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1.1 Background for the Study

When computers were first conceived, they were very few, sluggish, huge, and expensive, preventing broad adoption. The machine’s subsequent development concentrated on more profitable marketplaces, the economy, industry, information diffusion, the development of new kinds of culture, and consumers.

The majority of this application was not educational. However, with the growing number of students and teachers, as well as the wide range of activities that take place in the school system, computers are being used in a variety of ways, including computer-aided instruction, in which the system is used as an artificial intelligence that performs some kind of intelligence (i.e., intelligence sense) and teaches a type of instruction. Joseph, 1992.

One of the most common uses of computers in education has been for test scoring, in which standard sheets are utilised, passed through reading devices connected to computers, and graded together into enormous information files so that results can be compared.

Aside from that, computers are employed in school administration to automate grade reporting, student registration, and class scheduling.(Bader 2008) They are also used to transcribe and preserve the contents of library books on tapes and other media.

Other administrative applications include preparing payroll for personnel in the educational system, addressing numerical difficulties, and analysing outcomes. All of these applications are valuable to the educational system, but they are not part of the educational instruction process.

As a result, the introduction of low-cost and powerful microcomputers has enabled computers’ full potential in education to be realised and harnessed, bringing the era of the electronic classroom one step closer.

This leads to a fundamental shift in the way people utilise computers. (Allison, 1990) Teachers of all subjects are using micros in novel and imaginative ways to enhance their teaching in schools, colleges, and universities;

commercial word processing packages can be used to produce worksheets and reports, assist students with spelling, and in a variety of other ways that are far removed from the original function as a typewriter.

Spreadsheets bring statistics to life, allowing students to engage with real-world data in geography, history, economics, and other areas. (Ruth, 1992) This effect has been felt throughout the curriculum, and computer-aided instruction is an excellent tool for illustrating software concepts and assisting students in better comprehending them.

The primary goal of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is to communicate with the student. The most significant design element is the use of an interface.

For the purposes of this study project, I formally based on the most widely used intelligent system, intelligent computer aided instruction (ICAI), also known as computer aided instruction (CAI). (Leffler, 1989).

In a simple system, this includes screen design, keyboard use, and the student’s ability to influence the software’s behaviour. CAI offers a variety of advantages. It not only allows for appropriate course evaluation from the perspective of the teachers, but it can also provide students with ongoing opportunities for self-evaluation and remedial education tailored to the student’s specific requirements using CAI techniques.

The impact of computer-based learning is primarily felt by students, teachers, and departments. It features one-on-one computer interaction between students. It is a more efficient and cost-effective way to study.


1.2 Statement of Problem

However, the usage of Computer Aided Learning (CAL) can make a difference in that learning occurs when students are highly motivated to participate in learning-promoting activities. CAL has the potential to improve any common student weaknesses in learning how to configure and use computer hardware.

As a result, the goal of this study was to investigate the potential of Computer Aided Learning in hardware education to identify pre-service instructors who lacked basic computer hardware competency and successfully fix their deficiencies.

Three issues exist that will tend to hinder the Researchers’ attempts to examine the effectiveness of CAL. The problems are:

(i) First, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find parents willing to have their child participate in a control group while his peers recover from CAL.

(ii) The second issue concerns data collecting while thousands of microcomputers are operating as separate entities.

(iii) The third issue is the challenge of achieving homogeneity in software when hundreds of distinct CAL programmes are being used.

1.3 Goals and Objectives of the Study

This project uses interactive software for computer-aided education to enable open-minded students assess the potential of computer-assisted learning while also providing practical assistance and simple exercises to those who are already convinced.

The project’s goal is to solve numerous teaching-related challenges in order to achieve learning efficiency and exact clarity on computer architecture, hardware instruction, and simple interactive debugging.

It primarily functions as a teacher’s assistant, assisting teachers in carrying out numerous procedures associated with their duties. The objectives are:-

To implement a method for maximising learning efficiency in the least amount of time.

To relieve lecturers of the burden of needing to come to class to dictate lecture notes or write on chalkboards.

To discover how teachers and students might improve their learning efficiency by using computer simulation.

To allow students to revise lectures and lesson notes at their leisure.

To provide consistency in teaching through a range of presentations and to deliver right answers to questions.

To prepare and empower teachers so that they can improve student learning and construct learner-centered classroom procedures.

To train and equip teachers so that they can improve student learning and construct learner-centered classroom practices using technology.

1.4. Methodology

Reading textbooks, searching the internet, and observation all contributed to a thorough understanding of the tutorial software project.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study’s significance is to determine the feasibility of employing computers to automate educational activities. To see how the computer can help you attain better results. It is also intended to assist and improve communication between students and teachers.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

According to Michael Carbo’s Book on Computer Hardware Architecture, the application’s tutorial materials are not presented in audio or animated video format. It uses both text and still images to complete its goal.

However, the software does not cover the whole hardware architecture curriculum offered in Nigerian higher education institutions. It is restricted to basic computer hardware architecture. Michael, 1996.

1.7 Project Layout

This study is divided into five chapters. These chapters consist of the following:

The first chapter of this project introduces the general work of the project. It also includes the problem statement, project goals and objectives, research importance, study scope and limitations, and report organisation.

The second chapter discusses review-related journals and books. It discusses an overview of computer aided learning, the many types of computer aided learning programmes, the benefits of computer aided learning, artificial intelligence, and the challenges with artificial intelligence.

Chapter three discusses the methods utilised for data collecting, the current procedure, the faults with the existing system, the suggested system, and the basic benefits of the proposed web-based application.

The fourth chapter deals with the system’s design, implementation, and documentation. The design includes the system design, output and input design forms, database structure, and system procedure.

The implementation process includes the specific implementation techniques utilised, the programming language chosen, and the hardware and software support required. The system documentation covers both its operation and maintenance.

Chapter five covers the summary, experience gained, conclusion, advice, and references.

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