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1.0 Introduction

A museum is an institution that cares for and preserves a collection of artefacts and other things of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical significance, making them available for public inspection through permanent or temporary exhibits.

The majority of large museums are located in major cities around the world, but smaller ones can be found in smaller cities, villages, and even rural areas.

Museums have a variety of missions, ranging from helping researchers and professionals to serving the general public. The ongoing acceleration of information digitization, combined with the increasing capacity of digital information storage, is causing museums’ traditional model (i.e., as static “collections of collections” of three-dimensional specimens and artefacts) to expand to include virtual exhibits and high-resolution images of their collections for perusal, study, and exploration from any location with an Internet connection.

Mexico City has the most museums, with more than 128. According to The World Museum Community, there are over 55,000 museums in 202 nations.

The English word “museum” is derived from the Latin word and is pluralized as “museums” (or “musea” in rare cases). The term comes from the Ancient Greek word Μουσεῖοv (Mouseion), which refers to a place or temple dedicated to the Muses, the patron divinities of the arts in Greek mythology.

It also refers to a building dedicated to study and the arts, such as Ptolemy I Soter’s Musaeum (institute) for philosophy and research in Alexandria around 280 BCE. Plato’s museum/library at Athens is often regarded as the first.

However, Pausanias mentions another area called “Museum,” which is a tiny hill in Classical Athens opposite the Akropolis. The hill was named Mouseion after Mousaious, a man who liked to sing on it before dying of old age and being buried there.


1.1 Background of Study

The national museum of colonial history in Aba, Abia state, serves as the study’s background. Abia State is located in the south-east of Nigeria. Umuahia serves as the capital, although Aba, a historic British colonial administration outpost, is the principal commercial hub.

The state was formed in 1991 from a portion of Imo state, and its populace are largely Igbo (95% of the population). The Niger Delta region is made up of nine states.

One of its museums is located on Ikot Ekpene Road in Aba, Abia state. That region is primarily known as Bata. Our research takes place in the context of this museum.

The programme being developed follows the approach in that museum, and nearly all of the modules will be suited to the national museum of colonial history Aba.

The museums’ mission is to collect, preserve, interpret, and display cultural, artistic, or scientific artefacts for public education. The purpose can also be subjective.

A trip to the local history museum could be a fun and educational way for a family to spend their Sunday afternoon. To municipal authorities, a thriving museum community can be viewed as a barometer of a city’s economic health and a means of increasing the sophistication of its residents.

To a museum professional, a museum may be viewed as a means of educating the public about the museum’s objective, such as civil rights or environmental activism.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

An investigation was conducted at the museum, and several restrictions were identified. The museum adds an object to its collection. When objects are added, a record of those items is kept.

Currently, this is done for all items. Searching for a record is difficult since the museum manager must go through all physical records or even artefacts to locate the item he is looking for.

Furthermore, the large number of individuals who go there makes it difficult for the manager to coordinate them all. As a result, the museum risks losing goods since unsupervised visitors can steal objects from the museum.

People travel significant distances from all around the state, and even from other states, to see the items in this museum. This is undesirable because a person who wishes to visit the museum for educational purposes may be unable to do so due to the distance. During the system investigation, the following issues were identified:

Much time is spent seeking for information about a specific item.

The museum is positioned in a specific geographical location, therefore people who live far away cannot benefit from it.

Documenting artefacts in museums is a difficult and thorough process.

Redundancy in museum operations.

Human error has led to erroneous statistics about the museum’s contents.

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