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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study

Banking has come a long way from the days of ledger cards and manual filing systems. Most banks now use computers to manage the extensive operations of retrieving, storing, and processing information on a daily basis. Banks, whether automated or not, are constantly active in all aspects of information technology and management (Molina, 2002).

Banks play an important role in all economic systems. They act as financial middlemen, facilitating the transfer of funds both inside and across countries. The banking sector is becoming increasingly competitive.

Quality programmes are primarily focused around quantity, speed, efficiency, and innovation. All banks engage in the same core financial activities, however the manner in which services are delivered distinguishes one bank from another.

All banks throughout the world are focusing on quality in strategic management. Taking a proactive position against privacy invasions may help deter government intervention in drafting legislation to tighten limitations on what may be done with an individual’s personal information.

However, developing a computerised banking system requires a significant amount of labour, which includes collecting a sufficient number of data elements.

Computerised banking systems leverage computer technology to relieve customers of paper-based and time-consuming tasks. Computerised banks have begun to use strong computer network resources to automate vast numbers of daily transactions, reducing time-consuming manual paperwork and providing clients with quick, on-demand access to various financial services, whether at home or at work.

Computerised banking allows people to access money and banking services at any time and from any location, including those with internet access (Renom 2005).

This technology has experienced a significant increase in usage as more and more large national banks, as well as smaller regional banks, have implemented some sort of computerised banking to bring convenience to their customers and themselves.

According to (Wainer, 2000), computerised banking is faster and more secure than traditional banking operations since it automates the time-consuming manual components of banking.

United Bank for Africa was founded on February 23, 1961, and was the first international bank operating in Nigeria at the time to be registered under Nigeria law.

However, the bank has its roots in the British French bank, which evolved from the Banque National Pour Le Commerce ET L Industries, BNCI, and Paris, which was founded in 1932.

UBA operates 258 branches, cash offices, and agencies throughout Nigeria’s major commercial centres, state capitals, and federal territories, as well as two offshore branches in New York and Grand Cayman Island. UBA holds the distinction of being the sole Nigerian bank with a presence in the United States of America.

The New York branch serves as one of UBA’s worldwide correspondent banks. Other prominent correspondent banks are Bankers Trust (USA) and Banque Nationale de Paris (UK and France), both of which have a history of trailblazing.

In 1963, UBA became Nigeria’s first bank to offer Mobile Banking services. UBA was the first to create a Cheque Guarantee Scheme in 1986, known as UBACARD, a precursor of Easy Card, which recently superseded the electronic payment card, UBA Val Card.

Today, the bank is at the forefront of technical innovation in banking. It is one of Monogram foreign’s largest agents for award foreign money transfers. UBA Connect TM offers a gateway into online global banking.

In 1998, UBA became the first Nigerian bank to place its shares abroad via a global depositary Receipt (GDR) programme. UBA thus boasts a more multinational and diverse shareholder base than any other Nigerian bank.

UBA Capital and Trust, one of UBA’s companies, provides specialised services such as asset management, retirement and pension planning, will execution, trust ship services, and so on.

UBA Securities Services provides nominee, custodial, and share registration services. An aggressive business development approach has helped the bank achieve an enviable position in the banking market.

Due to rivalry in the banking business, banks are developing the best strategy to face global problems. UBA is one of Nigeria’s new generation banks, with one or two branches in each state of the Federation.

According to the studies conducted, their original mode of transactions was manual, followed by an automated system, and then a computerised system that lacked some features such as account-to-account transfers between clients and instant messaging.

This study focuses on completely eliminating manual transactions by adding more functionality to a computerised banking system. With the effective implementation of a computerised banking system

the mistake rate, paper work, inefficiency, and inconsistency that have been hallmarks of manal ways of transaction will be significantly reduced or eliminated.

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