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Current assets play a crucial role as a management tool inside business organisations, significantly contributing to the effective functioning of the firm and the attainment of organisational objectives.

Current assets refer to assets that can be easily converted into cash or used up within a short period of time, without experiencing any significant loss in value or disruption to the regular operations of the organisation.

On the contrary, management entails the accomplishment of objectives through the utilisation of human resources, achieved through the processes of planning, organising, and coordinating.

It can be understood as a multifaceted process, encompassing both social and technical aspects, that strategically employs resources and influences human behaviour to effectively steer individuals towards desired outcomes, hence facilitating the achievement of organisational objectives.

The management of current assets encompasses the strategic decisions made by managers about the financial handling of the many elements of current assets, as well as the planned policies governing the desired composition level and the implementation of control measures.

The category of current assets include several items, including cash, inventory, government bonds, account receivables, marketable securities, prepaid expenses, and other assets that can be readily turned into cash within a reasonably little timeframe without disrupting the regular business activities. Efficient management of the components of current assets is crucial for the attainment of organisational goals.

However, it is important to note that various creditors and investments tied up in cash can also provide additional costly drawbacks. Therefore, it is advisable for organisations to consistently strive to minimise or maintain an optimal level of stock and cash tied up in these assets, with the ultimate goal of reducing them to zero.

Nevertheless, achieving complete elimination of these expenditures is seldom feasible due to the potential for incurring higher expenses in other areas. The assessment of the optimal level for these assets is thus the outcome of a balancing procedure between the costs incurred by retaining such assets and the significance attributed to not holding them or holding only a minimal quantity.

It is evident that any mishandling of these present assets will lead to a depletion of funds, thus having adverse implications for the overall administration of the organisation.

Hence, implementing measures aimed at reducing current assets is likely to result in significant cost reductions. Research has indicated that a significant number of company enterprises experience failure or underperformance due to their insufficient ability to effectively manage their existing assets.

The significance of effectively managing current assets cannot be overstated, as it significantly contributes to enhancing efficiency, ensuring the availability of money, promoting profitability, and facilitating the growth and expansion of the organisation.

The researcher aims to examine and generate a profitable outcome regarding the effective and efficient management of present assets in public limited liability organisations. Additionally, the researcher will propose potential avenues for further enhancement.


The focus of this study is Nigerian Breweries PLC.

The scope of operation refers to the extent or range of activities that an organisation or business engages in to achieve its objectives.

Nigerian Breweries Plc, established in 1946, holds the distinction of being the foremost and most extensive brewing enterprise in Nigeria. A significant milestone was achieved in June 1949,

as the inaugural bottle of Star Lager beer was produced on the bottling lines at its plant located in Lagos. Subsequently, the establishment of Aba brewery transpired, having been officially inaugurated in the year 1957.

The establishment of Kaduna Brewery took place in 1963, followed by the establishment of Ibadan Brewery in 1982. The company successfully completed the acquisition of its brewery in Enugu in September 1993.

The Ama green field brewery in Enugu, which was inaugurated on April 9, 2001, is currently recognised as the largest brewery in Africa. The commissioning of the brewery is scheduled for October 2003.

Since its inception in 1946, the company has expanded its operations to include five functioning breweries, from which it distributes its superior quality products throughout the entirety of the nation.

The term “export” refers to the act of sending goods or services produced in one country

Nigerian Breweries (NB) plc has had a notable expansion in its export operations since 1986. Presently, the company exports its products to many international markets, including the United Kingdom, United States of America, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, and Kenya.

Research and development (R&D)

NB Plc consistently aligns itself with significant global advancements, so guaranteeing that its systems, processes, and operational procedures consistently adhere to internationally recognised standards of excellence.

In accordance with its corporate policy, the company created a research and development centre in 1987 with the aim of augmenting its research endeavours pertaining to all facets of brewing operations.

Ancillary operations/services.

As a prominent entity in the brewing industry, the corporation actively promotes the development of supplementary enterprises. A significant number of these organisations and individuals rely heavily on the corporation as their primary source of livelihood.

These encompass producers of bottles, corks, labels, cartons, plastic crates, as well as establishments such as hotels, clubs, and our primary distributors.

