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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

This study focuses on consumer brand preference in the purchase of beverages in the Enugu metropolis. Rightly, since time immemorial, there have been numerous incidents of the acquisition of various brands of beverages for use either domestically or commercially.

Consumer brand preference in beverage purchases is simply the frequency with which different brands of beverages appear in relation to their top choices.

Based on the study, we will focus on the various brands of beverages consumed by customers, which are separated into two categories:

Locally processed and foreign-processed:

Alternatively, under locally processed ones. We have the well-known Lulu Juice, Soya milk, Zobo drink, and some of the foreign beverages, Coca-Cola soft drink, Heineken beer, Eva wine.

Most importantly, the method in which consumers behave when purchasing the aforementioned products determines their taste, which is influenced by their financial level.

This raises the question of why merchants desire to brand their products, as well as the definition of branding. Branding is a name, word, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, used to identify and differentiate the goods or services of a seller or group of sellers from their competitors.

Today, branding is such a powerful force that almost nothing remains unbranded. The beverage is branded with distinct brand names from the producer for the following reasons: The brand name makes it easy for the seller to handle orders and identify difficulties.

Furthermore, if an order is lost, the merchant may easily identify it or determine why the beverages were rancid if customers complain. The brand name enables the vendor to attract a loyal and profitable set of customers.

This increases brand loyalty among vendors, providing protection from competition and better control over their marketing mix. It also allows a corporation to develop preferential demand for its items within a specific product category.

With these, it is clear that beverage distributors want brand names to make their product easier to handle, identify suppliers that adhere to specific quality criteria, and increase buying preference. Consumers desire brand names to help them distinguish quality differences and buy more efficiently.

When it comes to beverage purchases, most peasant consumers always choose locally processed beverages because they believe it is the cheapest brand available.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

The majority of beverage consumers in Enugu Metropolis prefer locally processed beverages because researchers recently discovered that locally processed beverages, such as soya milk, contain more protein, which is beneficial to the body, and contain less sugar than foreign beverages, such as cocoa.

Doctors also recommend locally produced beverages to patients who are deficient in vitamins and cannot afford to purchase expensive medications or supplements, resulting in a preference for one beverage over another.

A brand name is a trademark that is used to identify a product.

CONSUMER – A person who uses economic goods or services.

UNETHICAL PRACTICES – The use of ethics, unethical business practices, and unconscious acts.

BRIDGE THE PURCHASE – An effort to appropriately channel ideas.


This study puts us in a position to correct why the locally processed brand is chosen and the obstacles militating against it.

i. Determine why foreign processed brands are less unenlightened.

ii. Determine why people trade on foreign brands despite the low prices of local beverages.

iii. Identify the variables contributing to inadequate beverage processing by local processors.

iv. To investigate potential methods for bridging the purchasing gap between locally processed beverages and foreign processed brands of beverages.

1.4 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study is limited to users of beverages in the Enugu metropolitan area. However, various humiliations impeded adequate research effort, such as:

a. There is a lack of literature on customer brand preference while purchasing beverages. Instead, the study examined customer behaviour through books by various authors.

a. Finance to complete the required work within the time constraints imposed by the short academic year.

c. The issue of gathering data in current statistics on brand preference when purchasing beverages, and libraries complain about a lack of information.

d. It proved difficult to find suitable processors and willing customers.

1.3 Significance of the Study

Over the years, there has been an inequality in consumer brand preference while purchasing beverages. This investigation will help us identify the elements that are causing this trend.

So, the study will be extremely beneficial to marketers, processors, and, most importantly, customers.

Finally, it is believed that this research would be useful to new processors and sellers so that they can understand the dominant brand and how to improve on low-grade ones. To close the disparity gap between distinct brands.

Sometimes producers try to maximise profit by adding extra water to the beverage, which is immoral. Returning to exotic brands, the reverse is true, and most consumers choose these brands because they believe they are more hygienic than locally produced products. Due to the degree of civilization, both the poor and the rich choose foreign beverages.

Now, in Enugu metropolitan, the buying of foreign beverages has increased dramatically because they are rarely sold locally, especially on campus. And we are confronted with the issue of the variables that influence the low consumption of locally processed beverages in Enugu city.


i. Which brand of beverage is most popular with consumers in Enugu Metropolis?

ii. What considerations do beverage customers consider when choosing a particular brand?

iii. Does brand name influence or determine brand selection for beverages?

iv. Does personality influence brand preference for beverage?

v. What can be done independently to improve or test the quality of locally processed beverages?

1.7 Definition of Terms

Preference is the preference of a single brand.

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