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Chapter 1: Designing and Implementing a Computer-Based Population Census Information System (1.0 Introduction)

The population census information system is fundamental to all population-related activities. A population census is the entire process of gathering, compiling, evaluating, analysing, and disseminating demographic, economic, and social statistics for all people in a country or territory at a given moment.

To ensure a successful census, those for whom plans have been established must be adequately educated and fully informed about the arrangements.

In other words, public awareness, enlightenment, and education about the census are unavoidable prerequisites for a successful operation. This function, while significant, is in addition to the National Population Commission (NPC).

As a result, the commission cannot devote significant resources to it because it cannot handle the task professionally in the same manner that the media can.

This is because the media owns and retains the most powerful techniques and technical formats for effectively publicising any event. This means that the NPC has no choice but to cultivate, cherish, and maintain a friendly relationship with the media.

1.1 Brief History of the National Population Commission (NPC).

The National Population Commission (NPC) is situated in Calabar, where it was previously known as the “Bureau of Population”. In 1988, it became critical that Akwa Ibom was physically fit for its formation.

Mr. Isaac Udoukpong was the Head and Acting Assistant Director at the time, and the commission’s office was located at No. 2 Oku Street in Uyo Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State.

In 1990, the term “Bureau of Population” was changed to National Population Commission (NPC) in preparation for the 1991 National Census. Following the 1991 census, Mr. N. A. Nsudu took over as state director.

The current state director is Mr. Benjamin Isaac Nda-Obong. Mr. Francis Mosses Ekpo is the Honourable Commissioner that represents Akwa Ibom Satae on the board of the commission.

He works both in Akwa Ibom state and in Abuja. Mr. Mfoniso Umoden is the head of population management, and Mrs. Mercy Darnley is the comptroller at the NPC Uyo L.G.A office.

Chief Iheama Duru was appointed as chairman of the National Population Commission in November 2012. She is assisted by 37 commissioners, one from each state in the country, including the federal capital territory. Finally, the NPC’s office is located at No. 15 Akpan Essien Lane in Uyo L.G.A, Akwa Ibom state.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Historically, the National Population Commission (NPC) would process its data or records manually, which made the entire process tedious, time-consuming, and unable to keep up with current records or data.

The storage facility was inadequate and could not provide a real and accurate result at the end of the exercise because they would be transporting data from one location to another.

NPCs have a tendency to lose their records and data obtained over the planned period, and their results at the end of the exercise are not accurate or reliable.

Since this has previously been a problem for them, there is a solution before the 2016 population census begins: set up a competent computer for the storage of information acquired by developing a database system for their use.

This database system will solve their problems with saving, retrieving, and compiling data, keeping it up to current, and making it easy to utilise in an emergency. Finally, their staff must be trained on how to run the proposed technology.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The goal of this project is to build and implement a computer-based information system for the National Population Commission that will help keep up-to-date and correct data in the following areas:

Determine the total number of people in a given area.

Determining the gender makeup, marital status, and occupation of the population at various administrative divisions, for example
Assisting with person identification

Understanding the levels of literacy and illiteracy

Knowing the degree of employment and unemployment.

To plan for future needs and reasonable future growth.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Because the Population Census Information System is so crucial, especially with the upcoming 2016 census, the significance of this study is to aid in the following areas:

EDUCATION: Data collecting from the population census will help the government to determine
The number of individuals who can read and write.

The educational standing of the literate.

The number of school-aged children who are currently not in school.

The number of schools that will be offered.

HEALTH: The collected data will help the government at all levels plan for information on
Numbers of people and their healthcare needs

The amount allotted for health requirements.

The quantity of hospitals should be provided.

ASSESSMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES: The data obtained will be used to evaluate the government’s numerous development programmes.

EMPLOYMENT: This will help in determining the levels of employment/unemployment for future planning and job creation by supplying the following information:

Number of employees and nature of work

Distribution of unemployed individuals

Number of students in schools who will need work in the near future.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

Because the topic of population census information systems is broad, the scope of this research effort is limited to head counting in the Uyo local government area, which includes estimated villages under the National Population Commission (NPC) Uyo.


1.6 Organisation of the Study

This project research is divided into five chapters: the first will provide a broad introduction to the population census information system, a statement of the challenges, aims, relevance, scope/limitations of the study, and definitions of terms employed.

The second chapter will consist of a review of the associated literature. System analysis and design will be covered in Chapter 3, followed by system testing and implementation in Chapter 4. Chapter five will provide a summary, recommendations, and conclusion to the entire project.


1.7 Definition of Terms Used in the Study.

To ensure clarity in this research project’s work, and to avoid any specific geographical location at a given period.
CENSUS: The word “census” comes from the verb ‘censere’, which implies ‘to assess’ or ‘to estimate’ rather than ‘to count’ (The Encyclopaedia American, 1951). A census is thus the systematic collection and recording of information about members of a certain population.

Population information is the act and process of raising awareness, enlightening, and educating the general public about population activity methods (Ahmed Hameed NPC 1991 Analysis).

SYSTEM: The term “system” is derived from the Greek term systema, which meaning “to place together.” A system is defined as a collection of related components that work together to complete a task or achieve a goal.

Population data is a compilation of information and figures about a country’s demographic structures.

ENUMERATION AREA DEMARCATION (EAD): The split of the country’s total land area into small units that a pair of enumerators may easily cover during a given period.

A computer is an electronic machine that can accept data, process it, and provide results.

DEMOGRAPHIC: This refers to statistical data on a population, particularly those that reveal average age, income, and education levels.

To clear up any uncertainty about word usage, the following terminology have been defined.

POPULATION: This is the total number of people living in a community.


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