The concept of social responsibility refers to the ethical obligation of individuals and organisations to act in a manner that benefits society as a whole.

Nigerian Breweries Plc demonstrates a commendable commitment to corporate social responsibility, exemplified by its notable track record of engaging in philanthropic initiatives across several domains like as education, the environment, and communications, among others. In 1994, the firm established an Education Trust Fund with a total value of N100 million.

The primary objective of this initiative was to enhance the company’s involvement in the financial support of educational and research facilities inside higher education institutions.

The overarching goal was to foster and promote academic excellence in Nigeria. This pertains to its secondary aspects and personnel. The companies possess an authorised share capital amounting to 2.4 billion.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Numerous entities, encompassing both privately-held, publicly-traded, and government-owned corporations, have encountered significant resource mismanagement and cash depletion stemming from inadequate control over present assets, ultimately leading to the need for liquidation.

However, public limited companies are also confronted with the challenge of a global economic recession in the Nigerian economy. This is accompanied by a high rate of inflation and fluctuations in the exchange rate,

which have caused significant issues in managing stocks and other current assets that contribute to the growth of the company. Consequently, there has been an underutilization of resources and inadequate inputs, resulting in a decline in the total revenue generated by these companies.

One of the challenges faced in the management of current assets pertains to the management of debt. The distributors no longer uphold the credit sales terms, resulting in a shortfall of funds that would have otherwise been accessible for the organization’s regular operations. This issue poses a significant obstacle to the effective management of existing assets.

Upon completion of this investigation, the researcher will ascertain potential solutions to the issues related to present asset management and propose strategies for enhancement.

1.3 Objectives of the Research

The study aimed to meet the following objectives;

(1) The objective of this study is to conduct a critical evaluation of the rate at which management formulates policies for the administration of current assets in publicly traded limited liability firms.

In order to determine the manner in which funds are being utilised and to ensure effective management of existing assets, an investigation is being conducted with the objective of identifying and resolving issues related to mismanagement.

There are several reasons why public limited firms maintain appropriate management of their current assets.

In order to assess the degree to which contemporary tools for managing current assets have contributed to the effective operation of businesses and the attainment of organisational objectives.

In order to gauge and analyse the extent to which present asset management practises have contributed to enhancing productivity and fostering the growth and expansion of the organisation, an assessment and evaluation are necessary.

In order to provide recommendations and mitigate future shortcomings, it is imperative to provide suitable strategies for enhancing the effective allocation of resources.

1.4 Research Questions

The study is guided by the following research questions:

(1) Does the utilisation of the present asset management tool contribute to the effective operation of businesses and the attainment of organisational objectives?

To what extent has the profitability of public limited firms been enhanced as a result of this development?

To what extent has it mitigated the issue of debt management?

The individual has made contributions towards ensuring the appropriate accountability and effective use of these assets for the daily operations of a business entity.


The study aimed to test the following hypotheses:

Hello, I would like to discuss the concept of the alternative hypothesis.

The null hypothesis (Ho)

Greetings, Effective management of existing assets has been found to enhance the profitability and growth of a company.

The adverse impact of a high inflation rate and exchange rate volatility on the management of current assets is evident.

Hypothesis: The absence of a causal relationship between a high rate of inflation, changes in exchange rates, and their impact on current asset management.

Hello, the present management of assets is influenced by economic trends.

Hypothesis: The economic trend does not have an impact on the current management of assets.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will examine the advantages that may be of interest to specific groups, ultimately contributing to the resolution of various challenges faced by public limited liability firms, with a particular focus on Nigeria Breweries Plc.

This study will also provide significant advantages to business educators, as well as students pursuing business studies, who will derive benefits from this research endeavour.

This will also aid private and public enterprises in assessing their progress and shortcomings, enabling them to implement necessary measures for the supervision and administration of their existing assets. Several individuals or groups are recipients of the benefits, which include:

The management of public liability companies.

The management of public liability companies, such as Nigeria Breweries, has derived advantages from the implementation of contemporary asset management practises.

These practises have facilitated managerial decision-making regarding the financing of different elements within current assets. Additionally, they have aided in the formulation of policies pertaining to the desired composition level of current assets and the exercise of control over them.

