Project Materials




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Chapter one

1.1: Introduction

An online assignment management system is part of the Module’s virtual learning environment. The functionality of the standard assignment handling module has been expanded to meet all of the Department’s needs in terms of receiving assignments from students, making them available for tutors to mark, returning grades, comments, and marked work to students, and keeping Registry and course administrators informed at all stages of the process. Extension requests are an essential component of the system.

Universities, polytechnics, and institutes of education are regarded as the primary sources of information in numerous fields. Institutions provide a variety of courses in subjects such as applied sciences, math, computer science, human resources, and accounting. Most university courses cover both theoretical and practical topics. Assignments are frequently used to assess students’ levels of understanding and comprehension.

Students submit assignments either individually or as groups. Assignment management entails gathering, grading, and allocating assignments among students. Tregobov (1998) divides the procedure into four steps: submission, recording, marking, and return.

Online assignment submission and management (OASM) makes use of the World Wide Web, the Internet, and computers to facilitate the process (Jones, 2003).

There are numerous issues with the traditional assignment submission procedure, particularly when students are required to submit assignment solutions to their instructor.

Problems may arise owing to distance, time, or assignment format (written or printed). Every learning process requires administrative assistance.

Much of this administrative support is somewhat apparent, but if it is not effectively organised, it may impede the flow of learning between students and staff.

1.2: Background of the Study

As the educational world becomes more competitive, practically every university has begun to adopt an online submission system or newer technologies to help them complete their tasks, save time, and keep up with the fast-paced IT sector.

This project is about building and constructing a client/server system to automate the assignment submission procedure at the National Association of Computer Science Students, Ogun State Institute of Technology, IGBESA.

This system allows students to submit their assignments to the submission point, and the system records the following information about the submitted assignments: matric number, course code, assignment number, and due date and time.

The collection of the assignment is given to the professor for marking. After completing the marking, the instructor passed the marked assignment to the submission point. The operator at the submission point will enter the submission code into the system once more.

This technology is necessary to replace the manual system now in use at the National Association of Computer Science Students, Ogun State Institute of Technology, IGBESA. It is envisaged that by building this system, the problems associated with the currently employed manual system will be addressed.

The construction of this system is required because it provides a systematic technique for handling student assignment submissions. The deliverables include a client interface, a client programme, and a server programme.

The purpose of this system is to assist students and lecturers in submitting their assignment processes.

1.3 Statement Of The Problem

The difficulty with the manual system utilised at the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENT, OGUN STATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, IGBESA is that there is no record of when students bring in their assignments.

Because of this, some students may submit their assignments later than the deadline.It is difficult to find lost assignments because there is no record of who may have taken them.

Because there are so many assignments to gather, the lecturer has no idea if all of his or her students have submitted their work. After completing the task, the instructor determines which students do not submit their work.

By this point, it was too late to know what happened. After the professor finishes marking the work and returns it, some students do not receive it because they are unable to locate it because anyone can take it.

1.4 Objectives.

The primary goal of this project is to create a paperless and automated environment by developing a Computerised Assignment Submission System for NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS, OGUN STATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, IGBESA. In addition to assisting students, it saves unneeded workload for professors.

The project’s further objectives include the following:

To ensure that students complete their assignments on time and safely.

To assist the lecturer in determining whether his or her students have submitted their assignments on time, as well as who has not.

To inform the students that their assignments have been safely delivered to the lecturers and that they can collect them once the lecturers have finished marking them.

To avoid losing an assignment after the professor has finished marking it, only the student may take his or her own.

To provide an opportunity for interaction between professors and students, as well as among students.


The scope of the computerised assignment submission system is at the National Association of Computer Science Students, Ogun State Institute of Technology, IGBESA. The system will collect your assignment.

The operator will submit all assignments to the professors for marking. After the professors finished marking them, they returned the assignment to the operator at the system administrator.

The collection of the assignment will be kept by the administrator. The student can pick up their assignment from the operator at the administrator.

1.6: Limitations of the Study

Lecturers will not be notified when assignments are submitted.

Even after the deadline, students can still submit their assignments.

1.7: Definition of Terms

Assignment is a task or piece of labour assigned to someone as part of a job or course of study.

A student, often known as a pupil, is someone who is enrolled in an educational institution.

“Online: online” denotes a level of connectivity.

A lecture is an oral presentation meant to deliver information or teach people about a specific subject, typically given by a university or college teacher.

Submission is the act of offering a proposal, application, or other document for evaluation or judgement.

OAS: Online Assignment Submission.

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