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Chapter one


“The peer-to-peer network is a type of network in which each workstation has equal capabilities and responsibilities; this differs from client/server architectures, in which some computers are dedicated to serving the others.” (Beal, 2005). ”

In its most basic form, a Peer-To-Peer (P2P) network is formed when two or more PCs join and exchange resources without passing through a separate server computer.

A peer-to-peer network can be an ad hoc connection, consisting of two computers connected using Universal Serial Bus to transmit files. A peer-to-peer network can also serve as a permanent infrastructure, connecting a half-dozen computers in a small business via copper wires.

A P2P network can be a network on a much larger scale in which unique protocols and apps establish up direct links between users over the internet.” (Cope, 2002). “A Peer-To-Peer system is a self-organizing system of equal, autonomous entities (peers) which aims for the shared usage of distributed resources in a networked environment avoiding central services” (Steinmetz and Wehrle, 2005).

”It is a decentralised communication model in which all parties have the same capabilities and can commence a communication session with any other participant.

Unlike the client/server model, which requires the client to make a service request and the server to fulfil it, the P2P network architecture allows each node to act as both a client and a server (Rouse& Wolff, 2014).

Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have gained popularity on the internet, particularly in the areas of file sharing and media streaming.”P2P systems can be utilised for anonymous network traffic routing, huge parallel computing environments, distributed storage, and other applications.

Because the majority of P2P programmes focus on media sharing, P2P is frequently connected with software piracy and copyright infringement. Peer-to-peer programmes typically allow users to set numerous operational parameters, including how many member connections to seek or allow at any one moment

which systems to connect to or avoid, what services to offer, and how much system resources to devote to the network (Rouse & Wolff, 2014).

The rising availability of high-speed broadband connections enabled the development of globally applicable P2P networks. Average users have the computational capacity and resources to function as both a server and a client (i.e., a peer), supplying and consuming data.

P2P systems are intended to address the limits and downsides of traditional client/server (C/S) systems. They are extensible (simple to add new resources), more fault tolerant, scalable (the system may grow without sacrificing performance), and resistant to lawsuits.

Statement of the Problem

One of the existing issues in this university is that there is no effective platform for file transfer in the department, hence there is no structure in place to move/share files from the dean to other professors or from one lecturer to another.


Also, results are delayed because lecturers find it difficult to forward the softcopy of the students’ results to the dean, so they have to print and send to the dean’s office, and someone has to retype the scores, resulting in the manipulation of student results.

Another issue is matching the incorrect matric number to the wrong students, which results in missing results.Also, data recovery and backup are quite tough. For this reason, the researcher chose to design and implement a peer-to-peer network for the SOCSMAIT office.

The primary goal of this research is to build and implement a peer-to-peer computer network for a social media office.

The study’s particular aims are:

To allow communication between two or more machines on a network.

To let machines in a network to interact without the need for a central server.

To allow computers connected to the network to function as both a server and a client on the network, they are granted administrative rights to send and receive data.

To set up a network that allows each computer to effortlessly upload and download files over a peer-to-peer network, even without access to the internet.

Significance of the Study

This project is intended to provide a mechanism for transmitting files (data / video) from one machine to another, or between a group of systems linked to a hub or via an Ethernet straight-through cable.

It also offers a cost-effective, secure, and speedier way to transmit files from one device to another. It is also a secure and effective method of transferring departmental student results to the dean’s office.

It is an enhanced method for proper student administration in the department, eliminates the challenges connected with missing results in the department, and saves money because we will not need to purchase a server.

This study focuses on establishing a peer-to-peer network with two systems and an Ethernet straight-through cable. The systems would be manually assigned IP addresses before they could communicate with one another, resulting in a faster, safer, and more efficient medium for file transfer.

This project is confined to constructing a peer-to-peer network for a set of devices, but owing to financial limits, we are only able to use two computers connected via an Ethernet cross-over cable.

Furthermore, due to financial constraints, we will be unable to use a network hub and must rely solely on Ethernet cross-over cables.

COMPUTER: A computer is an electromechanical device that receives, processes, stores, and returns data as information.

NETWORK: A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices that are linked together to enable data sharing.

PEER-TO-PEER: Peer-to-peer is a decentralised communications model in which both parties have equal capabilities and can commence a communication session.

An Ethernet crossover cable is a form of Ethernet connection that connects computing devices directly. It is most commonly used to connect two devices of the same type, such as two computers (via network interface controller) or two switches together.

Ethernet Straight-Through Cables: An Ethernet straight-through cable is a form of Ethernet connection that connects computing devices directly. It is commonly used to connect two devices of different types, such as a computer to a printer (via network interface controller) or a switch to a router.

A network hub is a network hardware device with numerous ports that connects many Ethernet devices to form a single network segment.

CLIENT: This is a desktop computer or workstation that may access information and applications from the server.

SERVER: A server is a computer programme or device that delivers services to other programmes or devices known as “clients”.

OSI MODEL: These are the protocols that allow devices from different manufacturers to communicate.

TCP is a standard that specifies how to initiate and sustain a network conversation in which application programmes can exchange data.

IP ADDRESS: This is the address assigned to layer 3 devices and used for communication with other layer 3 devices.

SUBNET MASK: A two-bit value that separates an IP address into a network and a host address.

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