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Chapter One: Background of Study.

INTRODUCTION: The computer home inventory system involves both private and public activities related to ownership, possession, and usage of the system.

The term “computer household inventory” refers to real property such as computer handsets, calculators, remote controls, alarm clocks, and other system products, as well as space. Embraces any and all houses or interests in household inventories and improvements.

The household inventory business can be defined as a profession in which property serves as stock in trade and is brought, sold, or rented as agents for others or dealers for themselves, or both.

A calling in expertise and experience in household inventory, along with a high degree of integrity, is what the presidential hotel Enugu offers to the public.

The Presidential Hotel Enugu is a household inventory system value registered in 1942, and they continue to provide computer household inventory management and house planning services.

They are located in P.M.B 3017 Presidential Road Ogui New Layout, Enugu. Professor Umeaha Commodore is the chief partner of this firm, which executes valuation projects for banks and public financial companies in the areas of invitation management and valuation processes.

The design and implementation of a computer-based household inventory system will focus on the practical job of valuation proper and report work.

The activities of the presidential hotel in terms of professional and agreement certificate of value will be stated in the system design. The system will aim to bring to light each step of the valuation process in the household inventory practice.

However, much will not be discussed in terms of different production plans, but the basis for its valuation will be focused on the system orientation during the professional research office equipment such as reports of the valuation input/output resources and the company history was reviewed for the purpose of collecting primary data in the area of study secondary data are obtained from related literature.

Finally, the design computer household inventory valuation system will concentrate on commercial property, which may be used for mortgage rent as the case requires. The programme is written in Visual Basic 6.0 for quick assessments.


Statement of the Problem

The worth of household inventory cannot be fully comprehended until it is properly stated. Although the worth of each household inventory varies from location to place and time to time, the fundamentals of each valuation remain largely consistent at the same instance and time.

If it is true that different properties in the same area for the same purpose can be appraised in the same way, there is a question to be asked. Why is there a reputation for such valuations on different properties in the same area?

Can the numerous valuation jobs be centred on uniforming the needs of the property owner and the value? What is the basic of valuation applied to diverse properties at any given time?



The inventory designed for a computer household valuation system is intended to reduce tiresome calculations and repetitious manufacturing appraisal tasks.

It will assist the research in gathering all actual household inventory listings based on property valuations by depicting a data base of various property values that will serve as a prototype for the current job stoke and provide the enabling environment for its structure and framework.



Despite the fact that Presidential Hotel is a well-established company with branches in Lagos, Jos, Abuja, and Port-Harcourt, all of the information for this research study was gathered from the Enugu office owing to time constraints.

The business of household inventory system includes a lot of household management valuation and facilities, among other things. The designed work includes solely the value report.


Limitations of the Study

The research project was limited to the Department of Household Inventory Penitential Hotel in Enugu. The following was completed. Periodic physical inspection of the household system to determine the level of each item, keeping an accurate record of all entries, insuring and transferring these items, placing orders for the necessary items, and determining and reviewing the inventory maintenance level.

The research was limited to the specified department because it is directly related to the research topic. The report can be applied not only to the presidential hotel Enugu’s household inventory, but to any other establishment that would benefit from computerising their household inventory control section.

This research was conducted concurrently with regular academic studies, and due to the rush to finish the semester as soon as possible, there was no time for a comprehensive research work.

Finance also influenced this research effort on the subject of typing and binding transportation from one library to another in search of credible material, as well as transportation to and from THE PRESIDENTIAL HOTEL ENUGU.


In companies and industries with household inventory planning, it has been observed that properties in various areas of their department are well erected in accordance with specific rules and regulations; the need for this planning is evident when the property owner wishes to know the value of his wealth.

As a result, designing and implementing a computer-based household inventory system will not only assist the researcher and property owner, but will also build and improve the marketing agent and environment, as shown below.

The producer will find this hard value very important because it will make his job feasible in any field (in any) work done on valuation and report to be presentable.

He will not need to expose his valuation report to anyone outside the business contract, and the report will be completed in the shortest amount of time.

It will be referred to as a just-in-time business report, which eliminates the requirement to fill out reports totally. The property owner is in a better position to benefit since he will receive the value of his property without any input, and he will always know exactly how much his property is worth.

This work aims to encourage all principal agents, independent contractors, and other associate members to accept the need for computerization in all of their practical jobs, as marketing agents will find it interesting to always present the household inventory business on line in terms of the status of real property in the market at any given time.

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