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Introduction to the C++ programming language.

Background of the study.

Learning is one of the most important human activities, requiring concentration combined with interactivity, a clear and distinct understanding of the facts stated or discussed, strong communication skills and techniques, and appealing learning characteristics such as colourful pictorial presentations of information, among other things.

Nonetheless, not all learning processes are deemed effective. Effectiveness can be assumed to have been achieved if approximately 100% of the population lectured assimilates the knowledge and/or ideas;

however, this is quite different when the population size is very large and certain un-conducive learning conditions exist, such as noise, poor ventilation, and extreme temperatures.

Many elements must be considered before effective learning can occur. In most situations, these elements are caused by teachers, students, teaching and learning media or resources, and the learning environment, including its structures.

For example, if a teacher lacks communication skills and techniques, students will struggle to comprehend. Similarly, if the necessary media or materials for teaching and learning are not provided or are insufficiently provided, students’ understanding of the subject topic or issue being discussed may suffer.

Furthermore, the duration of teaching and learning, the rate of comprehension, and individual learning styles all have an impact on students’ knowledge assimilation and may influence how well the teacher covers the teaching plan.

These variables will undoubtedly impede effective teaching and learning by both the teacher and the students (see figure 1 in the appendix).

Most notably, the elements influencing effective learning are pronounced in learning aspects when an intensive or highly practical approach is necessary to impact knowledge on pupils.

For example, in computer science, extensive practical expertise is necessary, particularly in computer networking, programming, and maintenance. Certain elements, such as the duration of practical teaching and learning, insufficient computers, availability of computer laboratories, and poor power supply, all have an impact on students’ practical equipment.

As a result, it is commonly observed that most computer science students with little or no practical knowledge use the services of a roadside “computer training institute” because it is not financially intensive and there is a high demand for the services.

This approach, by such students, has a high tendency of influencing incorrect knowledge on students, particularly on the terms and explanations of concepts found or used in the computer science world. As a result, there is a need to address this disparity and guarantee that students meet the practical standards needed of them.

The advancements achieved in the computer world through the development of advanced hardware, software, and other technologies may be used to rectify the condition.

Exploring multimedia’s powerful capabilities and implementing them in teaching and learning processes through the creation of learning materials and products such as e-books, computer assisted learning (CAI), computer aided instruction (CAT), computer based training (CBT), internet based training, and others would go a long way towards improving students’ practical and theoretical knowledge.

With the high quality content value of the e-learning products and the attractive multimedia features integrated in them, a student can readily acquire such knowledge (even in the absence of an instructor and the required physical setting) through repetition

Accessing the e-learning resources and following the animated directions provided therein. Finally, the case study computer science department, federal polytechnic nekede, owerri was chosen because of its vicinity.

Statement of the Problem

It is evident that computer science students must be both practical and intellectually competent in order to handle the obstacles that await them in the labour market. Disappointingly, most computer science students are not well prepared before entering the labour market.

Students are frequently discovered to be the most frequent consumers of the side “computer training institute” and, as a result, may not receive the worth of services they sought.

This situation has been attributed to many claims, in most cases, made by both students and teachers about the pattern of teaching and learning.

For example, students claim that the majority of teachers have poor teaching communication skills, and teachers blame inadequate teaching and learning facilities and/or infrastructure for ineffective learning.

As a result, the challenge revolves around effective teaching and learning procedures that have an impact on and progress students’ theoretical and practical knowledge.


Due to the difficulties encountered during teaching and learning processes, this project aims to implement e-learning through the development of a web site that will be published on the internet, a CAL application package that will be installed on a computer, and an e-book in portal document format (PDF); this is to provide different remedy platforms for the shortcomings found in traditional teaching and learning procedures.

Focusing on the aforementioned, the study’s objectives are to produce e-learning programmes capable of:

providing coherent instruction for the chosen subject themes.

Allowing for individual learning styles.

Encourages learning and mastery of the specific topics covered.

Improving pupils’ practical knowledge and broadening their academic knowledge.

Developing a more interactive learning approach.

Overcoming most elements that influence learning, such as noise.

Promoting student attentiveness while learning.

Accommodation provides the learner with an unlimited learning schedule.

Encourages fast information assimilation.

Providing accurate, high-quality content value.

Significance of the Study

This project employs a combination of multimedia features, minor artificial intelligence characteristics, and human-computer interaction concepts to create a website for both online and offline e-learning.

