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Chapter 1: Design and Implementation of a Computerised Child Care Information System – Introduction.


Background of the study
Children are the cord’s heritage, and the offspring of the womb is his recompense. As arrows are in the hands of the great man, so are offspring of the youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. (ps127:3-5)

The African child’s vital place in the family, society, and nation is not an exaggeration and should not be underestimated. The child is regarded as the life.

The family and society as a whole are so intertwined that any couple who does not have a kid is looked down upon and occasionally sympathised with.

There is a need to understand who a child is and what constitutes child care.

In traditional and even contemporary African cultures, different ethnic groups have different ideas about who is a child. While some see a child as someone who can contribute to the development of society, others see it as someone who has not yet reached the age of initiation into the age grade. Sven in contemporary Nigeria as an example Olukoshi et al. (1990) proposed that.

There is no single appropriate age that is regarded as a suitable definition of the upper limit of childhood. The age at which a child becomes legally responsible for his or her actions

the age at which childhood begins in terms of the right to vote and be voted for, and the age regarded by the federal ministry of youth, culture, and education as the upper limit of childhood are all different.

Even internationally, there are various definitions of who is a child. While the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Population Division define a child as someone under the age of 18, the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as any human being under the age of 18.

Despite the fact that there are differing perspectives and views on what the age limit of a child is, this author believes that a child is anyone between birth and the completion of physiological, psychological, and physical development. In other words, everybody born between the ages of zero and eighteen is a child.

kid care, on the other hand, is a sort of human act that jeopardises the physical, psychological, and featuring of the kid either purposefully or inadvertently. Child care is characterised on the continuum by sexual care (either cast agreed or by agreement).

Child labour.

Children are smart.

Child Self-Control

Child is honest.

Child is dependable.

Child efficient, respectful.

Child is not the breadwinner

Child is not hungry away from home.

Offering a youngster food and shelter

Giving an educational right to a kid

Giving medical assertion for a youngster

Avoiding abandoning a kid

Avoiding child slavery; abandonment of a child

Avoiding child slavery.

Child acre refers to the activities of parents/guardians providing basic requirements and deeds for their children in order to ensure their well-being. Caring can also take the form of providing appropriate resources for the child’s current and future well-being.

They also do not have the problem of misplacing vita information or records as a result of services not being available or supplied when needed, duplication of effort owing to irregularity in activities, and time spent searching for files when they are necessary for processing.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Every organisation faces several issues. An organisation like UNICEF faces documentation issues such as misplacement of vital information or cases as a result of the services that are available or rendered when needed, duplication of effort due to inconsistency in activities, and a significant amount of time is spent searching for files or reported cases when they are required for processing.

Sit is really this problem that is uncovered that promotes the design and deployment of a comprehensive child care information system to enable the organisation to perform more efficiently.


The goal of this research is to create and implement a system that will eliminate the above-mentioned issues, such as misplacement of vital reported cases papers and records, duplication of work, and a significant amount of time spent searching for and processing cases and files.



The project’s goals and objectives are to investigate how the organisation (UNICEF) achieves its operational goals and conducts other operations.

It sought to detect difficulties that provide an obstacle in order to alter processes and design a new computerised system that will be more efficient and accurate, such as:

In the event that important documents are misplaced, a computer will be utilised to record, store, and retrieve a vast amount of documents. This will eliminate the duplication of efforts due to inconsistency in activities and the time spent searching for files when they are required for processing.



This study focuses on computerised child care and the operations of UNICEF’s Enugu information centre. Despite the fact that this centre conducts a wide range of activities. This study is thus focused with childcare and caring manipulation of both the carer and the reporter of a case.

Limitations of the Study
Due to a limitation of time and resources, the study is limited to a certain area including the collection of cases from customers and personnel records and processing them using a computer.

1.7 Assumption.

Apparently, when I began this assignment, I anticipated that it would be completed successfully through the division of God’s grace and the collaboration of UNICEF workers in providing me with the necessary dates and information.

In terms of material, monetary, and personnel resources, the researcher put me on par with them. In fact, it is assumed that facts are valid.


1.8 Definition of Terms

A child: A child denotes every human being under the age of 18 years, unless the child’s majority is acquired under the applicable law.

Childcare is defined as any human behaviour that endangers the child’s physical, psychological, or future well-being, whether purposefully or unintentionally.

Child caring refers to the act of providing a child’s fundamental needs, rights, and deals by parents/guardians, peers, the government, and the cultural community in order to ensure a child’s well-being. Caring can also take the shape of proper provision of resources for the welfare of the kid today and in the future.

A flowchart is a graphical representation of the logical steps and sequences involved in a method or programme.

Dates can be defined as sets of non-random symbols (words, value figures) that indicate events that have occurred.

Information: This is the resource that allows for the gathering, management, control, and dissemination of information inside an organisation.

Monitoring: This is to keep an eye on who is denying children their rights and take the appropriate steps to stop it.

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