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Deforestation causes, effects and control strategies

Deforestation causes, effects and control strategies

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Deforestation causes, effects and control strategies


Chapter One: Introduction

Background of the study

Nigeria is naturally endowed with enormous expanses of forest area, including swamp forests in the extreme southern region of the country, tropical rainforest in the south-west axis, and forested savannah in the central belt. Nigeria is one of the world’s countries with the most plentiful forest resources.

According to Mfon et al. (2014), forests in Nigeria occupy around 110, 890 km2 of the country’s total land mass of approximately 910,770 km2. In other words, forests account for approximately 012.18% of the country’s vegetation cover.

According to Park (1992), the world’s tropical rainforests are home to at least 60% of all known plant species, 90% of all non-human primates such as monkeys, 40% of all birds of prey, and perhaps 80% of all insects. In other words, forests provide a wide range of ecosystem services such as provisioning, regulation, culture, and support.

These ecosystem services not only provide the essential material requirements for living, but they also support other aspects of well-being such as health, security, healthy social interactions, and freedom of choice.

Historically, woods were thought to be primarily used for lumber production. However, in recent years, this perception has evolved into a more multipurpose and balanced viewpoint. Today, it is well recognised that forest biodiversity supports a wide range of goods and services for human well-being.

Ecologically intact forests store and purify drinking water, can mitigate natural disasters such as droughts and floods, help store carbon and regulate the climate, provide food and rainfall, and provide a diverse range of goods for medicinal, cultural, and spiritual purposes (CBD, 2009).

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