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This study focuses on the demand and supply of trade/entrepreneurial subject instructors in Lagos state’s Education District 111. The following objectives were set: to determine whether trade/entrepreneurship is taught in public senior secondary schools in Lagos state,

to identify qualified teachers for trade/entrepreneurship in Lagos state, to identify the challenges of teaching trade/entrepreneurship in Lagos state, and to assess the impact of teaching trade/entrepreneurship in Lagos state.

The study’s overall population is 200 staff members from chosen secondary schools in Education District 111, Lagos State. The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data. The descriptive survey research design was used for this investigation.

The survey included 133 respondents who were principals, vice principals, administrators, teachers, and non-teaching staff members. The acquired data were displayed in tables and analysed with simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one


Background of the study.

Education is one of the fundamental institutions created by society to address its basic needs. The sustainability of every society is dependent on its ability to have a ready supply of human resources at all levels with the skills and capabilities to maintain all parts of societal education concerned with preparing children to serve societal demands as adults.

For more than a decade, the question of quality and functional education in Nigeria has dominated conversations in homes, offices, and public spaces. Nigeria is making progress towards industrialised,

scientific, technological, and entrepreneurial development. FRN (2013) identifies education as a “par excellence” tool for effective national development.

In 2005, the Nigerian government recognised the need for a new, more functional curriculum for all school levels; as a result, the National Council of Education (NCE), the highest policy-making body in Nigeria’s education sector,

directed the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) to restructure and enrich the instant primary, junior, and senior secondary school curricula.

According to NERDC (2008), the philosophy of the new senior secondary education curriculum (SSEC) is that every senior secondary education graduate should be well prepared for higher education as well as have acquired relevant functional trade/entrepreneurship skills required for poverty eradication, job creation, and wealth generation,

while also strengthening the foundations for ethical, moral, and civic values acquired at the basic education level. Orji (2011) explained the perspective, stating that the new SSEC builds on the successes of the Basic Education Curriculum and aims for the overall development of each individual student.

That is, it includes preparation for higher education, functional trade/entrepreneurship skills, and the development of ethical, moral, and civic values.

According to him, trade/entrepreneurship is an important component of the new senior secondary education curriculum and is designed to address the shortage of technical skills amidst increased demand for the skills in Nigeria.

Researchers and educators have worked to conceptualise and define trade and entrepreneurship education (Omolayo, 2006; Orji, 2011; Watson, 2010). Omolayo (2006) defined entrepreneurship as the act of starting a business,

arranging business deals, and taking risks in order to profit from the education skills gained, whereas Watson (2010) defined it as ‘a process through which individuals identify opportunities, allocate resources, and create value’.

In the context of Nigerian education, Orji (2011) defined entrepreneurship as “the training in any of the trade/entrepreneurship curricula; and this includes the ability/skill to put together all the factors of production to start and sustain a business”.

He also defined entrepreneurship as a specific mindset (for example, self-reliance) that leads to entrepreneurial endeavours. According to NERDC (2008), trade/entrepreneurship is now a required core cross-curricular subject at the senior school level (together with English, Mathematics, Computer/ICT, and Civic Education).

This means that every senior secondary school student in Nigeria, regardless of their field of study, is required to offer at least one trade/entrepreneurship subject chosen from the list of trade/entrepreneurship subjects, as well as register for (be assessed in) at least one T/E subject in the public examinations (NECO, WAEC, or NABTEB).

Based on this background, the researcher wishes to evaluate the demand and supply of trade/entrepreneurial subject instructors in Education District 111 of Lagos State.

Statement of the Problem
Trade/entrepreneurship is an important component of the new senior secondary education curriculum, and it is intended to address the lack of technical skills in Nigeria, as there is a growing need for their services. Given the demand for trained teachers, it is expected that schools select at least one trade topic to stage in their school.

To that purpose, Orji (2011) offered some factors to consider when selecting trade subjects: teaching staff, school infrastructures, community interest and support, availability of local resources, socio-cultural preferences, and student characteristics (ability, career interest, age, peer/family influences). This will ensure its successful deployment.

The study’s aims are:

To determine whether trade and entrepreneurship are taught in public senior secondary schools in Lagos state.

To identify qualified teachers for trade/entrepreneurship in Lagos state.

To discover the obstacles of teaching trade/entrepreneurship in Lagos state.

To assess the impact of teaching trade/entrepreneurship in Lagos state.

Is commerce and business taught in public senior secondary schools in Lagos state?

Are there any certified trade/entrepreneurship teachers in Lagos State?

Is it difficult to teach trade or entrepreneurship in Lagos state?

Is there any impact of teaching trade/entrepreneurship in Lagos State?

Significance of the Study

The study will shed light on the need and supply for trade/entrepreneurship subject teacher education. The study will be extremely beneficial to students, the ministry of education, and teachers.

At the conclusion of this study, we will have a better understanding of the importance of trade/entrepreneurship for youth in terms of the effects of unemployment. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the similar issue.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focuses on the demand and supply of trade/entrepreneurial subject instructors in Lagos state’s school district 111. The researcher faces certain constraints that limit the scope of the investigation, including:

AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the study.

TIME: The study’s time range does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the investigation.

Definition of Term

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, developing, and operating a new firm, usually a small one. People who develop these enterprises are called entrepreneurs.

TRADE: Trade is the exchange of goods or services from one person or entity to another, usually for money. A market refers to a system or network that allows for trading. Barter was an early form of trade in which products and services were exchanged directly for other commodities and services.

Education is the process of assisting learning, which includes the development of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational approaches include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion, and guided study.

TEACHER: A teacher is someone who helps others learn. A teacher frequently works in the classroom. There are several types of teachers. Some teachers instruct young children in kindergarten or primary school. Others educate older students in middle, junior, and high school.

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