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Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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1.1 The Background of the Study 

A company’s primary goal should be to advance. If a business wants to satisfy more customers and attract more investors, it needs to make structural and financial improvements as well as raise the bar on product quality. How well an organisation uses its potential resources determines how successful or unsuccessful it will be.

Being able to work well with others is a must-have talent in today’s workplace. Everyone in the company has a crucial role and ought to do their part to ensure the company’s success.

Teams consist of a group of people who work together to complete a common goal; these people are interdependent on one another and on the tasks at hand;

they are part of a larger social system, such as a company or business unit, and they are able to manage their relationships with one another across organisational boundaries (Sand Storms, Demese and Futrell 1990).

An evaluation of Teamwork as an Instrument for Organisational Growth is now underway. Some people have a reserved personality and struggle to fit in socially or work with others.

Members of a corporate organisation rely on one another to accomplish the overall goal. When employees are expected to work individually, it hinders both their productivity and the overall growth of the firm.

When planning an organization’s future, teamwork is essential. Everyone wants to know if teams actually help people and businesses succeed. When put in a team setting, why do some individuals struggle?

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The growth and success of any given organisation depends on the coordinated efforts of many different people. The following issues prompted the idea of studying teamwork as a means of organisational growth: Teamwork is something that some people find challenging or even despise at work.

Reason being, they fail to recognise the incalculable value of teamwork in driving the organization’s growth. The company’s failure to form a cohesive unit that all employees can get behind is another problem.

Defiant attitude

Being steadfast in one’s belief in the truth is admirable, but being stubborn in one’s rejection of alternative approaches is problematic. “I will tell you the mistake you are always making,” Napoleon reportedly told an opponent he had defeated. When you don’t know your enemy’s whereabouts, the day before battle is when you write up and strategise.

Participation absent

Nobody on the team ever gets their work done. There can be a lack of enthusiasm or participation at team meetings.

Office interactions are enhanced through teamwork.

Teamwork increases individual investment in the project at hand as well as interpersonal investment in team members. Members of the team are there for one another, both within and outside of the team structure, and they learn to work with one another’s unique approaches.

Problematically, some individuals still refuse to cooperate with others, despite the fact that there are so many benefits to doing so in the workplace.

1.3 The Purpose and Aim of the Research

This study aims to do the following critical analysis of cooperation as a strategy for organisational development:

a. The study’s overarching goal is to prefer solutions that lead to high productivity and advancement, thus it’s investigating why some people have trouble working in teams.

b. Finding issues related to noncompliance with teamwork is another goal of this research.

c. Recognising the value of cooperation in driving organisational growth was another objective of the study.

d. Lastly, to find methods for forming teams within organisations so that both society and individual employees can reap the benefits.

1.4 The significance Of The Study

Everyone has a role to play in the development of the company, but in order to reach their goals, they must work together as a team. The researcher is also interested in learning how valuable teamwork is for the advancement of organisations.

identify strategies to form a team in an organisation that focusses on (NIPDC) Investment House Headquarter Lafia, identify problems associated with teamwork, discuss the contributions made by office managers, and explain why some people find it difficult to function as a team.

1.5 Research Questions

The study relied on the following research questions.

1. How exactly does collaboration aid in the advancement of an organisation?

2. What are some ways that organisations may foster teamwork?

3. What makes a team more effective?

4. What causes some individuals to struggle while collaborating with others?

1.6 The Scope of the Study

This research only covers NPDC Lafia, which is part of the Nasarawa Investment and Property Development Company.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Consistent units of workers that work together to create a product or provide a service are known as a team.

A tool is anything that facilitates work performance or the completion of a task.

A collection of people who come together to join a club, business, or other entity with the purpose of accomplishing a common goal is called an organisation.

The process of making something that is better, more advanced, stronger, etc. is called development.

Is there an open line of communication amongst team members?

Being competent is being able to do something admirably.


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