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Concept Of Neo Colonalism In Joy Chinokwu’S Cloud At Sunrise And After Midnight

Concept Of Neo Colonalism In Joy Chinokwu’S Cloud At Sunrise And After Midnight

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Concept Of Neo Colonalism In Joy Chinokwu’S Cloud At Sunrise And After Midnight


In the work “The Concept of Neo-Colonialism in Joy Chinwokwu Clouds at Sunrise and After Midnight,” the researcher attempts to demonstrate neocolonialism as a practice in Nigeria from independence to the present day: the negative impact of neocolonialist powers on all sectors of the country’s economy as well as the lives of its citizens.

As a result, a proposed solution to Nigerians’ problems is presented. This work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter contains the introduction, statement of problems, purpose of the study, scope of the investigation, significance of the study, and research methods.

Chapter two provides an overview of some other African writers and their works. The third chapter of Joy Chinwokwu’s Cloud at Sunrise explores the topic of neocolonialism. Chapter four examines the concept of neocolonalism in Joy Chinwokwu’s After Midnight. Chapter 5 summarises and finishes the work.

Chapter one


Using the dual perspectives of postcolonial and neocolonial studies, this study examines the traumatising impact of neocolonialist leadership on Africa and Africa’s creative writers, who are a subset of the continent’s intellectual class struggling for genuine independence. It depicts the African writer as a regular venue for the classless in postcolonial Africans’ battle for full independence from neocolonial authority.

It further traces this rift to the realities of Western capitalism’s predatory dominions of Africa, which began with the brutalising commodification of Africans as slaves, was followed by the arbitrary creation of unworkable states, and now has reincarnated in neo-colonialism’s garb, and submits that true and lasting peace and harmony can be achieved by the human race only if Western capitalism and advances in science and technology are aligned with the pre-indust

The Concept of Neocolonialism: Definition of Terms


The name “Concept” dates back to 1550-1560 and is derived from the Latin word “conceptum,” which means “something conceived.” However, mainstream cognitive science and philosophy of mind use what is now referred to as “concepts”.

It is an abstract idea or a mental symbol, sometimes characterised as a unit of knowledge, constructed from other units that serve as a concept’s distinguishing features.

It can also refer to a general idea obtained or inferred from specific instances or happenings, as well as something created in the mind, such as a thought or notion.


Neo-colonialism is a phrase often used in academic literature that deals with the history of the capitalist system, its expansion, and current international events.

The word originated from a contrast drawn by V.I. Lenin in his essay “Imperialism,” which was first published in 1939. He distinguished between “domination by extra-political means” and “direct political domination through force of arms.”

Early colonialism spanned the era between the commencement of European exploration and expansion and the granting of independence to former colonies. It mainly involved imposing centralised political rule on non-Western peoples through different forms of direct political pressure.

Neocolonialism is the continuous dominance of former colonies through extra-political or commercial methods. In other words, while it continues the same process of exploitation and absorption, it does so by economic pressure rather than military or legislative power.

On the other hand, neocolonialism (which means new colonialism) is based not just on the continuous dominance of former colonies, but also within them. This means that some Africans (specifically high-ranking officials) impose or enforce dominance over their fellow Africans by controlling the country’s political and economic sectors.

Critics of neocolonialism argue that multinational businesses continue to abuse the resources of postcolonial regimes, and that this economic domination inherent in neocolonialism is similar to classical European colonialism practiced from the 16th to 20th century.

In this view, neocolonialism denotes a type of current economic imperialism, in which wealthy nations behave like colonial powers of imperialism, and this behaviour is analogous to colonialism in a postcolonial world.

The word neocolonialism first became popular, notably in relation to Africa, shortly after the process of decolonisation, which followed a battle by numerous national freedom movements in the colonies.

Following independence, some national leaders and opposition parties claimed that their countries were being subjected to a new type of colonialism conducted by former colonial powers, other industrialised nations, and even totalitarian governments in the colonies. Kwame Nkrumah, the newly independent Ghana’s leader in 1957, was one of the most well-known users of the term.

His book, Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism, provides a standard definition of neocolonialism. In the book, Nkrumah writes that “the neocolonialism of today represents imperialism in its final and perhaps most dangerous stage.”

He goes on to claim that progress in less developed parts of the world and investment under neocolonialism widen rather than narrow the gap between the rich and poor countries of the world.

The campaign against neocolonialism is not about prohibiting capital from rich countries functioning in less developed countries; rather, it is about preventing developed countries’ financial strength from being exploited to impoverish the less developed.

Nkrumah’s book is self-described as an extension of Lenin’s imperialism; The Last Stage of Capitalism (1916), in which Lenin claims that “19th century imperialism is predicated upon the needs of the capitalist system”. Neocolonialism, like colonialism, seeks to export the social tensions of capitalist countries. Che Guevara, Maxist Revolutionary, 1961; states,

Countries that are respectfully referred to as ‘underdeveloped’ are actually colonial, semi-colonial, or dependent. We are countries whose economies have been perverted by imperialism, which has unnaturally created the industries and agriculture required to supplement its complex economy.

Underdevelopment, or skewed development, results in a dangerous specialisation in raw materials, which poses a threat to all of our peoples. We, the ‘underdeveloped’, are also those with a single crop, product, and market.

A single product whose uncertain sale is contingent on a single market imposing and defining condition. That is an excellent formula for imperialist economic dominance. (41)

Statement of the Problem

For many Africans, the official end of colonial control did not mean an end to social injustice and severe economic disparities. The argument is that colonisers attempted to manage their colonised through indirect means; instead of direct military political control, neocolonialist nations used economic, financial, and trade policies to subjugate less powerful countries. They maintain a presence in the economies, particularly when it comes to raw commodities from former colonies.

In this setting, Joy Chininwokwu’s novels are driven by a need to explain what is going on in her community in terms of neocolonialism. Joy Chinwokwu and other African writers allow for a critical assessment of post-colonial African communities, attempting not to embellish or disparage them, but rather to depict a reality.

The purpose of the study

The major goal of this investigation is to find out:

– To what extent have African writers, particularly Joy Chinwokwu, addressed the challenges faced by Africans in accordance with neocolonial powers?

– To what extent have these writers contributed to clarifying the concepts of neocolonialism and its harmful impact on Africans?

– To what extent have these writers attempted to modify Africans’ perceptions of neocolonialism, and how may this be accomplished, through the reconstruction of experiences in their work?

Scope of the Study

The researcher will focus on the notion of neocolonialism as depicted in Joy Chinwokwu’s works, as well as the roles that each character plays in relation to neocolonialism. The initiative will give light on the societal influence depicted in the two novels under examination.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit society in several ways. The goal of this research is to investigate the concept of neocolonialism, and to that end, a critical investigation of the sociology of neocolonialism in Africa will be conducted.

The society will be informed about the negative aspects and consequences of some of the policies pushed on them by neocolonialists in the guise of development. More importantly, to pursue complete independence, not just from exterior neocolonialists, but also from within.

Research Methodology

The key data sources for this project are Joy Chinwokwu’s Clouds at Sunrise and After Midnight. Other secondary sources include library materials, online articles, newspapers, and critical publications on the subject.

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