B. Managers:

The effective and efficient management of current assets is a crucial aspect contributing to the success and profitability of organisations. Managers in any organisation stand to benefit significantly from their ability to effectively manage these assets.

The government is a significant entity in the political landscape.

The government has greatly benefited from its current asset management practises, as it has effectively utilised and safeguarded its bonds and securities. This has contributed to the overall stability of the economy.

1.7 Scope Limitations and Delimitations of the Study

This section discusses the boundaries and constraints that exist within the scope of the study.

The researcher aimed to narrow down the scope of the study to focus specifically on Nigeria Breweries Plc Enugu branch, within the context of other public limited liability firms in Nigeria. Due to certain limitations in terms of time and financial resources.

The study has certain limitations that should be acknowledged.

Similar to every research endeavour, there were some constraints that presented themselves in the course of this study. These limitations encompassed:

The Demise of Data:

The researcher encountered significant obstacles as a result of the limited availability of data pertaining to the subject matter. Diligent endeavours were undertaken in order to procure more information that would yield favourable contributions to the study, albeit with limited success.

One of the primary challenges faced by organisations is the insufficient availability of financial resources.

It would not be an exaggeration to assert that this study necessitated a significant amount of financial resources in order to produce research conclusions that are both reasonable and widely accepted, capable of enduring the test of time. Regrettably, the researcher did not have access to this financial resource.

One of the challenges faced in this study is the limited availability of data.

The researcher confronted a significant challenge regarding the availability of data. She encountered difficulties with certain staff members. The individual in question had a reluctance to disclose valuable information,

and her interactions with some workers were characterised by such a lack of proficiency that she was perceived as an impediment to their confidential operations.

The challenges associated with balancing research work, class lectures, exams, official tasks, and family responsibilities are extensive and unending. These activities are obligatory and, as a result, the researcher had to forego numerous other pursuits in order to complete these commitments.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Current assets refer to assets that may be readily converted into cash and are typically retained as a financial cushion to meet unforeseen financial obligations. The cash balance maintained in order to address potential future contingencies through conversion.

Converted to cash often within a one-year timeframe without incurring any financial loss.

The concept of value or disturbance in the natural process is a significant aspect to consider.

Regarding the enterprise.

Government bonds are financial instruments that provide a formal agreement for the repayment of a debt by the government.

The transfer of governmental authority to an individual possessor and its implications.

Typically characterised by a predetermined interest rate.

Additionally, it might be regarded as a form of guarantee or a legally binding document.

In which the government provides a guarantee to

Remit a specified monetary amount on or prior to a designated date.

The user has requested a specific date.

Inventories: This document provides a comprehensive description of the items included in a certain list.

The provided code consists of a collection of articles. It could also be referred

Inquire about the availability of the product inventory that is associated with the aforementioned stock.

Is the manufacturing industry and its components available for purchase?

The constituents of the product inventory may consist of.

Classified into several distinct categories, which include the following:

The subsequent text is as follows:

(i) The term “raw materials” refers to the basic substances or resources that are used in the production of goods or services. These materials are typically in their natural or

(ii) Work-in-progress (WIP) refers to goods and materials that are in a partially finished state and are held at various phases of the manufacturing process.

(iii) Finished goods refer to fully completed products that are prepared for sale or distribution, as defined by Adibe (1995).

Marketable securities refer to financial instruments that possess characteristics similar to money, making them easily convertible into cash.

The precautionary balance of the firm refers to the amount of funds set aside as a precautionary measure to mitigate potential financial risks and uncertainties.

The present inquiry aims to conduct an investigation. One of the elements encompassed within this category is the act of teasing.

The topics under discussion include bills, certificate of deposit, and bankers.

The topic under discussion pertains to acceptance and repurchase agreements.

Marketable securities are retained as a means of creating a buffer.

Cash storage is a practise that is opposed due to its potential drawbacks. Instead, alternative methods are employed for various purposes.

The topic under consideration is temporary investments. The cessation or termination

According to Aguolu (1995, p.2),

A readily available certificate of stock is a document that represents ownership in a company.

The concept being discussed pertains to the saleability or purchase of goods based on their market worth.

The term is provided by Leslie (1979) on page 3.

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