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General Overview

1.1 Introduction

A library, derived from the Latin word “liber” which means “book,” is an organised collection of information resources made available to a designated community for reference or borrowing. It allows physical or digital access to content and can be a physical structure or room, as well as a virtual location.

Globally, libraries are an emerging knowledge-based society of the twenty-first century because people require information to sustain their growth and development, and intellectual capital investments in knowledge and information have become wealth generators, making libraries a vital tool because they serve as repositories of reference resources, stacked with books and other information dissembling sources.

A library is a knowledge acquisition and learning institution that provides vital services to students, information servers, and the larger local community (Ugah, 2007).

As previously stated in Section 1.0 A library is an organised collection of information and related resources made available to a specific community for reference or borrowing.

It provides physical or digital access to materials, as well as possibly an actual structure or room, a virtual place, or both. (Casson and Lionel, 2002).

A library’s collection may comprise books, magazines, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents, microforms, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, e-data, and other formats. (Allan;1984).

A library is organised for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, a corporation, or a private individual. Public and institutional collections and services may be designed for use by people who do not want to or cannot afford to purchase substantial collections for themselves but require materials. (Rany, 2013).

In addition to offering resources, libraries often provide the services of librarians, who are professionals at discovering and organising information. Libraries generally include quiet study places, as well as common areas to enable group study and cooperation.

Libraries frequently allow public access to their electronic resources, and internet modem libraries are rapidly being reinterpreted as venues to gain unrestricted access to knowledge electronically.

Libraries are classified into numerous types based on the information that may be retrieved. There is user accessibility to the information.

These factors led to the library being classified into numerous types, including the national library, which serves as a national repository of information, the researcher library, the reference library, which does not lend books or other information materials, and the academic library. (Nicos and John, 1978).

This research Focusing on academic libraries, which frequently give a variety of services to students in order to equip them with the resources they require to succeed in their programmes.(Casson,2002) Citation assistance, effective search tactics, journal database access, and electronic citation software are all possible topics of these workshops. (Carson, 2002)

Because libraries serve a variety of people, laws and rules are developed to maintain the materials and activities in the library so that librarians and users can access the information they require.

These rules and regulations are established in a variety of ways, including conducting logical evaluations and soliciting feedback from librarians and users in order to devise an acceptable consequence for offenders.

Although it has been looked at and characterised in numerous ways, this part of library management can also be computerised to match the changing nature of library services.

We live in an information age, and libraries are expected to employ information and communication technologies (ICT) to deliver more timely and comprehensive information to their users than easers do.

Computerising library “housekeeping” operations is a significant activity in this setting. “Automation” in a library or comparable environment refers to the computerization of activities (Sadanandanshamin, 2008).


Library automation, also known as computerization, refers to the use of computers and computer-related auxiliary media such as magnetic tapes, discs, and optical media, as well as the use of computer-based products and services in the performance of all library functions and operations.

Because computers are electrical, programmable, and capable of directing a process, they can introduce a high level of automation into operational functions (Ryan, 2013).

The use of information and communication technology in library process control will make library operations more cost effective (Roberts & John Marres, 1997).

The capabilities of computer-related peripheral media and their implementation in library activities and services can result in a major quantitative and qualitative improvement in operations.(Sadnand and Shamin, 2008).



Prior to computerization, library jobs were conducted manually and independently of one another by selectors who ordered resources with ordering slips, indexed them with the card catalogue, and documented library violations on a per-task basis due to a lack of comprehensive reports.


1.3. Aim and Objectives

The goal of this project is to create and implement a computerised system for detecting library offences.

The following are the project’s aims.

Design a computerised method for detecting library offences.

To create an algorithm that will be utilised in the implementation of a computerised system for detecting library offences, which will aid in the registration of offences and the imposition of sanctions on offensive users.

To securely store the list of offending users.

To computerise the description of the offence.

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