluated, but the numbers and ranking of a school’s examination results received the most points.

This emphasis on examination was still employed in 1990 to evaluate school outcomes and qualify for jobs in the public and private sectors.

As more information becomes available in a number of formats and media, as well as in a variety of places, the necessity for efficient information/data management becomes increasingly important.

Staff and public users seek easier and more efficient access to stored information. The university’s policy aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of result processing operations (student records/grades) and services by using a computerised transcript management system.

3 1.1 Background of the study.

Caritas institution, Amorji Nike, Enugu, is a private institution that was approved by the federal government of Nigeria on December 16, 2004. It was officially launched on January 21, 2005 by Prof. Fabian Osuji of the Federal Ministry of Education, with a formal opening on January 31.

On May 28, 2005, 250 pioneer students matriculated in a spectacular ceremony attended by representatives from both churches and the state. Reverend Fr. Prof. Emmanuel Paul Matthew Edeh CSSP, OFR founded Nigeria’s second Catholic university.

Although he created the school, the University is owned by the Saviour Sisters, a religious congregation of Nums that he formed.

Caritas University’s vision is to protect some of our wandering and teaming youth from further academic and moral degeneration, while also developing and transforming our society through sound and adulterated education.

Its aim is to find, sanctify, and use scientific, environmental, and engineering knowledge for human well-being and sound development in order to improve society.

Caritas University’s mission is to make its motto and educational philosophy more effective. We value not just good education for professional abilities and competency in a variety of sectors, but we also maintain strong discipline.

We develop the mind, body, soul, and spirit to exhibit obedience and self-control (4). Students must not only be intellectually and professionally prepared for various tasks and roles in the world

but they must also be morally prepared to face the world itself, with all of its tensions, conflicts, challenges, and contradictions. We accomplish this with the help of God Almighty, who is always with us.

The philosophy is to encourage solid education for professional skills and competences in a variety of sectors while maintaining tight discipline. The university defined discipline as the training of the mind, body, soul, and spirit for obedience and self-control.

In addition, students must be intellectually and professionally prepared for various activities and positions in the world, complete with tensions, conflict, problems, and paradoxes.

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