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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction.

This chapter provides an explanation of the study’s history, problem statement, purpose, objectives, scope, and importance.

1.1 Background of the Study

Today’s generation relies heavily on computers. We utilise computers nowadays to simplify our work and save time. Almost every field or organisation, such as convenience stores, malls, restaurants, hospitals and hotels, uses computers to make transactions easier and more convenient.

However, some businesses continue to operate manually since they do not use computers. GBEMADE mini sawmill and wood work Services is a sole proprietorship business that was founded in 2016 by Emmanuel Ade with a capital of only $200,000. It is located in Pako Bus Stop, Iyanashashi, Lagos.

In this business, if a customer wants to buy a product, he or she must fill out the job order form with all of the necessary information, including the customer’s name, address, and a list of the products they want to buy.

Following that, the cashier will manually compute all of the things ordered and offer the customer a receipt. When checking the availability of their products, they should consult with their stockman, who is in charge of maintaining the inventory.

According to Stuchly (2015), enterprises today have sufficient working capital, and in many circumstances, an adequate supply of labour. Overall, it cannot be argued that all businesses are on the same comfortable footing.

All businesses may influence the sales software they use and how they use it. To be competitive, a company must have a high-quality information system that provides solutions that not only assure the recording and processing of sales data in real time, but also help the firm achieve its objectives.

According to Hennyeyova (2007), conditions are naturally established for the flexible adoption of cutting-edge technology features in the information and communication infrastructure in a liberalised environment.

It is vital that the management information system also enables production planning and forecasting, as well as customer-specific sales. Implementing a high-quality (suitable) management information system improves the management process while maintaining competitiveness in home and international markets.

Sales data, both historical and present, influences performance, training programmes, evaluation systems, pay plans, and territory alignment. It also aids in the efficient allocation of scarce resources to apply competitive approaches.

A sales force must be well-designed to satisfy the needs of consumers in an efficient and effective manner in order to sell the firm’s products and services.

A sales management system collects data from business operations, such as sales and inventory shifts, and then translates it into analytical reports.

A sales management system uses existing operational data to generate informative reports such as product and time-specific sales analysis, as well as cost analysis of inventory storage before it is required for production. (Kaye 1999). Currently, the restaurant does not use a sales management system.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The current system of operation and manner of transaction in the schools’ bookshop has been tormented by the following problems:

Poor book layout in the shop.

Dirty and stuffy hallway

Time wasted in searching for desired books.

Time wasted in attending to students.

Conflicting, ambiguous, and insufficient record keeping for daily transactions

Sales and monies received are recorded manually on a rough book. As a result, the books are susceptible to physical damage, information loss, and dust accumulation.

The control system is time consuming, inaccurate, and inefficient, and the atmosphere is not user-friendly.

Human mistake is a common source of inaccuracies.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

The study aims to

To create a computerised sales management system for an organisation to determine a company’s stock level, when to order more goods, and to keep track of transaction status and updates, so assisting with progress level, stock taking, and management decisions.

The study’s objectives were divided into two categories: general and specific.

1.3.1 General Objective

To improve sales record keeping at GBEMADE MINI SAWMIILL AND WOOD WORK SERVICES.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

To assess the current system and determine both user and system needs for a sales management information system.

To create a new sales management information system that will maintain daily cash sales, inventory purchases, invoice statements, and generate reports.

Implement and validate the new system for logical conclusions.

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