Project Materials




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Chapter one

1.1 Introduction.

Nigeria had three unique education systems in 1990: indigenous, Quranic, and formal European-style institutions. In the rural areas where the majority resided, children acquired agricultural and other work skills, as well as adult responsibilities, through community engagement.

This procedure was frequently complemented by age-based schools, where senior men taught groups of young boys about communal obligations. until the 1970s, education professionals were wondering how the system could be integrated into the more formal instruction of children, but the topic remained unanswered until 1990.

Western-style education arrived in Nigeria with the missionaries in the mid-19th century. Although Methodists created the first mission school in 1843, the Anglican Church Missionary Society pushed forward in the early 1850s to establish a chain of missions and schools, which were rapidly followed by Roman Catholics in the late 1850s.

In 1887, an education department was established in what is now southern Nigeria, and it began establishing curricula and administering funding to mission societies.

By 1914, when the north and south were unified into one colony, the south had fifty-nine government and ninety-one mission primary schools; the missions ran all eleven secondary institutions, with the exception of King’s College in Lagos.

The educational system placed a major emphasis on exams. In 1916, Frederick Lugard, the first governor of the consolidated colony, established a school inspectorate.

Discipline, buildings, and the adequacy of teaching staff were all to be evaluated, but the numbers and ranks of a school’s examination results received the most points.

This emphasis on exams was still employed in 1990 to evaluate school outcomes and gain certifications for positions in government and the corporate sector.

As more information becomes available in a number of formats and media, as well as in a variety of places, the necessity for efficient information/data management becomes increasingly important.

Staff and public users seek easier and more efficient access to stored information. The University Policy aims to improve the efficiency and efficacy of course registration and result processing operations and services by using an integrated automated database system.

1.2 Background of the Study

Caritas University is comprised of four (4) faculty, including:

1. Engineering includes the following departments: computer, mechanical, chemical, electrical, and electronics engineering.

2. Environmental divisions include Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Estate Management.

3. Management and Social Sciences departments include accounting, economics, business administration, public administration, political science, industrial relations and personnel management, mass communication, marketing, banking, and finance.

4. Natural Sciences departments include biochemistry, computer science and information technology, industrial chemistry, mathematics and statistics, and microbiology and biotechnology.

There has always been a need for automated data storage methods in universities such as Caritas. To address this issue, a large number of software applications have been developed and sold around the world.

I examined this software and discovered that many of them are inefficient. Students have also investigated and produced their own software, although they were unable to provide or construct error-free software that will assist in result generation, automated course registration, or the creation of a database of results in the University to facilitate students’ transcripts.

This issue has been delaying or delaying the outcomes of graduating or graduated students, causing some of them to miss out on youth service when they should or should have gone, and even some to miss it entirely.

To bridge this gap or solve this problem, there is a need to produce accurate, error-free software, as the problem has put a lot of pressure on both tests and records, as well as university management.

Organisational Structure

1.3 Statement of the Problem

A database of information is essential in today’s education for course enrollment and examination result processing. This has become a critical issue as students spend so much time attempting to determine the number of credit units for each semester.

This problem has resulted in wasted time, inaccurate results, and even the possibility of fraud. Missing results have been recorded, complicating and delaying examination processing.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The study’s objectives are to:

1. Provide a trustworthy solution for result processing that is free of corruption.

2. Ensure that the normal credit load for the school is maintained.

3. Provide software that produces results that are accurate, timely, and error-free.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The project effort will help in a variety of ways to alleviate the delays in manual examination processing. The software developed will assist school administrators in achieving an efficient information management system. There are numerous other benefits, some of which are described here.

1. It saves time throughout the examination process.

2. A database for course registration and exam results is maintained.

3. References are extremely fast, and delays can be avoided.

4. It provides easy access to stored information.

5. Assist in the reduction of costs such as labour, inventory, and stationary.

6. The generation of correct results/information on transactions is guaranteed.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study will focus on the course registration and examination processing system, with Caritas University (Computer Science & Information Technology Department) as a case study. The system will solely support student registration, course registration, and result processing.

1.7 Definition of Terms and Variables

An information system is a set of methods, people, instructions, and technology that produce information in a meaningful format.

Technology is the study of ways or processes for mobilising resources (such as information) to achieve goals that benefit both humans and the environment.

Information is described as the process of acquiring, transmitting, receiving, storing, and retrieving data or several objects combined to express a desired message.

A computer network is a system that connects two or more computers together via a communication link.

A database is a regularly organised collection of computer data that can be automatically retrieved or changed. It is sometimes termed a databank.

File Transfer: Any type of computer file can be delivered via the Internet from one user to another. This method can be used to share spreadsheet tables of accounts, graphic artist designs, music sound files, and so forth.

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