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Chapter One: Introduction 1.0

The hospital is responsible for supplying drugs to various residents of the zone at certain drug rates. Billing has been performed manually since the hospital’s founding.

The manual system in use is inefficient; a large amount of paperwork must be completed, and receipts, regardless of patient, take a long time to prepare.

Due to the large number of drug users, patient records that are used to make managerial decisions are extremely difficult to obtain manually. As a result of the problems and errors that occur with such a system, the computer-based billing system has proven to be quite helpful.

1.1 Background of Study

Roseanna Hospital Owerri, the case study, is one of Owerri’s well-equipped hospitals. It has nine (9) training schools/programmers within the hospital.

According to the researcher’s investigations, the hospital’s first method of recording was manual, transitioning from an automated to a computerised system that lacked some aspects such as patient and nurse records.

The hospital is a crucial element of our society, and healthcare providers must do their work efficiently and effectively. Every day, hundreds of thousands of patients visit healthcare institutions, making it difficult for administrators to keep things running properly.

Employees must manage and integrate clinical, financial, and operational data that expands with the practice. Information technology has had a huge impact on the healthcare business.

Several information systems and their associated products have made their way into the hospital environment over the last decade. Investments in technology and hospital systems have increased.

This is because paper medical records are inconvenient, bulky, and difficult to handle. On the other hand, digital records are considerably easier to manage and boost workflow efficiency by merging multiple jobs.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Historically, medical billing has been plagued by various factors depending on the current manual process:

– Files and records are not adequately maintained.

– Errors are easily made and rarely caught.

– Information is not properly kept.

The main purpose of this project is to completely eliminate all of these inconsistencies through the use of computers.


The primary goal of this project is to create an online medical billing system that would generate bills for patients in a certain area. A computer-based system can be either “batched” or “interactive.”

A batched processing system collects and prepares transactions for input and processing as a single unit. There may be some delay between the occurrence of the original event and the subsequent processing of the transactions. Interactive systems allow users to enter data in reaction to the information displayed on the screen.

The project’s aims include the following:

– A speedier way of charging a patient.

– Reducing redundancy of files

– Generate monthly billing transaction information.

– Improving billing efficiency.

– A faster way of computing revenue.

1.5 Significance of the Study

To eliminate stress, anomalies, irregularities, time consumption, and operating costs associated with various areas of record control.

To increase the standard of computers to a higher level in the organisation and in society.

With the advancement of the internet, it is now possible to pay for medical procedures online in the same way that other goods and services can be purchased online.


The scope of this study, which is also the domain or problem area, is specifically the case study of this research effort “penults hospital Enugu”, and it is to develop a programme that will efficiently handle the operations of a hospital billing system.

A programme that will be interactive, which means there will be a time/opportunity for the operator to input data to the computer.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Due to time and cost constraints, I was unable to visit a few organisations to acquire information about the current system. Few hospitals were visited, and the information acquired from the personnel in charge served as the basis for the design of the new system.


1.7 Definition of Terms

This portion of the chapter deals mostly with the definition of terminology as connected to the project topic “BILLING SYSTEM”.


The term “BILL” refers to a written or printed account or statement of money owed for goods or services provided or rendered to clients. Telephone bills, for example, are issued by telecommunications businesses.


Billing is described as the process of generating an invoice to charge clients for the use of goods and/or services.


A computer is an election machine or device that operates under the control of stored Health Care Management Solution (system software), automatically accepting data as input, processing it, and outputting information as output.

SYSTEM: A system is a hospital pharmacy network of interrupted procedures that work together to complete a certain task.

SCHEDULE: – A plan that lists all of the work that needs to be done and when each task must be completed.

MANUAL:- This is a physical method of carrying out intervention.

DUTIES TIME INTERVAL:- The time interval between the commencement of duties and the end of duties each day.

DRUGS: A substance used to cure a sickness, alleviate a symptom, or alter a chemical process in the body for a specific reason.

MEDICATIONS: One or more medications

Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system. Monitors, keyboards, printers, mice, etc.

Hospital: A health centre where people who are ill or injured receive medical treatment and care.

Files are collections of connected records.

Information is data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient and believed to be valuable in the recipient’s current or future decisions or actions.

Management is the practice of completing tasks efficiently with and through other people.

Nursing is a career that focuses on helping individuals, families, and communities achieve, maintain, and recover optimal health and function.

Modern nursing is defined as a science and an act that focuses on increasing quality of life as defined by individuals and families throughout their life experiences, from birth to end-of-life care.

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