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1.0 Introduction

Recent improvements in personal computing and wireless local area network (LAN) technologies have resulted in low-cost laptop and palmtop computers that can connect wirelessly. A portable computer equipped with a wireless LAN adaptor can communicate directly with other wireless computers.

A wireless mobile computer communicates with computers located far away via a nearby access station. Normally, an access station is a stationary computer with a wireless interface that connects to traditional network infrastructure via terrestrial links.

In particular, an access station that connects to the global TCP/IP Internet can connect a wireless mobile computer to other computers located all over the world.The wireless interface of an access station can offer wireless coverage for a small geographical area of around 50 metres in diameter.

Mobile computers in the neighbourhood can use radio signals to communicate with the access station. Because one access station can only give wireless coverage in a limited region, many access stations are required to provide coverage over a vast area.

Connecting numerous access stations to the internet causes routing issues when a mobile computer migrates from one access station to another.

Consider the example internet shown in Figure 1.1.


Figure 1.1 depicts an example internet that supports wireless mobile communication.

In the illustration, two access stations, A and B, connect to the internet. Mobile computer M communicates with computer C using access station A and two routers, R1 and

R2. To preserve network connectivity when M migrates into access station B’s coverage area, B must detect M’s arrival and then propagate a routing update message to allow packets meant for M to be forwarded to itself.

Because M may communicate with an arbitrary collection of computers connected to the campus internet, B must propagate the routing update message to all routers and other access stations on the internet in order to achieve optimal routing.

It is important to note that packets carrying the routing update message compete with data packets for network bandwidth.The burden of propagating routing updates is particularly noticeable on a major university campus, where 50,000 mobile computers are concentrated in a compact geographic region.

More importantly, mobile device movements at a university are vast and synchronised, with a large percentage of the population migrating to new locations with each change of class.

Without careful planning, the university internet may encounter network congestion when most students attempt to interact from new locations, affecting both mobile and non-mobile computers on campus.

Congestion exacerbates the situation by delaying or losing routing updates, pushing data packets to take less-than-optimal pathways.

Students’ mobile computers have diverse capacities, which complicates the design. Students are more likely to choose for mobile devices that run a choice of operating systems and CPUs. We want a design that can accommodate such diversity.

This dissertation presents research in the field of wireless data communication. The study looks into how to construct a wireless data communication system capable of supporting mobile internet on a major university campus. The system should exhibit the following qualities.

Can handle massive amounts of routing update traffic.

Provide appropriate routing to each wireless mobile computer.

Protect the campus internet from mobility management traffic.

Provide seamless wireless mobile internet access without requiring any changes to the networking software on mobile computers, non-mobile PCs, or routers in the existing Internet.

1.1 Statement of Problem

Cable connections are limited to certain locations; wireless connections can be made anywhere. Inflexible and pricey, they limit students to specified venues where they can study, research, and learn.

A Simply Wireless Local Area Network is an option worth examining. A wireless LAN can be installed fast and affordably on your campus. Whether you want to wirelessly enable a school or an MBA institution

Simply Wireless is the wireless networking company to talk to. Simply Wireless has extensive experience in the educational market, and is now working with some of the top universities, post-primary schools, and MBA programmes.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

This initiative has various objectives, which include:

Laptops are portable, and wireless internet connectivity is becoming increasingly common. With a wireless network, the computers join quickly when they enter into class and even on their way there.

Accelerate learning: Because everyone learns differently, some pupils learn faster and others slower. Using networked computers and a wireless network, teachers can develop assignments that allow students to work at their own leisure.

Flexible Classroom Layout: Want to rearrange desks for a specific class. Do you need to add extra students to the classroom network? Simply Wireless’ wireless LAN eliminates the need for cables or data ports, giving you greater flexibility. Moving computers becomes as simple as moving a tram.

For Science Teachers: Science lessons can now take place anywhere. The lab is frequently a challenging location to cable; but, with a wireless network, students can input data as experiments are taking place and outcomes are being observed.

Web-based wireless learning is clever. Wireless makes it easier for pupils to complete their online assignments. They can access the school network from the library or cafeteria, allowing them to learn from anywhere.

In summary, you get the flexibility, portability, and affordability you want, as well as the confidence of Intel reliability and industry-leading knowledge.

Computers on wheels: If you don’t have enough money to put a computer in each classroom, wireless is a simple method to maximise your technology investment. You can easily roll your computer pool to different classrooms as needed.

Students will utilise computers more frequently, and they will be cycled on an hourly basis as needed. Students can utilise the computer pool, connect to the school network, and complete assignments from anywhere with wireless connection, including the library. Wireless technology allows laptops to move easily across the school, including portable classrooms and the playground.

More students, less capital spend in IT: Your goal is to connect your school to the World Wide Web and other educational resources while staying within a limited budget.

Can you meet community expectations while sticking to your budget? The solution is a Simply Wireless LAN. Its modular design enables simple network expansions as needed.

1.3 Significance of the Study

In universities, there is no need to wait in queue for a library computer. Students conducting research can use their wifi equipped laptops to take notes, connect to the Internet, and even print from the library.

Computers and computer networks are widely used in education. Wireless networks are becoming increasingly popular in educational establishments. Compared to traditional cable, wireless provides a durable, secure, scalable, and cost-effective way to link teachers and students to the information they use on a daily basis. The main benefits of a campus wireless network are:

Increased flexibility

Students and teachers can connect anywhere they need to, rather than only in dedicated computer labs.

Scalable: your wireless network may expand as needed. Install an access point in the hallway, and multiple classes will be connected to the WLAN immediately. There is no need to lay cables; instead, select where and how many data ports to put.

Dollars and Sense

A cheaper and less obtrusive alternative to cable.

1.4 Scope of Study

The goal of this project is to build a campus-wide wireless network that is portable, adaptable, and easily extendable. A universe of information is available when and where it is required.

Schools can provide network connectivity to new classrooms without investing in space that will only be used temporarily. With a Simply Wireless LAN, your educational facility may avoid costly rewiring or messy, disruptive construction. Students and teachers are immediately connected.

Students, faculty, and administrative staff can roam throughout campus while maintaining continuous network connection.

1.5 Definition of Terms

This section defines the vocabulary used throughout the remainder of this dissertation.

General Networking Terms:

A network is a communication system in which computers can share data. A packet is a data block that is sent from one computer to another via a network. A router is a dedicated computer that connects to two or more networks and routes data between them. An internet is a set of physically interconnected networks that use routers.

A communication channel is a conduit through which data used for communication travels. A communication link (or link) is a physical medium through which computers can transmit data.

A frame is the fundamental unit of message transmission via a communication network.A frame provides information that enables network interface hardware to capture the data within it.

The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is the highest quantity of data that can be transferred via a communication link in a single frame.

A host is an end-user computer that connects to the Internet using TCP/IP. A data gramme (or IP data gramme) is a packet that travels across a TCP/IP network. TCP connections are abstractions given by the TCP protocol software.

With a TCP connection between two programmes, one may safely provide data streams to the other. TCP ensures that each byte of data is delivered in sequence and without loss.

A local area network (LAN) is a network that employs technology intended to cover a small geographic region. Ethernet is an example of a local area network. A wireless LAN is a local area network that allows hosts to communicate wirelessly with one another.

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