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Granting people the statutory right to have access to their medical information is relatively new, having its foundation in the Access to Health information Act 1990, which came into force on November 1, 1991.

As a result of this act, patients were permitted, subject to specific protections, to view their own manual health records created after this date, as well as earlier records if they were required to interpret the latter.

A patient record or health record is a systematic record of a patient’s medical history and care. The term’medical record’ refers to both the physical folder for each individual patient and the body of information included within it, which represents the sum of each patient’s health history.

Patient records are highly personal documents, and there are numerous ethical and legal concerns about them, such as the level of third-party access and acceptable storage and disposal.

General automation has a significant impact on the global economy and everyday life. The Patient Information Management System (PIMS) is an automated system for managing and administering patient information.

Its purpose is to deliver real-time information to the administration and workers, making their work more engaging and less stressful.

1.1 Background of Study

The services provided at Delhatu Specialist Hospital in Lafia are mostly curative and preventive in nature, and are available in the hospital’s clinic unit, X-ray/ultrasound unit, laboratory, and dental unit. Other services include inpatient hospitalisation (ward) for medicine administration, physiotherapy, and family planning.

The hospital provides 24 hour services to its employees and the general public. Due to the increasing number of patients at Dalhatu Specialist Hospital, the patient records have gradually dwindled. Because the system is reliant on paper, this resulted in inadequate record keeping.

The current manual system has resulted in a number of issues, including unnecessary duplication of data, particularly for inpatients and outpatients, inconsistency, which may occur because data is held more than once, and the inability to analyse the data, making it difficult to trace the flow of patient past medication data.

The new Dalhatu Specialist Hospital addition houses various departments, including medicine, surgery, psychiatry, public health, ear, nose, eyes, and throat, casualty, obstetrics, and gynaecology, among others.

Patient record and disease pattern documentation is concerned with the documentation of information acquired from patients and their specific health system in order for it to work correctly.

If this information is not properly documented, causing some data to be misplaced, the health-care system will be inefficient. The inpatient record is kept on a computerised database system with a secure procedure for accessing it if one of the units of the STD/AIDS control programme (STD/HCP) has a server doctor at the consultant level who is assisted by three doctors, a secretary,

five medical assistants, seven nurses, trained consolers and part-time statisticians, and two laboratory technologists as the head of unit. The following diseases are addressed at the unit: syphilis, molluscus, scabies, public lice, gonorrhoea, trichomoiasis, gentle mart, etc.

Patient information, both past and present, is incredibly important in providing patient care since it aids physicians in establishing the proper diagnosis.


1.2 Objective of the Study

Several potential advantages of using automated patient medical records over paper records have been offered. However, there is disagreement on the extent to which these are achieved in practice. Because of the project’s importance to Dalhatu Specialist Hospital, the objectives of this project are as follows.

Improve quality of care:- Implementing a patient medical record can assist reduce patient suffering caused by medical errors and the inability to analyse and access quality. Automated medical records claim to help cut medical costs by assisting health care staff in making decisions.

Record keeping and mobility:- Automated patient records have the advantage of being able to connect to several electronic medical record systems.

Promote evidence-based medicine:- Automated patient medical records give researchers access to an unprecedented amount of hospital and clinical data, which can help to expedite our understanding of effective medical procedures.

These benefits may be realistic in the sense that automated medical records are interoperable and widely distributed, allowing different systems to easily share information.

To offer a useful and flexible programme that would enhance the present system at Dalhatu Specialist Hospital Lafia.

To automate operations and report based on entered information, you can anticipate to execute medical processes in a non-computerized setting.

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