Both e-learning courses are meant to teach the c++ programming language at a basic level. These offered e-learning routes are departures from the standard teaching and learning technique, therefore their main importance is as follows:

Traditional classroom methods have a strong tendency to adapt to the many aspects influencing student learning (see table 1 in the appendix for further details). However, with the implementation of e-learning, these elements may have little or no impact on the student.

As a result, the goal of this project is to create an e-learning application that is engaging by providing various learning platforms and skilled use of multimedia, resulting in improved effective learning and a reduction in teachers’ teaching workload.

The cost of learning materials could be much lower as compared to traditional learning materials or conventional instructional systems. This is accomplished, however, in this project by giving the user with free access to content of limited value.

Reducing the duration of teaching and learning, as well as strengthening teachers’ efforts–according to some research, employing e-learning products can reduce training time by up to 60% compared to the traditional classroom method. (khoo, 1994).

These, in turn, boost the rate of information assimilation and allow teachers to focus more attention on other areas where pupils struggle. This is primarily accomplished in this project through the employment of specific technology characteristics such as multimedia features.

Aside from the primary importance of the study, other reasons such as protecting students from assimilating incorrect information passed on by quacks, insufficient learning and teaching materials, difficulties in accessing information on time, and general factors affecting effective learning could be addressed.



The proposed e-learning solutions are designed to promote effective learning through the use of interactive presentations. Furthermore, the products are intended to be utilised by computer science students who have little or no prior experience of the C++ programming language.

The product contents are designed to accommodate beginners in computer programming, and its use is not restricted to computer science students, but also to students from other disciplines who want to get basic fundamental understanding of programming using programming languages.

Certain security concerns, such as piracy, were moderately examined during the creation of the proposed products, with some security mechanisms, such as passwords, being included. Each of the suggested e-learning products has unique security requirements.

Passwords were used in the e-learning application package to differentiate between premium and free users. The internet application is intended to provide open, unfettered access in order to increase product awareness and promotion.

The e-book was generated in portal document format (PDF) to verify content validity. Nonetheless, the three e-learning goods lack robust pirate protection since more sophisticated hardware and software are developed on a daily basis, which are then exploited for computer product piracy.

Finally, the proposed e-learning products’ physiological and cognitive influence on their users can only be achieved through the application of multimedia elements and interface design. This is one of the most crucial duties that must be included in the merchandise.

This is accomplished in this learning application bundle by using a help menu and help animations; the internet application does the same goal by using hyperlinks, flash animations, and still images; and the e-book employs hyperlinks and still images.

The limitations and delimitations of the study

Aside from the standard risks and limitations associated with every project owing to time, scale, quality, and financing, a significant limitation occurs from the collection of information or data from the relevant personnel with a fair and unbiased judgement of the proposed e-learning products.

Many individuals, particularly expected users, were unwilling to provide input on the impact of the proposed products on them, while others preferred to provide haphazard information, which amounted to dirty data.

Furthermore, the study was hampered by the tendency to receive unfair and biassed information and materials (ranging from reference materials to development support devices) required for the implementation of the suggested e-learning product requirements.

Nonetheless, in an attempt to overcome these limitations, the study of other scholars and practitioners was combined with the findings of my project research evacuation and analysis. This strategy is used to assure accurate and good development practices.

Given the project’s multitasking nature, a significant amount of time and money will be necessary. As a result, the specifications of the planned e-learning products were tailored to the available financial budget.

However, attempts were made to maintain the quality of the e-learning products, achieve the project’s objectives, and complete the project within the stipulated time frame.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Software is a collection of logically related programme modules that are provided to a computer for the completion of a certain task or asset of task.

A programme module is a collection of one or more programme procedures, routines, functions, or events that handle a certain task or group of tasks.

A programme process is a collection of programme codes that respond to a specific action, such as a click, or may be requested for execution by another programme procedure, depending on its scope.

Programme routine – see programme procedure.

Programme function – This refers to a programme method that is used to complete a certain task, particularly mathematical operations, whenever they are called for execution. See also: programme procedure.

Refer to the programme process for more information about this event.

A programme is a collection of logically related instruction codes delivered to a computer that allows it to complete a specified task or sequence of events.

Application is equivalent with application software or application package. Application software is a type of software that runs on an operating system and is designed to perform a specific task connected to any human occupation.

Operating system is a collection of logically related programmes that allow the computer to manage its resources. The resources it maintains are hardware components.

