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A population is defined as all creatures that belong to the same group or species and reside in the same geographic area. In ecology, the Lincoln Index is used to estimate the population of a specific species in a given area.

A sexual population is defined as an area in which interbreeding is possible between any pair within the area and is more likely than cross-breeding with individuals from other areas.

Normally, breeding is much more common within the area than beyond the border. In sociology, population refers to a group of people. Demography is a social science that involves the statistical analysis of human populations.

This initiative focuses mostly on the human population. That is For the sake of this research, we define population as the total number of human beings, not any other organisms or species.

A statistical population is a collection of entities from which statistical inferences are to be drawn, typically using a random sampling from the population.

For example, if we were to make generalisations about crows, we would characterise the relevant crows. It is important to note that if we chose a population such as all crows, we will only be able to see crows that exist now or will in the future. Furthermore, geography will limit our resources for researching crows.

The word statistical population also refers to a set of possible measures or values, which includes both observed and potentially observable cases.

Assume we are interested in the set of all adult crows now alive in the county of Cambridgeshire, and we want to know the average weight of these birds. Each bird in the crow population has a weight, and the collection of these weights is known as the population of weights.

Background of the Study

Population growth surged considerably as the Industrial Revolution accelerated after 1700. The rate of population growth has accelerated during the previous 50 years as a result of medical improvements and significant increases in agricultural output brought about by the Green Revolution

which began in the 1960s. In 2007, the United Nations Population Division predicted that the world’s population would surpass 10 billion by 2055.

In the future, the world population is predicted to reach a peak of expansion before declining due to economic reasons, health concerns, land exhaustion, and environmental threats.

According to one report, the global population will most certainly peak before the end of the twenty-first century. Furthermore, it is possible that the population will drop before 2100.

Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and the Commonwealth of Independent States have all had population declines during the last decade or two.

In recent years, the population of less-developed regions of the world has been characterised by gradually dropping birth rates following a significant reduction in mortality rates.

The move from high to low birth and mortality rates is sometimes referred to as the demographic transition. As the population grows, it becomes difficult to keep track of how many people there are, so we must devise a system that can calculate the population for us at any time.

Statement of the Problem

Human populations change rapidly. The known human population in a country or at a specific time is only current. The population then expands beyond the number. To retain accurate statistical information at any given time, updates are required.

Updating population information entails having the most accurate sum total of human beings in the sample space. This is difficult to determine through guesswork, and conducting a census on a regular basis is not possible.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the staff selected for the service will perform well. In light of all of this, we set out to create a system that would handle the following problems:

Inaccuracy owing to human error.

Time was squandered during the population census exercise.

Inaccuracies caused by corruption and fraud

Information is rapidly out of date as a result of population expansion.

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