System software is a type of software that is made up of other pieces of software designed to help the computer manage its resources and perform a specific set of tasks. The system software includes the operating system, programme translators, editors, and utility programmes.

Translator – also known as a programme translator, language translator, or programming language translator. This is software that translates or transforms programme codes from one programming language level to another. A translator can be an assembler, interpreter, or compiler.

filthy information, also known as filthy data. It is information that does not adhere to the guidelines for its distribution. For example, in a finger print that needs a ring finger, providing your date of birth rather than your date of employment.

High level programming language is a type of programming language that is very similar to human language. It needs a programme translator for its codes to make sense and be executed by the computer. Examples of high-level programming languages include BASIC, JAVA, HTML, C++, and PASCAL.

BASIC is a high-level programming language that is easy to learn and use. It can take the shape of a command-line programming language, for example. QBasic could take the shape of an object-oriented programming language, such as Visual Basic.

HTML is a programming language that may be used to create web documents. The acronym HTML stands for hypertext markup language. Other languages suitable for web development include XML (extended markup language) and XHTML (extended hypertext markup language).

A programming language is a set of grammatical principles (syntax or protocol) that are used to write and develop instructional codes for computer task performance.

Programming language application software enables the user to write and develop programmes and/or applications using a certain programming language. For example, the Visual Basic programming language.

Interpreter – this is a type of language translator that translates high-level programming codes into equivalents while also executing the programme codes line by line; this is accomplished if and only if the line of code contains no errors.

Compiler – a type of language translator that converts high-level programming language code to its low-level counterpart and makes it executable only if the full programme code is error-free.

Low-level programming languages are those that require language translators to be understood by computers. This type of programming language provides the advantages of machine independence, ease of debugging, and comparative display during programme execution. Examples include Basic, FORTAN, Java, Pascal, C, and C++, among others.

Debugging refers to discovering, repairing, or deleting mistakes in a source programme.

A source programme is a collection of programme codes that comprise instructions and responses to occurrences. It is typically used to instruct the computer on the appropriate reaction or task to be performed in response to a given action.

The source programme codes are typically run by the computer and cannot be seen by the user, particularly if the target programme is application software.

The user interface is the environment that the end-user sees and uses to interact with application software.

An event is an action performed by a computer system using its input devices or software.

Object code refers to the codes that appear when the source programme or source codes are executed. Object codes are shown in the user interface.

Media are the substances, materials, or tools used to store and transmit information or data. Media can also refer to channels, linkages, or materials that transmit data or information.

Learning media are materials that communicate information to students or allow students to extract knowledge from them. Examples include textbooks and novels, among others.

Multimedia, as used in this project, refers to media and content that incorporates a variety of content types.

Contents include knowledge and experiences that may be useful to the end user.

Content form relates to how information or content is displayed. The various aspects of multimedia determine its content. Examples include audio, video, and text, among others.

Content value relates to the usefulness of information found in media.

End-user, also known as user. This is an individual or organisation that uses a finished product or designs and develops one.

Hardware is a computer’s physical component that can be touched or felt. Example of a visual display unit (VDU).

CAL stands for Computer Assisted Learning. It is an application package aimed to help users learn a specific subject by providing tutorials, which may or may not be accompanied by questions. CAL is commonly referred to as tutorial software. CAL is quite similar to CAI and could be used interchangeably, however it may not always mean the same thing.

CAI is an abbreviation for computer-aided instruction. It is an application bundle meant to help the user learn and/or become familiar with a specific subject or area of life. CAI is typically a simulation of a real-world event or the true appearance of the subject on which the user is to be taught.

The majority of CAI is in the form of exam preparation tutorials such as the TOEFL (English as a Foreign Language Test) and safety training tutorials such as military combat training. Computer games are not always recognised as CAI applications, but rather entertainment application software.

Project – this is a finite endeavour with start and end dates to create a quantifiable product. It is made up of a succession of tasks that must be done individually within the time frame assigned to such a project.

Project completion time refers to the resources or inputs necessary to complete a project. The primary project resources are human and financial.

Data collection is the process of acquiring information or data from various sources within a problem-defined set. The acquired data is processed, and the results are utilised to validate the project’s proposed product.

The problem defined set is the population set for which an evaluation is required to verify the impact of the proposed product. For example, the problem-defined set for this project includes students (particularly computer science students) and teaching (the instructor who desires to introduce the C++ programming language).

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